Why do so many white guys have Asian fetishes? Is this as common in Europe as it is in the US?

Why do so many white guys have Asian fetishes? Is this as common in Europe as it is in the US?

What's the big appeal in Asian women?

I've always fantasized about sticking my tiny dick in between their slant eyes and blowing my load right in their corneas

Youre worried about that, when theres a dozen fucking trap and cuck threads?

Thats a good looking pussy, btw

>Thats a good looking pussy, btw
No pussy looks good you faggot.

Isnt there a trap thread somewhere you should be in?

i like women of lots of ethnicitys, the only women i dont like because i cant trust them are niggers and muslims

most any sexual attraction is due to biology. asians are obviously foreign from the perspective of a white guy. foreign = not possibly related, better chance for offspring to have more diverse genes and survival

I'm white as fuck and find Asians very unappealing.

Actual fag here, what makes for a good looking pussy in your opinion? It just looks like a slit to me.

actual bi here, i like both!!!

I'm white and prefer white/black women personally

So what makes for a nice pussy? Are Asians known for good looking cunts? I aways figured they would be really dark and unappealing.

Whats the point?
It would be like you telling me how beautiful a cock is... its not something Im interested in, so its not something I'll ever get.

Like fetishes.

Well, I won't be sexually attracted to it but I could understand if there are certain physical features that you like. I'm just curious what those are.

because asian women look like children and people want to fuck children

it feels great when you slide your dick in there, and most women have good hygene so it has a certain smell and taste that i like, same when it comes to sucking dick, a guy that has good hygene has a nice smelling dick and sucking a nice clean cock is great, it is one of my favorite hobbies is to make a guy cum so i can swallow it

Im not a good one to answer that... I love all types of them, its just a feeling in me.

When I was 7 the 7 year old girl next door and I used to make forts and play. At some point we showed our "privates" to each other... then touched each others.
Mine got hard.
Neither of us had seen porn, and this was before everything was as sexualized as it is now, but we both just knew I should put mine in hers.

I moved it around, but never came (I dont think you can at that age), but we did it every day for a few weeks until I wanted to show my younger brother (2 years younger), and he got scared and ratted us out to our parents.

Ive just always loved pussy...



>A man and his son were talking about sex.
>The son asked his father, "dad, what does a pussy look like?"
>The dad asked him, "before or after sex?"
>"Ummmm, before sex", the kid replied.
>The dad said, "have you ever seen a beautiful red rose with soft red petals?"
>"Yeah" said the son.
>"Well, what about after sex?" said the son.
?His dad replied, "have you ever seen a bulldog eating mayonnaise"!!!

Im white and dont like white women because i think they are very shallow and hypocritical
Asians typically are very dependable and work very hard. They are also very cute.

was she a zika baby?

This bitch has been posted with full face visible some time ago. Any anons save it?


They can be pretty shallow and superficial too though user.

Did she look good?

they aren't as bitchy and demanding as white women. but they are still intelligent and sexy.

why, then, do i find black women repulsive? i'm white.

Japanese, yes.
Koreans, not that I've seen.
Flips -- after married.

I'd like to see that.

This lines up pretty well with my experience.

>they aren't as bitchy and demanding
citation needed

This hasn't been my experience at all.

OK, these are good answers. Thanks anons.

I had a chinese wife for 10 years, fucked a shit ton of korean chicks before and during marriage, loyal to my flip wife, she's the best, won't wreck it

>chinese wife's parents help us pay for big house bought me a car i still use
>flip wife is half my age, married her at 46 she was 23
>flip wife does anything i ask her, loves sucking my cock, chinese wife wouldn't do that
>korean girls at so many local massage parlours, will do anything once you become regular...no desire now, flip wife is friggen awesome and kinky

Tight pussy, can cook bitchin asian food, silky smooth pubes, come from cultures where women are trained from birth to be subservient to men, etc.

>Tight pussy
How accurate is this irl? I always just figured it was a meme.

good for you man. best wishes

seen many marry "devoted" flips only for them to turn batshit crazy and down right psychotic after marriage and bringing them stateside

i know right, learned how to handle that though...

You can't even see her face. What magical powers of observation are you anons using to be sure she's asian?

Im an asian dude and its like the conplete opposite
I habe a fetish for like really pale europeans or white preppy blondes.

I cannot stand fucking asian females, a lot of them are ugly as shit in the face, have a weird body shape or just a turn off in some way.

Maybe its like the opposite of incest

>big appeal in Asian women
Asians have low standards for partners.

>white preppy blondes

Enjoy your minivan

That's interesting. Are you in the US?

I wonder if Asians living in Asia fetishize whites the way some whites fetishize Asians.

this is honestly probably the biggest reason

really they do, chinese wife and flip wife both thought their own race was gross, thought whites were better.

haha i'm fat, old, half a mouth of teeth, my flip wife treats me like i'm the best thing she's ever had, and she's got a tight nice body and pretty face.

fuck white chicks, always got better from asian races

pretty much this. only white beta fags that cant get white girls settle for an asian beta. polluting the superior white race with half slanted gooks


they look for sincerity over anything else, sincerity appeals to them more. that's why a neckbeard can get a hot asian

Fucked a philipina girl and I think I fell in love(with the nookie)

what was so great about it compared to other girls?

an asian girl i met in europe gave me the best blowjob iv ever had in my life. forever won me over to the skills of the asian master sexdoll race

A lot of nerdy white people I know in the UK have married Asian women.

If you're short, unless you're rich or really funny, dating Asian women is your only chance at having a somewhat attractive girlfriend or wife.

I always though asian girls were known for giving crappy head.

fucking shit tier asians, might as well get a mexican

asian girls are taught to eat anything, they'll eat entrails, eyes, intestines, livers. many love swallowing semon, and won't complain.

you never fucked one, never had one take care of you, you're loss, they're the fucking best, and i've dated many white chicks and many asian chicks, filipinas are the best

>many love swallowing semon

You in the military?

When I was a kid I was told they had the tightest pussies in the world and that always stuck with me. I want to fuck an asian so bad I'd pay for it...a lot.

Too tight if you ask me, almost to the point where it's uncomfortable. But I'm a basketball American

nope, just in an area in the usa where there are plenty of them

Umm. I'm convinced. Really.

I'm a white guy and I find Asian women repulsive for absolutely no reason. Just always have.

I used to work over night at a hotel and a hot drunk asian was being carried in to her room by a dude.
I saw him leave and it took everything I had not to go in there and fuck her while she was passed out. I regret it to this day that I didnt do it.

yep chinks are disgusting

The appeal is that they're sexy as hell, the attractive ones at least.

because they are generally (wrongly?) seen as subservient to the male in their culture, so white neckbeards love the fantasy of having some waifu that will be their own personal slave.

Yeah, the ones that don't look like they have down syndrome.

I like girls but vaginas just look stupid
like, you don't jack off thinking about vaginas because they don't look sexy

>the attractive ones are attractive

Shit man thats valuable insight

I don't get it either. Gross looking snatches no ass, short. Wtf?

Gay detected

they look tasty as fuck

god damn fag

What makes their snatches look gross to you?

As my friend said, white woman, particularly Americans, have something called opinions, and these are annoying.

I assume your' fat ass has never ben outiside of the states (or more realistic, "outside", period)


i did until i actually fucked one, the constant look of pain on her face no matter what motion i fucked her in just pissed me off

Do you have a big dick or was she just really delicate?

haven't seen daylight from my boarded up basement window in years, bro :'(


They're pretty subservient to males. Subservience does not mean they'll never bitch at you, it means they will put you first and themselves second. That tends to mean they bitch more because they are dependent on you and what you do and feel matters.

You're confusing reality with nipon porn.

bit shy of 7 inches, average thickness



i dont even know what nipon means.
but i personally enjoy sex more when the person im fucking is atleast seemingly enjoying it.

i couldnt find an angle, speed, rhythm that didn't have her wincing like my dick was a knife

which absolutely sucks. Japanese "women" wincing, whining and cyring over a 4" pecker. So realistic. Japanese porn is a huge turnoff.



Oops. Should be Nippon.

1. they are tight as fuck
2. not fat chicks like in the fastfoodcountrys
3. looking Young even in higher Age.
4. know there place and dont call for fatceptance and feminismshit.


That's very common. Southamericans have also fetishs about white people. Is just foreign atraction.

If you have to ask why x likes x the only way you'll understand is to ask yourself why you yourself like something that others may not.
While some people are attracted to everything they are "supposed" to many also discover, with no small amount of dread, that something turns them on no matter what they think or do -ranging from the same sex to inanimate objects and fucking cartoons for god's sake.

Frankly the only fetishes or preferences people should worry about are those that are imposed on others.

Have an really attractive asian wife. After sex or blowjob she'll masage me for 20 - 30 minutes while telling me about her day. Being going on now for 12 years. They really seem to care about the well being of their men and let me be men. In return I've got to work my ass off and provide. Fair deal. I'm atraced to all races that aren't white, asian girls though have historically gone after me.

cause even the grossest of neckbeards can pull asian chicks. its sad but true

Even a complete homo would probably want to fuck her.

I'm Asian as fuck and find Asians very unappealing.

social ideology

Heh. "Asian as fuck".

guy or grill? if guy well good luck trying to get a non Asian chick who isn't a weeaboo. if grill, well fuck you for being a race traitor