I wanna know what truly is your favorite film. I'm not asking you what's a good film. Don't give me answers that's going to try and make you look good like some obscure shit. I want genuine answers. What is a film that you emotionally felt connected to? Could be Frozen, could be anything, just type it down here. No bad answers.
I think you're being a bit pretentious yourself tbph, OP. If you truly want non-pretentious answers I'd think the only genuine ones would be the ones like you implied. Frozen. A kids movie. Here's mine.
Milo & Otis
Caleb Wilson
Aliens The Terminator
Luke White
Impossible to answer. It's like asking for a favourite song. There are too many. They all bring out different emotions when I see them.
My guess is OP is not old enough to appreciate this and only want to see things in black and white. Not trying to be a dick. I used to be like that too.
Liam Butler
Schindler's List >inb4 racist memes
Tyler Harris
>racist memes Also known as truth.
Angel Clark
>likes Aliens over Alien >likes Terminator over T2 wat
Logan Bennett
The Dark Knight
It was just...awesome
Great action, great music, great characters, most importantly, Great story.
I watched it 25 times after it came out.
Nathaniel Wright
Jaxon Kelly
Honestly it might just be kiki's delivery service. I mean I tell people that it's The Thing, and I really like The Thing. I mean it's fucking great.
But it doesn't make me feel as good as kiki's delivery service does.