Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second...

Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second, all the matter and energy in the entire universe suddenly came out of nowhere?

Topkek! Think about it user, it's so ridiculous.

Tell us your theory then

I don't believe in the Big Bang, but I don't believe some guy lives in heaven and let's us in heaven

Do you honestly believe an imaginary figure that nobody has seen or heard in thousands of years - if ever - created the entire universe from nothing in pretty much a similar manner?

there wasn't "absolutely nothing", there was a singularity that contained all the matter of the universe, and it expanded.

It's a theory with more proof than "seperated the waters below from the waters of the heavens with a firmament"

God made the world, duh.

Have you never read, ummmmmm, The BIBLE? Its got it all right there.

newfag here, why is there always a post like this with the same goddamn picture

Really, if you compare the Christian creation myth with the scientific theory of the big bang, they're both quite clearly describing the same event, but the Christians simply personify the nothingness and the singularity.

But, of course, this is only when you apply scientific knowledge to the Creation myth and try to make sense of it. On its own the myth is just that, a myth.
