Prove you're smart

Prove you're smart.

Prove I'm not

I don't know anything about you I can't prove anything either way.

The world is an endless rotation of rounding numbers thst equate themselves to an even space in time. What this means then, is that whenever someone travels backwards in time they are dilating to a negative degree and disrupting the numeric values. Because the universe is clearly a simulation it corrects this by dividing the travel (10*4bill^7) by a fraction of a second before the last point you were known

How would you know that?

If you put your tendies in the oven with two times the temperature but half the time they cook the same

I read Breitbart

The answer to everything in life: 42


I'd wear a condom before inserting my dick into a vagina..

This guy gets it.

>Prove you're smart.

I am not american.

if you have 10 apples and eat one you have 12 left

I can solve any captcha on the first try.

Only idiots think they're smart. The more you learn the more you realize how little you actually know.

I have osteoporosis


Now this guy knows what's up. Exactly what I was gonna say. However, even knowing that doesn't prove you're smart. What it does help show is wisdom.


You sound like an instagram post

Unless youre in the UK or another mostly white country thats not saying much. Honestly you could've just said you were white and not trash.

Well, you know what Instagram sounds like. Youre obviously not smart.

If you put underwear in a conventional oven and bake them before you take a shower they feel heavenly after wearing them after the shower

Why not just the dryer?

I don't own one

I see what you did there, O'Brien

Good enough for me. Dont let them synthetics melt on your dingus.

I'm not black

I'm smart enough to know that smart is subjective.
