This is better than The Glow Pt.2

this is better than The Glow Pt.2

im taking the bait, but nah senpai. its really good though. the panning in the first track is really cool. it lacks a certain something that the Glow pt 2 had, although i couldnt exactly tell you what it is

I've always been unsure of what to listen to after devouring glow pt 2. Is there a phil elvrum flow chart that i can sheepishly follow. I've dabble around all the mount erie projects but nothing's quite stuck

have you listened to the other microphones stuff? or et al? phil definitely captures this natural sound that its hard to find elsewhere. makes me wonder if like acoustic ambient is a thing, and if not, whether is should become a thing

Mount Eerie (the album) literally picks up from where the end of The Glow Pt. 2 left off

Correct opinion OP, whole thing is much more of a coherent single idea

One coherent idea =/= Many smaller ideas with a common theme

better than, I mean


some stuff off sung tongs and campfire songs could be considered acoustic ambient

I agree

Undoubtedly. Grand concepts get me way harder than more personal vignettes (save for Lonesome Crowded West).

Mount Eerie is perfection, The Glow Pt. 2 isn't far behind, though.

(i understand the larger picture that can be painted with Pt. 2, but ME is clearer and more interesting idk.)

whut? whut??

Mount eerie is his perfect album through every song. but his other stuff is great too, I ,love no flashlight.

Finally, someone shares my opinion on this.


Phil's just the best isn't he? Who here incredibly hype for his new album? Apparently it's coming out real soon. Anyone know if any footage was taken from his show a week back or so?

dragging a dead deer by grouper is acoustic ambient more or less

From what the few threads said, no one in the audience was able to really film anything (a pics tho). But it sounds like Phil had some friend of his film the whole thing. No clue if that was strictly for Phil or if it will ever be released.

Gotcha. I'd really love to see that some day but I'd completely understand if he never shared it. Incredibly excited for the new album though, can't wait till more details come out