Shows/films you enjoyed but would never recommend to anyone

Shows/films you enjoyed but would never recommend to anyone

Naked Lunch

Game of Thrones

Why not? Twin Peaks was great

The man from earth

I recommended it to my father and he said it was a shitty romantic drama

Rewatching it there was a lot more focus on the romance than I remembered

The Leftovers

all of them. i've learned my lesson. i just recommend normie shit i haven't even seen now

Supernatural is pretty guilty pleasure tier, I like to pretend the actual fanbase doesn't exist and it makes everything all the better.

are you crazy, i would recommend this to anybody
and if they don't like it they are stupid

They'll think you like the second season though

Are David Lynch films banned in China?

Taxi, the french one.

This. It's especially disappointing when they can't say exactly why they don't like it.

moreso in the middle of season 2. The first twelve or so episodes are great

yea went to see the nice guys with a friend, i though it was great, mutltuple layer of lecture, the 70's vibe and directing and action was on point, and the music, it was pretty great.

he was like meh i didnt really liked it, it's like comedy but people are dying, i dont know blah blah blah.

wanted to bash his fucking skull open, they tell themselves lie that they enjoy this or that without having any idea what a film is supposed to be

Out Cold and You, Me and the Apocalypse.

Oldboy. The whole incest thing....yeah...

>Dunno user, it was just.. weird


yeah, a whole lot of Twin Peaks is dated and quite lousy melodrama. i'd say only 20% of the show is worth watching, having recently rewatched the entire series. the quirky parts really haven't aged well. however, the spooky sequences were done very well.

i quit recommending Terrence Malick's films to anyone. only one or two friends dig his work and others tell me they're "too slow," which i take to mean they lose interest in the narrative because nothing that appeals to their visual senses is depicted. i find Malick's films fascinating, even if i disagree with aspects of them. his movies really do garner love or hate responses.

everything, pretty much. i used to ask people what movies they liked, and tried to recommend things based off of that, but its very rare they ever watched them or showed any interest in talking about movies at all so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know the feel mane. I love Badlands and hate everything else he's done.

I don't know man, everyone I've recommended it to have loved it... but I guess it's not for those kinds of people who can't handle things that are at least a little dated

I'd get weird looks in work if i said i like a movie called "Mars Needs Moms"


Anything by Malick, Tarkovsky, Wong Kar Wai and Peckinpah

They are very polarizing

Why don't you just look for friends that have good minds? Good friends, I think that they exist, ones that would actually sit down and watch the shit with you. Also why do you guys throw around the word friend with people that you only casually socialize with i.e normalfags

Well most porn movies.

t. professional /r9k/ frogposter