9/11 jokes please

9/11 jokes please

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There's nothing funny about it.

Whats the difference between a cow and 9/11?

Americans cant milk a cow for 15 years.


The only people I ever hear talking about 9/11 are Euros saying that all Americans do is talk about 9/11.

hahaha made my day thanks :)

There's everything funny about it.

just edgelords pretending it's funny.

Who are the fastest readers? 9/11 victims, they went through 80 stories in 10 seconds

Twin towers walk into a bar, they don't get far, because they're falling down drunk...

It is destroying their family.


Walmart always delivers

I have a Muslim friend he is so unlucky can you believe he knew 10 people who died in 9/11

Not bad


Did he miss his flight ?


Here in the EU we got 555 deaths and 3859 wounded because of Islamic terrorism since 9/11. Soon we will catch up bro.

Yeah, they're just plane wrong

I'll at least give you some credit for the 91

Probably the most American picture yet.

the jews did 9/11

>mfw it's not a joke

Nevar forgetti!

>Most of the Jews leave tower before 9/11

Very disrespectful, not to mention the people who went through 9/11 and wished it never happened and would do anything to forget such thing ever happened.

Oh, i feel awful laughing at that

Where's the joke?

That's wasn't bad haha

bullshit faggot, the only reason you care is because it's something faggots keep crying about. does 8-15-2013 mean anything to you? didnt think so cock licker. so stfu.

It went down with the towers.

What was the last thing going through the mind of the people who jumped from WTC?
Their ankles.

>> Best 9/11 joke...
"it wasn't an inside job"

For me, the joke is near the "ban all trucks", everyone knew this was the retaliation cause it's heavier ethically, though it's sad, even more for us born in the '90s

OP is a ***


there where 19 hijackers? fuck look it up


Iam from Russian and many people think that the tower was blown up your security services.

These blasts, too accurate for sand people.

Why did 9/11 cross the road? To get to the other side.

I was born in the 90s and it's not that sad for me

How is 555 anywhere near 2,999? Stop wanting to be a victim you pussy.

means nothing to me

You know what would be extremely tacky? Showing a list of all the victims during a football game later that year.

Oh wait that's not a joke that actually happened and I vividly remember it


Well, we didn't witnessed much until that happened

It wasn't televised but it was happing and there was evidence of it on the net

Nigger you didn't understand. I gave you statistics knowingly that it was much lower than American victims, as soon as we catch up with your numbers we won't talk about 9/11 anymore, that's what I meant.

>Not televised

In 7 and a half years

Sweden much?

Before 9/11

i did understood, though, it was, depending on the country of course

George bush


Yeah you're right I guess

You seem to be hoping that more people die.

No, absolutely not.

Need a case of Busch, looking the other way

top kek

Could've fooled me

"Faire exploser deux tours c'est simple comme bonjour"

Ground Coke Zero


At 9:03
flight 175
Made a change in direction
To end a few lives

No warning was given
That this plane was to land
The passengers were expecting
Sun, sea and sand

So behold their amazement
When from their windows they saw
The world trade centre
With its beauty and awe

When from the cockpit
A turban emerges
Shouting his plans to satisfy
His jihadist urges

There was no permission of entry
They weren't vampires
Just sandy niggers
Screaming 'allah ackbar'

Sky was awash
With luggage and people
And stocks had plummeted
With this act so evil

There was people jumping
Trying to an hero
Just to make it down first
Down to ground zero

And On this day
I wish you a merry 9/11
I hope you get all
your virgins in heaven

>islamic terrorism

Is it a plane? Is it a bird? Oh... it is a plane

9/11 was a joke. Poor execution, not enough killed, jet fuel can't melt steel beams

I tried to exclude terrorism form other groups.

the worst thing about 9/11 was the mariah carey album glitter


One off quads end your life

/r/ the pic with the british queen laughing super imposed on the 9/11 pic (and the one with tom cruise)

they are so hard to find







But can mentos melt coke boxes ?




I used to have a muslim kid on college who was always late for everything
We called him 9/12

Maybe he didn't know all of them?




>how can we make this work?
>draw in the twin towers, they're so iconic that people will get it's nyc and not a generic city skyline

>years later, conspiracy nuts start reading way too much into everything

This morning, I shit a turd that split. They were the same length, and reeked like jet fuel. Was my ass celebrating 9/11?


No doubt it was.

Maximum over bait.

Somebody pls post the 'it's raining men' webm.

Oldfag reporting in

Nigger please, I guess you've never been to Jew York

It's not funny at all. Ahmed, my friend's dad, died there trying to destroy usa

the 'it's raining men' webm.

O-o-o-oh Viennaaaa.

not funny dude, dead people got killed there...


But seriously, somebody post it.

negros this is the best day in my life

the 'it's raining men' webm.

