ITT: we invent torture devices

ITT: we invent torture devices

So I just came up with this last might.

So basically it’s a torture device, where a person is put into a room with slow moving sand-paper at the bottom. There is no way out.
The person has to walk forward to keep from getting send to the corner and scraped.
Eventually after days of walking, the person will get tired and won’t be able to anymore.



just lock someone up in a room with a single television that only has 1 channel, 24cooking.

their diet will consist out of stale rice and water.

>copying an old thread for (you)'s.
This is some advanced autism

I'm sure "you" came up with this

They could just stand on the doorknob.

Too much of this these days.

Just reach down and rip sandpaper in half, I mean it is just paper, faggot.

>I came up with this
Posts something we've all seen on Sup Forums for many years

Nothing is OC
Everything is bait

Aww, come on guys, I invented this today in Middle School.


underage b&

when i was younger i used to play rollercoaster tycoon and there was one strat i thought always worked because i didnt fully understand the game's true objective and thought it was just to get people in the park.
basically what you do is you create some kind of attraction that would lure in a fuck ton of people like a concert, store, anything really works as long as it is in a enclosed facility with proper ventilation.
>people walk in to event
>while main host is on stage Sideshow bob is releasing gas into the large room to knock people out
>highly powerful sleeping gas type shit
>everyone falls the fuck asleep and out cold
> you take them and trap them into an enclosed environment
>dark room preferably
>obtain large amounts of weapons, doesnt fucking matter what
>each room has one though
>some get fucked, some get rewarded
>each door releases into the same giant room at the same exact time, doors are left open for those who got more exposure to gas and sleep longer
>giant counter on the wall with amount of people left alive
> this is now a giant fight to the death
>what does the winner get?
>you found each of their familys while they were out with personal id that they had on them
> you tracked them and find the winners family while he thinks he is alive for round two
>bring his family then execute them in front of him with a shotgun blast to the face
> then you leave him with a sword a note and a piece of paper
>writes will and then Bushido
although i dont think it would work, just a rough guess of my plan

Or Is teacher...or held back a lot...Yeah probably that

Nice repost nigger. Way to keep shit stale

Nice excuses

>get a 5x5x10000 container with the bottom/top removed
>Doesn't matter as long as it can support pressure
>5in glass maybe
>But that's a lot of glass
>Put person in bottom/top
>Lift it up to tall side
>Fill with water
No way someone could keep swimming long enough to get to the top


You made that more complicated then it needed to be, retard.

Hold your breath ding dong