Why do people get so mad over the Ghostbusters reboot?

Why do people get so mad over the Ghostbusters reboot?

It was just a silly, simple, blockbuster and harmless comedy film
I like the original, it's a good film but it's not a masterpiece

Films get remade all the time, I don't know why THIS is the one to get so many people so riled up

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because it looks bad and the other one was good.


1st one was shit.

Tge fact that they made 2nd offebded my sensibilities

This thrid o e is like why bother I'm not even curious about tgis third one the 1st one was mediocre at best

It's just butthurts latching on to anything they can channel their frustration with life into.

Simple really.

Think you summed it up fine OP. Was a fun old flick that I won't be going to cinema to see. But at the same time the fact it's all women means nothing. It'll either be good or not but no one will know till they've seen it.

It depends where you're drawing the line, I think it looks like an average modern comedy
Not worth seeing

"bad" is too speculative and an overreaction

The other SNL girl is pretty shit too

because of this

I love the first movie alot
and it drives me crazy that people go "Well, the special effects look goofy and the jokes in the trailer were pretty lackluste-"
its just pure insanity at this point

It was being heavily meme' dwell before that pic came out. It just added fuel to the fire

Because landwhale feminists sperging out over people saying it's shit