>le "its okay to murder and dehumanise enemy POWs because 'war is hell'" meme
This movie was shit and utter trash propaganda
>le "its okay to murder and dehumanise enemy POWs because 'war is hell'" meme
This movie was shit and utter trash propaganda
Speaking objectively, it was alright. Had a safe formula and plot. 7/10
I refuse to watch it.
> Sherman beating a Tiger
A late war, 76mmHV Sherman penetrating the rear armor on a Tiger is perfectly reasonable. It's not sloped at all, and what passed for thick armor in 1942 didn't in 1945.
> implying a Sherman could get anywhere near the rear of a Tiger, especially in the obvious manner in this monstrous propaganda
It was an M4A3E8 with a 76mm cannon, plenty capable of penning a tiger in the rear at point-blank range.
> Being this dumb
It's 4 Shermans taking on 1 Tiger.
It even had the classic, "fall for girl and then she ded" trope so the viewer can feel that war is hell.
> implying a highly-experienced Tiger commander would allow his Tiger to be swarmed like that
> implying he wouldn't just move away and pick them off
> coincidentally Brad Pitt's tank is the only one to survive
Merchant propaganda, and plebs fall for this shit constantly.