First time smoking weed. What's some good music to smoke to? I like Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, & Future a lot

First time smoking weed. What's some good music to smoke to? I like Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, & Future a lot.

Other urls found in this thread:

Chet Baker, Art Tatum = Playboys


Some would be good

Playboy Carti, Babyfather, & Lil B "The BasedGod"

Check out some Playboi Carti songs.

op you need to get out of there right now. i know you probably are thinking "who is this guy and why does he think he can tell me what to do" but i need you get to think for a second there is no good music to smoke weed to see this brain cell O - > POP bye bye bieeee

fuck that, go to a park at night, hotbox the bathroom or portapotty, put on knxwledge, flylo or clams casino and walk around nature. tonight you become a true patrician

Harsh noise

>knxwledge, flylo or clams casino


I'm a fan of knxwledge, but no way is he, or flylo and clammy, patrish at all

This, it's literally made for smoking weed too I mean look at the title

I don't really like music as much when I'm stoned. Cartoons and simple video games are usually a better choice.

Skip to 3:00 if you're impatient

$uicideBoy$. You can never go wrong with trap when you're stoned.

Candy Claws

you would like some grindcore

more patrician than lil yachty. id rather have someone listen to something entry level and get a deep understanding than listen to fela kuti and be alienated by it but pretend to understand it to impress rymers and mu kiddies

If its your first time, you probably wont feel anything. Still pic related is a rite of passage.

pls, who is the man , Coptic greek or orthodox, writes chants still, as if from 1200, can anyone remember?

it's not Swans...

>more patrician than lil yachty

>setting your standards this low

did you read the op of the thread that you are currently posting in?

are you high?

me?no I don't like marijuana

nope. I'm a busy man and just got into the thread.


I mean this 100% sincerely, ask your irl friends.

its a busy night of shitposting for all of us sir but do you see anyone else making excuses?

between those three i'd start with future

Carly Rae Jepsen

I dare you to listen to this.

>I like Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, & Future a lot.
you should try Captain Beefheart or Nina Hagen, then.

Mate, I'm not some NEET shitposter. I have a day job, you know.

>get a deep understanding
>something entry level

swing and a miss. maybe head back to r/hiphopheads

You're a degenerate.


Jose, is that you?

prepare for liftoff

>I like Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, & Future a lot.

But honestly was made for that

I don't know, Fly Lo is pretty fucking patrish

OP you should do some dxm

>come back home
>all my dealer friends moved out to Colorado
>everyone else is straight edge
>just got legalized, but no retail till 2018
>tfw no one who will """"gift"""" you weed


Then you have no time for Sup Forums. This is not the place for you.

fukken saved



haha you probably paid $20 for that

>haha u probly payed the nrmal amnt for that amnt of weed XDxd

I am digging this so far, thanks for the rec

stfu, some places are much harder to come across the stuff. It looks like quality bud and he is trying to have a good time, why don't you try and have a good time?

>the chinaman doesn't know

lol you're getting fucked over paying $20 a g most I would pay is $10 and I'm in an illegal state.

Get my ounces for $100 tho, y'all need a new plug ya neets

tfw trying to flex. I don't want to get into semantics but that is easily 2g. Plug isn't in the yellow pages bruh. You still need to be socially active to meet hook ups, and that just isn't everyone.

>$20 a g
Does that picture look like a gram of weed to you


Get a med card you literal idiot

Yea I'd say a gram considering the size of those standard metal pipes


Damn. You must be a weed junkie to recognize that

Yeah, looks to be a gram. My "grams" seem like they were bigger but I don't buy by anything other than the zip now so

The whole Is This It album is fantastic while stoned.

Fuck that shit and listen to Kyuss.

Just educated...

Literally made in a gigantic cloud of ganja between MF DOOM and Madlib.


Is this really what Sup Forums has become I haven't been here for 2 years

>ctrl+f denzel curry
>no results

Lol, why? Just because I have a life and responsibilities I can't post on a music board?

No, because you can't read