why is it allowed on this board? it constitutes like a third of all the threads in the catalogue at all times. half of the posters here don't even care about music. they're just lonely nerds who have never had sex.
>inb4 you're not contributing to music discussion
i've posted like five threads about actual music this week that have all 404ed before ten posts.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nathan grit his oily teeth in impotent fury as his doughy fingers limply pecked the crusty keys of his mechanical keyboard. How dare they? On HIS board. There was nothing, as far as Nathan could conceive, that enraged him more than the projections and fantasies of strangers on the internet. These tepid expressions of sexual frustration set his very soul ablaze with throbbing anger.
This time he would show them.
You're going to get attacked by a deluge of angry waifufags in a minute or so, but before that happens let me just say that I couldn't agree more. It's a site wide issue. They really should be put in their own containment board. All we can do at this point is hope for more CRUSHERS to come along and ruin their fantasies.
>All we can do at this point is hope for more CRUSHERS to come along and ruin their fantasies.
what does this mean?
you're a good writer but you need to get laid
waifufagging is basically indistinguishable from any kind of fandom behavior
beatlesfags are more shameless than any k-pop enthusiast for instance - their prostrations are literally an act of taking all the dicks including ringo into their holes simultaneously
it's really something
Stay mad.
you're speaking metaphorically. fandom behavior is annoying too, but it's nothing like this
at least fandoms actually like the music for the music
Yes but they don't make a 24/7 thread.
they have turned the game around
their lewd talk is actually coded appreciation for the music - talking about music directly is code talk for unclean acts of debasement
that's the way things work in 2017, have a fun year ;-)
i want to die
At least Sup Forums, waifufagging is like fandom but about 1000x more extreme. This is the only subset of Sup Forums which I always found to be legitimately bizarre and disturbing, and I've been here on and off for like a decade at this point. Does anyone else remember that Russian Avatar guy on Sup Forums who would make homemade sex dolls based on the female Avatar with his blue fleshlight? Some of these people are insane.
lol tru
Abatap? The only legend Sup Forums has ever produced?
Know him? He is one of the saints. Show some respect.
Why didn't you just post this in a wpop thread, waifufag.
Thats the one. Whatever happened to Abatap? Did he just stop posting one day?
because i want to draw attention to the entire board, not just the group of people who are too delusional to see how psychotic they are
They're just shitposters, calm down.
You too while shes getting crushed, cuck
I thought he died somehow.
But Avatar 2 will bring him back to life probably.
Perhaps there will be endless Abatap with all the endless sequels.
A new golden age approaches.
if they're just shitposters then why are they dedicated to the point of posting all the time every day?
You can't do anything about it. Just accept it. Maybe get a qt Sup Forums waifu and join in. You'll feel better.
It's like you've never heard of esfores
>Maybe get a qt Sup Forums waifu and join in. You'll feel better.
no. i'll feel sexually frustrated and depraved to the point of mania because i will never actually be able to have sex with her. just like the rest of you
this, get a girlfriend
>this image
what a time to be alive
>no. i'll feel sexually frustrated
I mean, we're used to it at this point, so might as well have a qt to post about than just be completely lonely.
pretty nice
All of the fucking waifufagging is making me legitimately consider amongst other things just not coming to Sup Forums anymore. I suggest creating /wf/ Waifu like said. I don't know how the hell you would create such a board, like how you would distinguish a waifu praise thread from a regular discussion thread, but it needs to be done. Shit like kpop general needs to be permanently stuck into its own containment board, I'm pretty sure there's like 3 or so different kpop generals spread out across 3 or so different boards, it's getting insane and out of control
I see your implication but I think the world would have been different in a better way had another path been chosen
shit user this is actually really sad.
just start investing your time into lifting instead of shitposting and at the very least you'll be able to get a dumb slut who likes you for your body
>Might as well obsess over a single human being for the rest of or a significant portion of my life that I will never meet rather than doing something with myself.
Go skiing. Go bike riding. Lose the fat. Collect things. Exercise more. Go on dates. Go out to restaurants with the guys, have a night on the town. Go somewhere and see the sights. Go to college and get that job you've always wanted. Please, I know you're absolutely capable of it all, you're just bringing yourself down in sincerely believing that this is the best way to spend your time. Seriously stop and do something with yourself. You seem so proud of it, too. That's what scares me, is that you've convinced yourself that you're doing something good with your life when all you are doing is unhealthily obsessing over a girl who'd probably freak out if she knew what you're doing. She isn't even yours (see ). Stop living for other people, start living for yourself. Seriously, you'll be thanking me for that in the end.
That's quite sad but really, should posters like this be mixed in with people who just want to discuss music?
That's the problem, is differentiating them from regular posters. Of course this dude's obvious, but just talking about the artist in question is technically music discussion so it's allowed, like for example Kpop general or Grimeth general. It's technically musical discussion, so it's extremely hard to write a vague enough rule to be able to purge this type of posting from the board, so if anything were to be done they would have to specifically name threads that are not passable versus ones that are so that the public could get a general understanding of what they can and cannot post about a certain artist. Of course, they could just make a separate board for the whole thing like they did for /mlp/, but I don't honestly know if that's necessary at the level that it is currently. I would be a huge advocate for a separate Kpop board to be honest as that seems to be as widespread a problem as My Little Pony was back in 2010-2011, what with a Kpop general existing I think here, /trash/ and /jp/ at this point, I could be wrong. There are possibly other generals for Kpop which exist elsewhere. Either way, it would be really hard to crack down on this type of thing for mods, and it would take a considerable effort to purge it all, so unfortunately I believe that our best bet is to wait it out and watch it inevitably die within a year or two, until it just turns into something that appears on some people's charts sometimes, like AnCo.
It is a problem, but the moderators are the ones who have control over ban hammers, and Hiroshimoot has the final word. It's best we sort it out by either raiding their threads in civil war (shouldn't start with this one,) or taking it up with them in a collaborative effort.
>It's best we sort it out by either raiding their threads in civil war (shouldn't start with this one,) or taking it up with them in a collaborative effort.
i'm curious how either of these options would be possible, but do elaborate if you actually have an idea
With Grimes, just keep bringing up the fact that she probably fucked and sucked ASAPs rock hard cock.
I just think is funny, let the autists do what they want.
Hmm. I see. Could you ignore it or better yet fuck off ?
Fucking this
Well said famalam
That just makes YOU look gay. No really it does. You are obsessed.
underrated post
grimesfag detected
it stops being funny when it hijacks the entire boards culture, and kills any chance of real music discussion.
see above. also, see:
He is autistic and hates people being happy and having fun so he is spamming memes with black guys in it. Yea its sad but so is he.
The first one is rather simple, but far less predictable on outcome and may do more harm than good. To start, we simply derail the waifu threads by using subversion techniques coordinated either on this board, a different board, or a third party like leddit, IRC, social IM's via throwaway accounts and so on. Techniques may simply be massively telling them to fuck off and reach post bump, dump images (should be music related) to max image bump, or a combo until the feel the place is too hostile to carry on. This can spark a myriad of issues regarding global rules that prohibit spam, raids, and floods, or meeting far stronger opposition amd actuallyndiminishing the board's integrity. The second option is more streamlined, though I confess I don't knpw how to reach the mods and hiroshimoot myself. The action taken however would be we would agree on a general consensus of a solution to this issue. Then, we relay our concerns tp the higher ups and see what happens. In this case, we only will clearly win or lose as the bureau that governs the board will only comment and take action or abstain, quietly taken action, or do nothing with or wothout comment. Occam's razor favors the second option, but that logical tool doesn't factor the chance of it being rigged against us. Still, we'll basically win or lose by contacting them, while the raids would be more open ended and susceptible to greater damage if not improvement.
I actually would like a waifu board. There would probably be too many issues going about its creation though.
>Please, I know you're absolutely capable of it all
Wow, that hits hard in the feels. I kind of needed to hear that. Thanks, user. But, I can't ignore the fact that romantic love ultimately wasn't meant for some of us. That's the reality of it. This is just how I deal with it.
>just start investing your time into lifting
I know. I really should look into lifting.
Well said. That's why I said earlier that there's probably nothing you can do about it.
I have no idea who or what that is. Just an outsiders perspective. You gays are the sad ones. So mad over something so harmless.
>He is autistic and hates people being happy and having fun
What are you talking about? This is one of the most "fun" memes I've seen on Sup Forums in a while. See
I also want to apologize for my shitty spelling right now, I'll be going to bed soon.
pretty well thought-out t b h. but it sounds like a shit ton of work. i guess i would rather just let this place rot and find something better to do with my time
This is well put together. I'm not sure which will work but would support either plan and be a part of them
it sucks that we have to go to this much trouble just to keep lonely perverts from dominating a music board
>That just makes YOU look gay.
>You gays are the sad ones. So mad over something so harmless.
Why are you so obsessed with homosexuality, user. It wasn't even brought up.
>it's the "le every somewhat attractive female Artist makes shit music and everyone that likes her is a waifufag that only cares about her looks" meme again
Everything has a price. Look around in the future, alright?
>This is just how I deal with it.
You know that it doesn't have to be. I know that it might feel like you have to love someone, but you don't. You have to love yourself as much as possible, and if you aren't the way you'd like yourself to be right now, know that you are always acting to improve yourself by trying new things, learning new things and working to be the best person you can be. Always be proud of yourself no matter what. Get hobbies like going and working out like said, or get some friends and hang out with them, or get a good paying job that you truly enjoy, just something other than obsessing over a girl who, again, is not only already taken by another, but would think you're absolutely insane for doing what you're doing. Again, please remember that you are capable of improving yourself and getting better, you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to, don't ever let anyone else tell you that you aren't. I can't give you the energy to go out and do all of the things that I've said and more, I'm not a god. The only person that can get you to better yourself and do all of these things is yourself. You have to believe in yourself that you can, not that you're stuck in a rut as is and that you can't get out, because you can. That's the point of being alive, is doing things that you enjoy and living to the fullest extent of life. John Lennon once said that time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time, but I genuinely believe that at heart, you aren't enjoying this. It's only someone to latch onto to make yourself feel better. You don't have to live for her. You have to live for yourself.
I don't blame you for this. You can get better.
>implying it's a dedicated handful of them instead of a horde of ocassional idiots
Well, actually a mix of both, but the latter far outweigh the former. I'm one of the shitposters myself, but I post here maybe 1 or 2 hours per week. Personally I only do it because it gets all kinds of reactions from people who take this hellhole too seriously. Childish, I know, but I get a kick out of it.
Sup Forums is pretty worthless to me. I don't browse /vg/ nor Sup Forums anymore. I still like /ck/ to an extent. If you want to subscribe to my blog just ask me ;)
You're right, it is pretty childish, and I don't think you'd get too much of a kick out of it if I came over to your house and talked about something random, the same thing, every hour on the hour to you.
That'd blow a bag of dicks, but this ain't your home lad. And you can hide and ignore. It won't improve the board, but Sup Forums is already shit.
It's not my home and I do admit that it's shit, but I really enjoy discussing music with other people and I'd prefer it doesn't get derailed by people not interested in discussing music. You're just not helping at all by contributing the way you are. One wonders why someone else would take time out of their day to make other people's browsing experience shittier instead of making their own better by discussing things they (you) enjoy.
One simple solution that would probably work: create a "waifu" moderation option for all threads that
>deletes the OP image
>converts the entire thread to text-only and doesn't allow new images to be posted
>prohibits the thread from being bumped for more than an hour
Whenever a waifu thread pops up, they just mod it "waifu".
If that alone doesn't work, create a /celeb/ or /waifu/ board where these people can post then, and any thread about a waifu musician that isn't about music discussion and is constantly being posted is deleted and the waifu-posters within are warned and banned for not posting in /waifu/
you're not the problem though. the problem is the psychos who post here obsessively. do you really think that kpoppers only come here one to two hours a week? fuck no, that general is their whole life. do you really think that autistic classical grimesfag only comes here one or two hours a week? or what about that one trip who refused to stop posting about lauren for months?
you're projecting your own posting habits onto everyone else here, and unfortunately i think you're being too optimistic. you may only be doing it for shits and giggles, but there are people here whose entire lives are based around waifu spamming
Absolutely this, couldn't have put it better myself
How can you not see that you are totally wrong?
Waiting claiming is a meme. Get with it, dude.
>Waiting claiming is a meme
>Waiting claiming is a meme.
What did he mean by this?
>Waiting claiming
If I'm being 100% honest, waifuism triggers me in the same way that seeing a bunch of rap threads might trigger a Sup Forumsfag. It's not so much that I care about the quality of Sup Forums (I could easily ignore the threads), it's more that I find the underlying attiude and midset so reprehensible. It's representative of a broader cultural trend which I can't stand (nu males everywhere simping on random broads) and like pretty much everyone else, I want my world (my workplace, the websites I visit, the TV I watch etc) to be my safe space which insulates me from attitudes I dislike. It goes deeper than "I don't want to see these people on Sup Forums." I genuinely resent the fact that men like this even exist. I suppose that's kind of silly, but whatever, much like the waifufags that's how I feel. This is also one of the many reasons why I appreciate rap lyricism so much. It's the only modern genre that exists (that I'm aware of, there is probably plenty of other shit out there though) where the artists seem to actually have a reasonable perspective on relationships/women and such.
Holy shit.
This is pretty much exactly how I feel
>It's the only modern genre that exists (that I'm aware of, there is probably plenty of other shit out there though) where the artists seem to actually have a reasonable perspective on relationships/women and such.
Youre a beta male like all of us, just stop being in denial and start worshiping a girls feet or something, you know you want to
>It goes deeper than "I don't want to see these people on Sup Forums." I genuinely resent the fact that men like this even exist
damn i think you just inadvertently psycho-analyzed me because i didn't even realize that i felt this way until i saw it spelled out in front of me. i completely agree though. i want Sup Forums to be better, but also, just fuck waifuism. that shit is so toxic and degenerate, not to mention shameful.
the only part of this post i disagree with is the hip hop part. not sure where you were going with that.
I'll stand by that opinion. Say what you want about Drake but he generally seems to know what he is talking about when it comes to women IMO.
I'm no better than anyone here, I'll concede that. I just have a different perspective is all.
i don't post on this board 16 hours a day dude
What I mean is that while easily see why people dislike the genre of rap as a whole, one thing I think even the most racist Sup Forumsack can appreciate is that the prevailing mindset is pretty much "women aren't that important, focus on money/self improvement."
>s-sttop posttiing girls g-guys i'm serious can't we just talk about music fo r once gosh
why do you perceive legitimate criticism of poster activities as helpless begging
Get on board with the waiting claiming meme, dude
>"women aren't that important, focus on money/self improvement."
eh i guess i can get behind that.
i really don't get this meme
i know this is an expression of pain and not of laughter. look at those eyes
That's her natural look
Legitimately great post. Every waifufag should see this.
She's pretty cute. Who is she?
why are you so ok about being a complete degenerate beta cuck? it's not a good thing.
pic related is a pic of her on the street. It's how she always looks
her name is Somi and she's a 15 year old kpop artist
don't forget to mute the sound before you do your thing
>15 year old
just when i thought this shit couldn't get any worse.