I have an incurable disease and may need to be euthanized at some point. I will 100% have a shortened lifespan

I have an incurable disease and may need to be euthanized at some point. I will 100% have a shortened lifespan.

Lately, I've been depressed and suicidal, thinking of ending it sooner rather than later. I'm 28, a bit past my expiration date in terms of when I could have kicked it, and otherwise a fit and athletic guy.

If you enjoy encouraging suicide or are curious about it, I think it's more morally responsible to encourage me because of my shortened lifespan, than someone who's genuinely healthy. Any takers?

lol who says it won't be incurable next year, or next month, or tomorrow

I was diagnosed at age 16, there's still no cure, it's genetic. I appreciate the optimism though.

Don't be "That guy" Who kicks the bucket a day before the massive scientific breakthrough. How much time are you playing with here? There are massive developments coming through right now with gene therapy that it wouldn't hurt to stick around and see what the crockpot of medical science can cook up.

I didn't expect /b to be so nice. That would be cool if it happened, I think life extension technology is really exciting. It's cool thinking that a lot of my friends might live to be 250 if medical science keeps advancing. It's possible it could help me, but just not the way to bet.

Well, i think that you should wait for any medicals advances...hope is the last thing you should lose...i guess well, the last thing you will lose will be your Life but...you understood what i said...

Well, here are your choices:

1. Die now

2. Die later, and in the meantime enjoy your life. Nothing you do matters anymore, and every interaction you have with a loved one is all the more sweet because it might be your last. Also, you have the highly remote chance of living until there's a medical breakthrough.

Don't do it man. Give the people who care about you more time with you. Even if it's just one more day.

I've been stubborn and have stuck through a lot of recent shit. By drinking heavier I could shorten my lifespan more, which wouldn't be direct suicide, but it's getting more tempting. I just don't want to tell my friends. I'd rather have some new pro suicide friends to help me reach a conclusion.

Show me your dick? No reason for you to die without me seeing it, right?



what disease? if its genetic, most will be cured in 10 years with CRISPR

Just get a high risk job. Everyday you either get the sweet release of death you're looking for, or you come home with money in your pocket and you can maybe make yourself happier with some hookers and blow or something. Either way, it's a win-win

Quit being a bitch. We are all dying faggot, you have no reason to cry. I live every fucking day the best that I can. I always make sure my wife knows I love her, I make sure my parents know I love them daily, I do my absolute best at every single thing I do, never knowing if I may not get to do it again. No one is promised another day, just some of us will have a lasting impact on family and strangers, others like you will just be forgotten.

I don't want to die immediately. But if things aren't really that enjoyable, I don't know how long I'd put it off.

And I have a great dick.

Cystic fibrosis?

Anyway; whatever it is, it sucks. As for killing yourself, unless it is as dire a condition as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or some other fucked up neuromuscular disease that'll turn you bedrriden for years before dying a horrible death, well... it will always be your call, but I wouldn't do it. I think I'd try to live my life as well as I can...

The disease is hemochromatosis, my body doesn't digest iron so my blood becomes toxic and erodes my organs, especially my liver and brain. Alcohol increases the absorption of iron and causes more liver damage. I was told I could be dead by 25 and I'm 28 now so...

go be a super hero nothing is stopping you now


aren't there pretty good treatment for that one? Bleeding, or iron chelator?

Only loosers kill themselves

Oh I'm definitely altruistic. If there's a fight I'm always there to break it up. I give a ton of shit away to the homeless. I take risks, I do urban exploration, I travel the world, I launched a company and published my book. I did all the things.

I renember watching a man un YouTube who had the same disease as you, and when he born the doctors said that he would not Live more than 16 years. He os actually about 30 por 35 i think

I used to have a ton of blood drawn every week to extend my life. Now I drink vodka to shorten it.

Dude, if you get treated you can live a pretty much normal life, what the hell?
Are there more severe cases where treatment isn't enough?

I could have avoided damage my getting blood drawn and avoiding alcohol. I did it for awhile. Stuff got really stressful. I drink moderately and wanting to go to heavy. I haven't seen a doctor in years.


I'm not complaining about what I've done. I'm embracing having a shorter life span. It's motivated me to get some amazing shit done. I'm just thinking more about how this ends lately.

Well here's my fucking advice : go see a doctor and don't underestimate the resilience of your liver

Is that a laser beam or tupperware?

my dick looks like the OPs dick

pretty cool right?

Dicks out for Harambe? Dicks out for me! Fuck yeah!

And yeah, to me it's just part of my identity now. I've accepted I'll have a short lifespan and I've used it as motivation to live really fast and have success in a short period of time. I think it's been a positive thing to me. I'm leaning strongly towards making it even shorter, not longer.

Needs a curve in it.

Go slam it in a door.

Consider that Stephen Hawking also has a genetic disorder. He was supposed to die fucking decades ago, but here he is--surviving. He cannot even move for fucks sake, but he crawls forward doing what he loves; exploring the universe with his mind.

It's your life, user. We all have to die sometime, but there's no reason to send yourself off early. Fight for what you love, and live your life to the fullest.

It's genetic modification. Pretty neat.

Hawking is a great example. There's definitely reason to be hopeful and optimistic. I'm just not terribly motivated by having a long life. I'm downright suicidal. I'd rather finish my tech work, put it out and end it.

Everyone's really hopeful responses reminds me I can never tell my actual friends.

Well, if you feel like you will not be able to lead a good, albeit shortened, life then yeah, end it. There is no fundamental difference between a good life that lasts 28 years and 100 years. However, when the life is not good then the there appears exactly one difference: 72 years of suffering.

But you know, even if you had perfect bill of health you might get shot and killed by a drunk redneck tomorrow. So being distressed over length of your life is not the best use of your time anyway.

If you can never tell your actual friends then they aren't your actual friends.

We are.

Don't do it, user.

I'm not distressed about it. If I were, I'd go to a doctor and get whatever treatment they could offer and quit drinking.

You are considering suicide.

I'm no expert but I'd suggest that that is a pretty sure sign of being distressed about it.

The "don't do it" attitude is why I feel isolated from people. I'm going to die, possibly soon. I may have already done enough damage that I no longer have any control. It's not a question of willing myself to live to be 90. It's a question of how I want to die, and what I should do before I die.

If you want to go out on a pile of hookers under the influence of copius amounts of drugs, I'm all behind you. Just don't spend your last moment wishing you wishing you could've done more before you went

I'm definitely upset. I tried really hard on a project and no one really cares. People suck. The sole motivator for me was finishing tech projects and stuff I'd written. If no one cares about it, that motivation is gone. Today is obviously a bad day. But I'm not distressed about my disease. I'm just stating it to ease the conscience of anyone that's been curious about encouraging a suicide and can help me through this.

I really appreciate all of you listening.


>Be dyng
>Be suicidal
Dude you are in the perfect position right now. I have always thought about what I would do in a situation like this. Wingsuit flying? Unsafe? Dying...Fuck it! I am now Jeb Corliss! Base jumping? Yes. Rock climbing? Yes. Walking up to the best lookinhg girl in the room with the best of reasons to have an annon fling? Yes. End it without trying something that can show you just how alive you are? No...

What was your project?

Haha that's pretty much every day for me. I've been living out of a backpack for years now. I've traveled all over the US, Europe and China. I've had some incredible adventures and sex and all of that.

This next week, just pretend you're me and go do all the stuff you've always wanted to.

I created a smart drug, along with a lot of tech projects and releasing my blueprints as creative commons. If I weren't miserable I'd do more work in biotech and AI.

Have you ever read Flowers for Algernon?