That would be a good way to die

That would be a good way to die.

Yeah, starving too death...awesome.

>starving too death
dehydration before starvation user
like the biggest hangover ever, and delirium. Not a bad way to go.

Dying due to being a fucking idiot is always badass.

I am making thought she had yet ferocious meter and next cycle vigilante lol photo monograms. Fuckface.

Atleast he lived his dream. Unlike you fags.

He died with a purpose and hung on to the very last breath. Total serenity.

If you look into it. The movie dramatized and romanticized a lot of shit. He still had money and his ID. he was a retard who thought he knew more than he did and died for it. Natural selection at work.

this wasn't the actual dying part.
Dying of starvation would be a grisly fucking experience.

dehydration is an awful way to die.

the physiological sensations of starvation aren't that bad as far as ways to die go but the physical weakening, cognitive decline, and emotional liability combined with acute awareness of the inevitable with nothing you could do to stop it would be terrible psychologically.

No, he was terribly unprepared and made a series of poor choices.
When I go into the wilderness. I am prepared.

Should be the thread ender

>he was a retard who thought he knew more than he did and died for it.
when I first watche d that movie, not even knowing it was a true story, within 10 mins I knew this guy had mental issues.
As a amateur camper and knowing survival skills, I knew him going to Alaska, at the start of winter, without any experience or even decent equipment, he was gonna die.

>acute awareness of the inevitable
That to me is is a good thing. I'd like to die thinking till the last breath.

I read the book before the movie ever came out.
He ate the wrong kind of berry and died.

He was prepared as he could be with just himself to haul shit around where he went. When he first when in he took with him around a couple months of food, he had a .22 to hunt, clothes, etc. I don't think he ever planned to return to society anyway. He cut off all contact with his parents and in an idealistic way that he thought, living out his dream and dying doing it was the end game eventually.

good way to live but horrible way to die.

except, you don't go into the wilderness. Unless you're so scared of the three, local niggers hanging out round your neighbourhood grocery store, you might feel like you do when you venture there for Mountain Dew and Burritos.

i won't slight you for wanting your big trip but it worries me that someone who isn't dying thinks they have made peace with it.
how do niggers figure into wanting to live as a free man?

Firstly, I've had that same itch that Chris had for a long time. I'd love so much to live in seclusion in the wild. Also, I have schizophrenia. I think about dyeing every day. Don't worry though, I'm not dangerous and am thoroughly medicated.

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Kill me

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I'm gonna do it after i finish college

No, he didn't even have proper footwear.
He had no respect for nature

I hunt and fish in the Wilderness all the time. I just got back from a vacation where I didn't see anyone for days.
Not everybody is a basement dwellee like you.

>how do niggers figure into wanting to live as a free man?
idunno brah, how do they?

no you didn't, you've been on Sup Forums the last few days, I've seen your shitposts here. You don't fool me, Eugene.

>As a amateur camper and knowing survival skills

what by losing your shit,
running of to live in the wild,
then eating the wrong berries?

I can think of better ways to go

He had snow boots and never in the book did he complain about his feet.
Idk how you can say he didn't respect nature.
Either way, some people idealize with him and wish they could do what he did, some people think he was a dumbass. Plain and simple.


They need to remake the movie with Jordyn Jones as the sister

Unbeknownst to him, he was also within a couple of miles of a functional hand-operated tram that could have afforded him a way to cross the river that was now considerably more swollen than when he had traversed it in April.

On top of that he refused aide from an experienced survivalist and neglected or ignored any sort of map.

This guy was beyond ignorant and quite likely mentally ill... I cringed after the film portrayed him as some sort of Thoreau-Esque folk hero and made every pants pissing liberal fuck-wad with zero wilderness experience hail him as such.

You must admit going into the great unkown is an awesome medafore for life in general. We all go into the great unkown. When we die.

>he was also within a couple of miles of a functional hand-operated tram

this , he would not have died had he spent $2 on a proper map. Also He allegedly broke into and vandalized several hunting cabins.

>This guy was beyond ignorant and quite likely mentally ill..

He was autistic


I now see how this story might sound romantic and inspiring to the Sup Forumsros who never finished 7th grade

Yeah cause we don't know what is after death so he braved life on earth even tho he didnt no what he was gunna find in that bus. It could be life but it could be death. And most ppl just have to wait to experience death. But they no its coming based on life.

To a survival expert, his actions were similar to someone slapping on a mask and snorkel and swimming naked around in a sewer.

"No look I'll be able to see and breathe underwater because of the mask, right?"
But the issue is more that you'd be exposed to a massive amount of bacteria and could get horribly sick.

He didn't understand the full scope of the danger he chose to put himself in.

alone and starving to death nigga you can just be homeless and do that

I shot a moose about 15 years ago 100 miles north of Fairbanks. Had a full blooded Indian guide who said very little but was obviously a fucking beast of a survivalist... Probably one of 3 or 4 people on Earth who were actually familiar with the region.

This dude said that several seasons prior he had neglected to head south in his boat on time and the trip back suddenly became inaccessible... Fucker had to hoof it back to semi-civilization which was still over 30 miles from where he ditched his boat.

Guy said it damn near killed him and he only had less than a day of warning weather-wise before he realized he needed to move ricky-fucking-tik just to get back.

This guy knew the place better than anyone on Earth and even he was nearly eaten alive by it... Remote northern Alaska is absolutely insane and unforgiving