Were they right?

Were they right?

Didn't they do re-writes to the scripts to add quips? Kind of hypocritical.

Marvel fans are retards, but that's not why BvS sucked cock'n'balls

They were right that Marvel fans are dumb, but so are all capeshit fans

I think this is what a sore loser says.

is true. all of it.

>o-our movie is just too smart for you!
>you just don't understand it!

Fuck off Hipster Bros.

Snyder and Goyer have the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Literally no one is too brain-dead for Batman v Superman.

its true but JC symbolism with supes is just plain shit tier.




More like, they tried to make a superhero movie without one liners and 14 movies to setup a mediocre battle in an empty parking lot.

BvS was better than critics say, but Snyder hurts himself.

Civil Snore was awful and a cop-out fight. Spidey was funny in it at least

No because they're both the same type of low cinema IQ plebs

how embarassing

Isn't this just empty symbolism?

Elaborate how it's empty symbolism.

Its much worse than empty symbolism
It is IMDB symbolism

they should not have singled out a specific group like that. horrible pr

Having the final act in BvS being like Excalibur and having Superman be Jesus really doesn't mean anything. It's just references that are not forming a message, understanding of human condition or whatever. All it is, is simply just a reference/ comparison to another story.

What is the point?

>movie sucks
>blame it on the audience
how bitter can people get?

The way they messily juggled everything they wanted to fit in was the real issie


>understanding the human condition

Lol, now why the fuck would it do that? It's not a preachy pretentious pile of shit.

It's using the myths that have been historically associated with human kind in order to tell a modern day legend.

Beowulf was never about the human condition or had a message, it was just an inspiring tale, and like any good inspiring tale, the only "message" that you put onto it is one that's your own.


who /movieweb/ here? I remember I had a username and everything in there. Post your usernames if you were ever on there bros.

ObiWanShinobi reporting in.

i didn't even get half the jokes in Civil War, so i guess they were right

They were right in the sense that people were going to see Marvel films for the villian of the week action, and not trying to answer the philosophical question of "What would happen if superheroes were real?"

Civil War asks that question better than BvS did though

BvS instead asks the question "what if a guy who pees in jars created a monster for no reason other than gratuitous CGI destruction?"

>Beowulf never had a message.

Confirmed for never reading Beowulf.

Its hilarious how many esoteric literary references DCucks claim BvS has when you're actually educated enough to have read them all. Its literally the most pitiful grasp-at-straws I've ever witnessed.

Fair enough. But with people on this board and the article in OP's picture I cannot see what's so complicated about BvS that "Marvel fan" couldn't understand.

As you have shown, the movie is simple but people pretend that it is more than it really is.

I know that art doesn't have to always have a message but should invoke some sort of emotional response above all. But my point was (within the context of this thread) that making long graphics showing how "deep" the movie is when in reality it is just a modern day legend retelling older legends is ridiculous.

Please don't bully him
he plays videogames and posts on Sup Forums

Also adding this:Beowulf totally had a message as did King Arthur and of course The Bible.

But again I do agree about messages not being necessary.