He likes the pitchfork beatles

>he likes the pitchfork beatles


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It's for the pot smoking millennials

fuck you

Can we not let this become a meme? Yeah it was funny as fuck with the OPN line but this is annoying if you keep doing it. Also it doesn't lesson the talent of an artist just because a hack website likes them. So what if Beach House is the pitchfork Cocteau Twins, they're still good.

They are a shit band though.
Can people even deny this?
They make festival music for plebs who think they aren't plebs.

I've never met a person who liked Tame Cuntpala who wasn't a pseudo-intellectual, limp wristed, vegan, sandal wearing, bran flake eating, stupid, fucking post-ironic hippie wannabe

>Let me play a G chord repeatedly through an MXR Carbon Copy with delay and regen turned to max.
Fuck these cunts, and fuck the cunts.

I don't understand in the slightest why people like this band so much. It makes no fucking sense.

>copying the pitchfork skrillex comment

everything besides Currents is mediocre

Nu-males and teen/early 20s girls exist

Innerspeaker was great and lonerism is a decent album
why so much hate?

Currents is their worst album

>why so much hate?

it's popular

People grow old

Might be because this board is filled with hipsters and brainless stoners

>pitchfork likes it, therefore I have to pretend to hate it

Maybe you're joking but I have to put my opinion out there. Inner speaker and some of their demos are some of the best music of the century. Maybe it's a musician thing, maybe it's the acid, but if you don't understand music or have never felt music on THAT level, your opinion is less meaningful.

If you don't like it that's fine. Just don't act like you can't see why it's this highly regarded and call Tame Impala fans hipsters and pseudo-intellectual. It makes you seem like a hypocrite or just painfully oblivious
Their chords are easily one of the most interesting parts about their music. Even if they were just playing a single chord plenty of great songs and entire genres are based on melodies moving around a stable chord. You clearly have a twisted sense of music so you wouldn't know what's good would you?

Imagine being angry about tame impala

I'm dying laughing just thinking about it

lmao no
mgmt did that shit much better

holy shit
dumbass hipster thinks his generic burger record is deep
I bet you consider mac demarco to be a genius too



You get that they can both be good right? Mgmt is awesome. That almost has nothing to do with whether tame impala is or not. I personally prefer tame impala.

its the same shit dumb ass cept mgmt didn't attract an obnoxious fan base
i agree I like both and prefer neither. but reading that reminded of this cringe copypasta

Tame Impala is hands down the best band in the world right now. They are not pretty good, they are pretty incredible. But more than just how good they are, They represent the first ripple in a massive change that we are about to go through musically as well as culturally. I think that over the course of the next 10 years we are going to see a sort of mini-renaissance similar to what we saw in the late 50s-60s post war. With pot and gay marriage soon to be legal federally its gonna be a whole new world. 2012 end of the world isn't the end of human life, its the end of one way of thinking and the start of another. Pot...cash...crop...money! As someone already said here on Sup Forums, The united states will be the only country in the world were pot is legal federally. We are gonna have jobs again, and money to burn. Money to spend on art and music. In a sense, a need will be created for GOOD art and music. Not something that is coldy manufactured by hitmakers. Tame Impala is leading the charge! They are proving that people CAN tell the difference between real and manufactured music! Im not saying Tame Impala are the next Beatles but they are making enough waves to make change. Moral of story, Tame Impala Rocks!!!! They (kevin park) are making real beautiful music that only happens when a talented person commits a lot of time to something that they are passonate about. Tame Impala is a real life "bedroom" band, they way it is meant to be .
fuck off

musically, tame impala is pretty amazing for pop standards

I never said it was deep. I'll admit some of the lyrics are cliche, but that isn't the draw of their music anyway.

Mac demarco is definitely good. He's not a musical genius. He does use very interesting parts occasionally though, and he has a great lead style . How can you not agree that my kind of woman is a great song?

kevin has garbage vocals and lyrics. mac makes decent pop songs thats fine

Hhahaha. I can see where you are coming from now. Shouldn't you just be disappointed in silly stoners though? Tame impalas music is made for people on another level, so of course potheads will flock to them. Stoners always have dumb ideas that barely are coherent but it isn't Kevin parkers fault. He's just giving them a great time.

I've only listened the salad days album and it was probably most bland and lame thing I've listened in a very long time

I prefer his vocals to a lot of other stuff gathering as much attention. I can't stand people that excessively flaunt their voices or force passion into vocals. Parkers vocal style is smooth and lends itself well to some of the effects he uses to create his atmosphere. He won't make a good RnB album anytime soon, but where he's at (or was) I really enjoy it. It's refreshing.

Try "2"
Salad days was alright with a few songs being good. If I may ask, what do you normally listen to?

>. I can't stand people that excessively flaunt their voices or force passion into vocals
i agree with that.
but his voice isn't smooth its just barely in tune falsetto. was really disappointed seeing him live it sounded really bad. luckily everything else was better

They lose half of their game live. It's the same situation as the late Beatles in a sense, and they didn't even play their crazy recordings live. Kevin is a songwriter more than a performer so I'll give you that one. The band and guitars had good tones though right?

Meant for you ofcourse

yeah everything else was stellar. really wish him and melody made another album. think with her vocals/songwriting could have album of the decade on our hands

I hope it isn't another album where he whines over samey and repetitive tunes for an hour
My favorute genres are krautrock, thrash metal and funk

>a sort of mini-renaissance similar to what we saw in the late 50s-60s post war
You mean like the neo-psychedelia movement that started in the mid-90s? Swear to god y'all need to leave the house more or move out of your hometowns or something

It's almost the exact same album haha. Listen to it just to see if you get it this time and I promise some of the songs are genuinely beautiful. Maybe some of his technique will appeal to the funk in you, but there aren't any high energy moments if that's what your expecting. Just fun jams and sweet melodies.

lyrics are garbage but really when you think of modern psych rock i think of tame impala. I mean some of their riffs are basic but incredibly catchy and that's why chuck berry is a legend. not because he could shred a scale but because his riffs were basic and fun

>I let people on the internet decide what I like and what I don't