Jimmy Kimmel Told HuffPost to ‘Fuck Off’ for Trying to Call Him Out

>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 star Megan Fox sat down with Jimmy Kimmel this week and had a light chat about her pregnancy. He cracked some jokes and sarcastically asked Fox, “Do you feel, in a way, like you lied to me by coming out here pregnant and not indicating it in any way?”
>Kimmel clearly wasn’t being serious, but someone at the Huffington Post took it pretty seriously:
>Dear @JimmyKimmel, Megan Fox's pregnancy is none of your business
>Again, he was joking, but on top of that, Kimmel fired back yesterday with this pretty blunt tweet:
>Dear @HuffingtonPost – Megan agreed to discuss this before the show, so fuck off

Is there a late night talk show host as based as Kimmel?

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This is what the average feminist should look like

Some people just WANT to be upset over nothing and whine while elevating themselves by putting down acceptable targets. Ignore them.

He looks so badass telling someone to fuck off on the internet.

>huff and puff post

a glorified shit-tier blagh

kimmel is pretty great. I like how he has trump on and doesn't try to take the hack road of trying to shit on his politics

White women are literally cancer

So they hate men?

We're in an age where people don't get offended naturally. They TRY to be offended. Kimmel is from a brief but existent era where comedians didn't really have a taboo. What's funny was funny. Sure, it would be known if something was raunchy, but topics were just topics. Kimmel doesn't mix with this new soft skin our society is growing because his norm was out of that comfort zone. It doesn't surprise me that he's annoyed when people attack him for things that don't even make sense.