Friendly reminder that GRRM has given up on the show

Friendly reminder that GRRM has given up on the show.

>doesn't complete the books to give them material to work with

>wowwww why aren't they following my vision, give me another 5 years to finish my book assholes

>“No” said Martin, “I continue to be opposed to fan fiction because it’s copyright infringement. HBO, of course, gets around this by paying me large dump trucks full of money. So, if you would like to arrive in front of my house with a large dump truck full of money, I may consider allowing you to do some fan fiction. But I won’t consider it fan fiction then. I would consider it a sub-license. I make many sub-licenses to people who do games and card games and coins, etcetera. But Harlan Ellison always had this rule that he has been very vocal about over the years. You can find his diatribe about it on YouTube: ‘PAY THE WRITER’. And I think John also feels (one must) pay the artist, because this is how we make our living.”

Friendly reminder that Gurm has no pages

>Be George
>sell out before you finish your work
>sit on your ass and let the cash flow in, not even pretending to do anything
>see them making questionable interpretations, but it looks mostly good so who cares?
>constantly lie about "delays" so you can better spend your time shit stirring about Tolkien and going to more conventions
>wait, isn't the shit stuff their OC, and the good stuff your work?
>oh shit, turns out they're fucking incompetent when they don't have your work to hand hold them
>Whoever could have seen this one coming?

Don't call it a grave, George, it's the future you chose.

> he hates his own books

Reminder grrm will die before finishing the series and the only ending you'll ever have will be the shows.

Uhh, excuse me. Let me say this once.

George R.R.Martin is not your bitch.

Thank you.

GRRM is a hack, how can people take him seriously is beyond me.

Lol people still post this.

GRRM is a cuck. He would let his series get fucked in the ass by a big nigger dick and still be a quiet diplomat.

whats that site that give thos celeb rumor ?

the books will have to be finished by a grrm- imitating AI

He's had 20 years, there's nobody else to blame at this point.

except they failed in the first season.

try again.

>muh copyright

This fat fuck has lost any moral right to the copyright. I'm going to write so much fan fiction.


No. Now kill yourself.

Yeah, even though its been proven wrong. GURM would never write such shit, the mans a genius.

>hhhsssss with me sisters
>showfagd btfo again

Try again, kid.

I don't know why people still have any hope for it.
He's a morbidly obese and incredibly lazy man that took years to finish his books even when he gave a shit.

Tolkien worked on his novels until the point where he could release them whenever he pleased.
Terry Pratchett, from when he became an author first and foremost, released around 60 standard sized books in the space of 30 years, despite many appearances in various venues and later having Alzheimer's.

The fat man has no excuse

whats the name of that website ?

nothin personelle, kid *punches you in the face*


The source on that one is probably Sup Forums

trips witnessed, that user got f*cking served lmao

retweet this

Holy fucking owned rofl

this, the money from the show has made him even fatter and lazier than he would normally be.

Even if this was accurate it still wouldn't mean much.

Use of repetition can be useful, there aren't fucking rules in writing. Saying that using the same word in a series of sentences is "bad" is just as arbitrary as using a different one each time. There are types of cadences and rhythms that could suit certain goals in certain circumstances.

And comparing bad writing vs good writing from one of the best american authors of all time is not exactly the best comparison.

The actual problem is that a lot of things are going to happen in the books just as they do in the show. With changes in order, how but not in absolute results. When people say books get worse as the progress they're usually not joking.

But if the books had been completed first at least they would've had some kind of plan instead of trying to shock everyone with out of character stuff.

I don't get it. Isn't this exactly what he wanted? The stupid fatass loved the fame and popularity he was receiving once the show was the biggest thing around. He wasn't writing or giving any kind of shit.

Now that the show has no books to go off of, it's taking its own route and showing that the creators don't actually know what the fuck to do. Fans of both are getting pissed and suddenly Winds has a release date.

I genuinely hope GRRM passes away and his legacy that he leaves behind is an unfinished book series due to being lazy, and a tv series that is becoming worse and worse with each episode.

"Hold the door." That's easily one of the stupidest things I have ever seen, even is GRRM claims it was intended.

Stopped watching the show last season. Just waiting for the books
>feels good man

>and suddenly Winds has a release date.
Wait what? Why the fuck i never heard about it before this particular thread?

Watched 1 and 2 season and never watched newest ones. I just cant watch so poor adaptation of series when i've read the books.

Why was hold the door stupid?

>there aren't fucking rules in writing
True, especially when dealing with a language as ugly, mangled, and nonsensical as English. What an abominable mish-mash of far superior and logical languages (minus French) it is. Then again, it's from the same place Winston Churchill was born, so I honestly don't know what I could be expecting from those island niggers.

Good move user. They burned through the books to fast IMO

Can someone give me the name of that guy everyone goes on about in these threads. The ultra conspiracy one with the predictions and YouTube channel.

I just cringed at how they adapted Red Wedding and Cersei slut walking ( not even shaving head and using stunt double)

Robert Downey Jr.


the more I hear GRRM say the more I think he's an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing


Dr. Pavel


I loved him in anchor man

>and using stunt double

The problem wasn't the stunt double, really. It was the fact that they didn't get a stunt double with a bloated flabby body filled with stretch-marks. Lena walking nude wouldn't have fit what Cersei should look like at that stage, but then they went out of their way to get a stunt-double and still fucked it up.

I can't believe the praise that the Red Wedding got. I was embarrassed for the actors, since Michelle Fairley and Richard Madden are actually decent.

I really wish I had dropped the show in Season 2, but here I am. I guess I am a glutton for punishment.


Winds had like five deadlines already

Preston Jacobs. He's a fucking idiot.


I'm going to await the next pushback with eagerness.
Especially when he goes to another 10 cons in the interim.

Honestly, shouldn't it have been in the late editing stages since the past few delays if it was actually being prepped for release? IIRC, it takes 6-8 months at a minimum for decent editing, and that's with relatively small books.
For something that size, it would be well over a year.

What I'm getting at is that the repeated delays would never have happened if it has actually been sent to an editor. Guy either straight up lied before, made so many fuck ups that he had to do severe repair work, or had a hopelessly optimistic outlook for a veteran author