Force Awakens

So I just watched this movie last night with high expectations considering how """"amazing"""" the movie was. I've got to say this was probably the most disappointing movie I have ever watched. The whole movie just felt off. I can honestly say I whole heartily enjoyed the prequels much more than The Force Awakens. The movie was 2 hours long but I felt like nothing really happened nor nothing much was explained. It was just meh. I can't be the only one who did not enjoy this movie can I?

>nothing much was explained.

This is your problem, you are a prequel babby who thinks Star Wars is about exposition.

Now fuck off.

I have watched all of the movies, with the original 3 being the first watched. I never felt that I was "missing" something throughout those 6 movies. Force Awaken is just directed badly.

>just watched tonight

fuck off, any star wars fan saw this months ago...

>it's a review thread
>it's a guy deluded into thinking someone cares about his review thread

I enjoy star wars but I'm not a die hard fan, so I just waited till I could download it.

Hey man, I am just stating that this movie was over hyped but it was awful. I kept hearing my friends rave about how good it was. It was just bad.

>oh! they got a death star
>oh! its 400x the size of the death star
>they explode it just like the first movie except with minimal effort


Lol youre a fucking moron

> The Force Awakens successfully recalls the series' former glory while injecting it with renewed energy

So by injecting they really mean just lazily remake A New Hope while adding nothing of substance to the SW universe

Me, my friend and my sister watched it on opening week op. We felt ripped off.

I could write a better plot while on the crapper. Prequels were better, because the prequels were at least original.

Anyone defending rehash awakens as a decent film is simply a shit eating moron who enjoys popular things simply because they're popular, and it gives them cred. Not because they have any actual taste or criteria and are able to properly judge what is objectively good or bad.

I've yet to come across any TFA fanboy who's been able to properly explain to me why they felt the film had any merit. Meanwhile I have a laundry list of reasons why the film is not only flawed, but objectively bad, and retards just shut their ears.

I've even thought about rewatching the film, perhaps to get a better sense of appreciation for this "soft reboot" see it in a different light. But then I remember that the rehashed plot is only but half of the film's problems, and can't muster the will to do it.