So Sup Forums I have a problem, I lost my virginity to someone who isn't white "she was philipino" does this matter...

So Sup Forums I have a problem, I lost my virginity to someone who isn't white "she was philipino" does this matter? >inb4 yes I'm white
I always dreamed of losing it to a beautiful blonde or something, I guess beggers can't be choosers right? Am I a traitor to my race?

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No you're fine, congrats

You got laid. Good for you.

whites have the reserved right to defile the flowers of other gardens

It's pretty weak. You basically had sex with the blacks of the asians.

Only really a race traitor if you had kids with her.
I don't really care about colour as long as they are hot and my dick gets wet thats good enough for me

Damn I feel better, thanks

This is actually a good thing. It turns out that women carry the DNA of previous sexual partners, even if conception did not take place. That's right! By having sex with her, you've ensured that this woman's eventual litter will be whiter than might otherwise have been the case. It may not seem like much, but for them, it could be the difference between a being a productive member of society, and being fully subhuman.

Spelled Filipino wrong, nigga. I'm Filipino, and I lost my virginity to an Australian hottie back in the day. Does that make me significantly superior to you?

What does Trump have to do with who you fucked? I can't believe you retarded monkeys can read and type.

>relating things that have literally nothing to do with each other
Millenial logic.

>I'm Filipino
No, you're not. And I should know, *I* am filipino.

who gives a fuck who you fucked? Stop going by the unscientific notion of race and start fucking more

>she was *filipino
if she wasn't hot you dun goofed

not every nigger is black.. and not every black person is a nigger. A nigger is a frame of mind, they avoid responsibility and take pride in things they never achieved themselves. They love being ignorant, taking their anger out on innocent people and having kids they don't support. A white bread, skin head neo Nazi can be just as much of a nigger than a hood rat living life behind bars. If you don't contribute to society and live off hard worker's tax dollars, you're a worthless human being.. That includes handicapped people and amputees.

Tang ina ka, balik ka na lang sa grade school, bobo. Capitalization lang ng "Filipino", hindi mo pa alam. Mangmang.

Is that enough proof?

Nice google translate bro

Fuck, even an autistic Sup Forumsack gets more action than i do, good for you i guess

Nigga get your dick checked pronto. You might've caught something.

*mexicans of asia

You are not a race traitor. But you are such a backwater racist retard that you should've killed yourself years ago, you worthless pondscum.

How are you even smart enough to use the Internet with shit like this post swirling around in your 6-volt brain?!

You have contaminated yourself user. You must do the honorable thing and commit sudoku

Did you came in her tight pussy? Did it feel go?

Kill yourself.


There's a huge difference between a nigger and a perfectly fine black gentleman.

Wiw, almost fell for your troll. Sensya na, busy ka siguro ngayong gabi sa Ermita. Chupa pa.

this is some weak shit

doesnt matter in the least

Jesus H. Christ flips pls contain yourselves.

Holy fuck. Kill yourself ASAP you autistic bitch.

>a perfectly fine black gentleman
Does your bf know you're out of your cock cage?


you're just a race traitor but that's fine


titi pasok sa pipi

Nigger detected

Nah, fucking a sub-species is like masturbation. It's cool user, you are only a race trader if you get her pregnant ,or continue dating her ass

>implying flips arent top tier asians
i mean it depends really if you pick one from the bottom of the barrel what would you expect?

hoy pakyu nimo gago ka hayop aso animal bwisit tae tangina
filipino cant be translated properly using google
not so much that its too much of a complex language rather that google simply doesnt give a fuck

Flips are the niggers of the asian world, bottom tier. They basically equate to a hood rat newport nigger.

you obviously havent been hanging out with the better flips
fuck dont try to convince me the fucking malaysians or thai are better

and its the mexico of asia, so same thing with mexicans, if you go for gutterscum thats exactly what you get, set your sights higher and...

Only women can be race traitors, OP. Just ask the black community: black dad = fully black children. No black dad = not black at all children. Ergo, the father determines the race and can never have children who are not his race.

(I'm not making shit up, I heard this from a black guy and all the black people within earshot nodded along.)

stop being such a retard

I'd reckon it's a bit different, as skin color and gender are two different phenotypes

> Am I a traitor to my race?

you are a traitor to humanity you should never even consider the act of procreation