Finn's hair

Is anyone else relieved they CGI'd hair onto Finn's head for the DVD release?

I didn't mind him being bald in the theatrical release, but the tribal tattoos were really distracting.

OP kill yourself before you find out you're not funny.

oh no

I'm just glad they dubbed his accent and removed the marijuana cigarettes and skull necklaces

So this is what it's like when reddit tries to be funny. Jesus fucking christ.

Here's your (You)

this made me wince to read

Him screaming" holy fuck" during the Kylo Ren fight really grounded this space adventure for me.

did they fix his fucking hips

He's giving you some pretty solid advice there, bud.

Must have taken a LOT of man hours to remove the spear from each shot


I really like that they replaced Finn's constant "SHIEEEEEEET" grunts with "OOOHH".

And the child he dragged around after it fell into his enclosure.

Finn was so based. Can't wait to see Ep VIII

Finn was one of the only things I like from episode 7, still won't be seeing the next movie though.


What happened to Sup Forums's meme game?

You took over from Sup Forums as the meme factory a few years ago but you've been putting out straight garbage for a few years now

Sort it out lads

Genuinely kek'd, thank you for these.

You've been around. You know the shit we've got through. It's been a long couple of fucking years.

back to r3ddit kiddo things have never been better here.

Is this what passes for OC these days?


Sup Forums is literally just reddit while /got/ is in season

For a second I literally thought Sup Forums had game threads where they played each other to make memes reading this.

yes you will faggot. You're going to pirate it out of boredom one evening and ponder where everything went wrong, but you're going to see it.



>oh no I crash landed on thith thandy dethert, whatever thall i do?