Why does Sup Forums only like trashy, impure artists?

Why does Sup Forums only like trashy, impure artists?

Why does OP only make this thread?

who is bottom left?

why are you still an autistic virgin who obsesses over female "artists"?

Because they're a bunch effeminate manchilden that spend too much time on the internet.

Gigi Frizz. Italian lounge singer.

Funny how 50% of the trash is canadian

MC Ride, he does raps in the band The Death Grips

Who's the sexy on the bottom right?

sky ferreira

Jonathan Davis, better known for his work in nu-metal pioneer outfit 'Korn' than his solo work

who's the one in the middle?

>sky ferreira
she looks like a fucking heroin addict

i think it's dave grohl, he's the lead singer of the foo fighters and also looks a bit like the drummer from nirvana

that's because she literally is one

Janelle Monae

T.S. Eliot. More a writer than a musician tho.

gonna go with Lou Reed, of the band The Velvet Underground as well as his solo work

wtf it's Alice Glass you fucking retards. how new are you that you don't remember her?

looks like Chelsea Wolfe


Kate Bush

Annie Clark AKA St. Vincent

I really don't get this political compass meme. Somebody explain this to me.

Charli isn't as dirty as she seems, she's been fucking the same guy for like 3 year now

FKA Twigs

I think it's Bach, he composed the soundtrack for the film Inception

that's what he thinks

Ignore the memers, it's Charli XCX

Isn't that Mark Hollis of 80s synthpop-turned post-rock band Talk Talk?

It's Joanna Newsom

she doesn't look clean to me

Amy Lee, she was in Evanescence

Julia Holter

Go home waifufag

It's Florence, without the machine

Sarah Midori Perry

marina, without the diamonds

Brian Eno



PJ Harvey


Richard D James, also known as Moby

Looks a bit like Hayley Williams?

Tori Amos

Haha they're all liars
It's Trent Reznor
Actually, it's Grimes

natalie imbruglia, you might recognize her for her hit single 'torn' or her starring role in the movie 'johnny english'

Regina Spektor

lol look at this dumbass. It's clearly DJ Tiesto.

That's Ozzy Osbourne

Gwen Stefani

>Actually, it's Grimes


Sup Forums are you okay?

Shut up butter slut

t.grimes cuck

Travis Meeks

Damo Suzuki

Piero Scaruffi

Delia Derbyshire

fiona apple

Emily Haines

Shirley Manson from the 90s pop rock band "Garbage"

Solid choices. I love them to death.

Would still destroy.

lmao @ these retards...
it's claire boucher aka grimes
you guys call yourself Sup Forumstants and don't know this...embarassingxD

that's Sky Ferreira


come on man

i think you didn't get his meta-meta-joke.

there's at least one person here who knows how much of a slut she is

This. Anyone knows who she is, they just played along. Always there must be THAT GUY who ruins a joke.

i haet u now u fag alcoholic face fag




what kind of language is this?

ur mothers lelelelel kek top kek my friend, good meme sir!

it's panda bear

Every single female artist, unless they're asexual, has been fucked, and liked it. Most women enjoy sex. Some of them are vanilla with it some love it rough. Get used to it, that's how adult life just is.