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How does this image make you feel, user?


Chicken Triggeres

Like I need more good boy points.


god i wish that were me

Like a good boy

Stop torturing me with food

Need more good boy points

kinda like a certain green frog

gay sex


I actually buy these everyday from a deli near my work. Keep thread alive im going there in 5 minutes

Back in the old days where we had to fight for our tendies. Day in, day out, tendies were a commodity before the war. Hell, I would even settle for mickshits tendies. But after Nazi Germany blitzed the UK, tendies were scarce. You'd be lucky if you found a stale box in your uncles attic.

Just goes to show how kids these days don't appreciate tendies like they used to. Tendies aren't just a food, they convey a story of million, no, billions of people.

somebody has a good mommy

I like chicken, but I am a pussy so whenever I get one of those chewy gristles in my mouth I instantly lose my appetite.

not your personal army.

thread must live for tenderboy



like i need to count my goodboy points

I haven't had tendies in so long... Mommy took away all my hard-earned Good Boy Points

oh no! what the hell did she do that for?


you must have been a very bad boy

you should do what I do when my mom takes away my GBP; throw my filled diapers at the wall and pull her hair when she's trying to sleep. Tell her that this is what happens when there is a GBP deficiency and she will re-enstate your goodboy account and if you break some of her things she'll probably throw in some tendies.

like my mom isn't getting my FUCKING TENDIES FAST ENOUGH!!!!!!!!


HD tendies