>white people
White people
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praise jesus
>6 months
Those poor white people. Sweet digits though.
Excellent television and film related thread
>not television and film
Who gives a guck, a nigger gang member who tried to kill a cop while selling crack got shot!
>Niggers, Jews, Commies and other degenerates finally kill off the white race
>Realise that it was whites who actually held things together
>Future generations beg for a nuclear war of some kind just to bomb them forward into the stone age
True pottery
Well, who DOES give a fuck? That story you talked about sounds far more interesting already. Violence is marketable and makes for better headlines.
Its probably for the best. Whiteys can't even find a gf to breed with.
Finding a gf is easy you just have to look in unconventional spots since they're hidden sometimes. Fished my ex out from behind the fridge actually.