Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong? DOFP was fine, but this was an absolute mess...

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong? DOFP was fine, but this was an absolute mess. Was DOFP good just because of the original cast gimmick? Where can the series go from here? Deadpool and friends?

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X-Force would be a neat movie. Normies would accuse it of being a blatant ripoff of suicide squad though.

>Now that the dust has settled
What did he mean by this?

I hope they do a good verison of the The Phoenix Saga

How about a Alpha Flight movie? Everyone loves Canadians.

>make a movie about the world being in danger
>have scenes where it looks like the characters are going to die
>the world was shown to be safe and the characters were shown to have lived for decades after in the previous movie
Literally no stakes from the start.

How the fuck should we know? Real Sup Forums doesn't have an opinion until there is a watchable rip out.

They didn't just make Quicksilver the main character

>what went wrong
>directed by Brian "Twink" Singer

>Wolverine is shown to be saved by Mystique in disguise as Stryker at the end of DoFP
>is somehow in the the weapon X program of the real Stryker in Apocalypse