James Cameron

>He's commonly known as the master of sequels
>Has never made a sequel better than the original

Can somebody explain this to me?


The hardest part of making a sequel is making it good. He made ones that were good. That alone is more than what many could do

Also notable for that the 3rd movie that's made in the series he touched always sucks

this senpai

And hasn't made a good movie since.

Aliens is a genuinely terrible movie. I havent watched the Terminators in so long that I can't comment. Aliens might be good if it was a sequel to Alien, but because it is its absolutely shit. Dude didn't understand anything that makes Alien so special. Seriously fuck Aliens.

Great movie. Doesn't have the magic of T1 though.

>First movie in series was a horror movie
>Second movie was not
>therefore second movie is dumb

Literally fuck off.

Avatar 2

No actually it's a great sequel that doesn't shit on the previous movie. It develops Ripley's character and pairs horror and action in a claustrophobic setting very effectively. The characters are all memorable and have been copied to death.
The reason is works is it doesn't try to do the same thing Alien did, which is where Alien 3 fails.

he took risks, lots of people died so there was lots of steaks. Checkmate faggots.

Absolutely not better than T1. It's damn near a reboot before they were a thing, retelling the same basic premise with a higher budget. But for every step forward it takes with things like production value increase, it takes a step back like Edward Furlong.

>Aliens might be good if it was a sequel to Alien, but because it is its absolutely shit.

Son, go see a head-doctor.

Obviously I meant wasn't* in previous but anyways...

Aliens turns the Xenomorphs into paper mache cannon fodder. I haven't given it much thought but I bet you any money a movie focused on Xenomorphs being terrifying woulda been better. Think bullets not cutting through hundreds of them and instead not easily taking down 1. Even if chars were good it doesn't matter.

You're a retard who probably play videogames. Those autists love eating the same shit over and over

Furlong isn't the issue with T2, it's that the fact that the ending isn't as dark means it necessarily has a lighter tone.

T1 is about fate and determinism which makes it more grimly resonant, while T2 is about how you can shape your destiny yourself. The total reversal in theme with basically the same story is actually very clever and Cameron probably deserves extra credit for it, even if there will normally be one version of the story that a person inevitably prefers as a result.

guess what when you have more numbers you be be more bold in your actions like Islam is a perfect comparison.

>hates mindless action movie
>must play video games
oke doke user

Thissssss is exactly what I came in here to post


Au contraire

Everyone's still waiting on Titanic 2.

>“cameron was young. he had just directed terminator. cameron had called a meeting to discuss his “next project.” everyone knew cameron had written a treatment for alien 2 that nobody would touch because alien was not a massive financial success. alien 2 was not on the table. we expected a professional pitch from cameron, an outline and a treatment of what he had in mind with a cursory budget; perhaps a couple assistants to run a slide show. instead cameron walked in the room without so much as a piece of paper. he went to the chalk board in the room and simply wrote the word alien. then he added an ‘s’ to make aliens. dramatically, he drew two vertical lines through the ‘s’, alien$. he turned around and grinned. we greenlit the project that day for $18 million."