Cringe thread GO!!!

Cringe thread GO!!!

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This should do.

People who care about kanye West


you call that cringe?













I like this guy's artstyle. It's a bit like chris-chan after a week long adderall binge. Very impressionistic.












Angers me that shit like this actually got released.









Beautiful tits!

I like this man.


Why the fuck is this a thing? omg!

you wrote this?

I remember this. I love it. It's such great top tier cringe! Thanks user i was trying to find this recently and forgot the name!

No, Somebody from /x/ did, although i do have my own cringe comics aswell


this isn't cringe

>skull tie
it is, my dude

yw i actually secretly enjoy them too

ever wonder how that guy feels, now that he's been a meme for like 2 years now?

It's a star tie, not skulls.

And there is nothing wrong with a dress shirt/vest combo with jeans.

This is not cringe, he actually doesn't look too bad.

Anons just mad nobody likes his trenchcoat.

Now here's some real cringe i've made




This is NOT cringe! This is bad ass!!!

that's pretty much it, but i have other things made by me that reach cringe levels, like an ms paint comic of this



thank god i don't have a sister.
i do have a half sister and she got her friend help get me laid.

post it on Reddit for Internet points

#1 Top Cringe!

I don't think reddit is my kind of place.


lol did you steal someone's notebook or something?

Anyone know if this chick has nudes floating around?

it was posted by someone from /x/

hey man
keep making stuff
it's aight
and it's way better than what most people are doing
so if you keep doing it, it's going to be really great
stick with it, man, there's great potential and don't sell yourself short by just calling it cringe or whatever. this is you making something, and everyone wants to cringe at their own shit from time to time, but you work through it and make stuff that people admire and respect.

I'm in

It was posted on Sup Forums, and OP said he found it in the dumpster, after seeing some bald guy angrily throwing the notebook in the dumpster.

There's a lot of women out there that like psychos, hell just look at Charles Manson.


i was told that the reason some women like crazies is because they think they can reform them or something

>origin story
>sentient virus with an unknown origin
Wtf, I will say this though, I kinda like the art style


i thought the same