What triggers you?

What triggers you?

Lack of English spelling reform.

The trouble is picking a particular reform...

America using imperial.
How the fuck do you justify the use of a long dead kings foot as a measurement?
Litterally one of the last countries to still use it.

America uses customary, Britain is imperial. But I agree, both are worth fuck all for anything that actually matters.

Yass. Hate it when you ask anyone height, weight, dick length, and they respond in foot, pounds and inches.

A man told me his name was Hugh Mungus.

your a fagort


Hugh Mungus wot?! A Hugh Mungus wot?!

I think it caused a rocket to crash and costed millions at some point.

massive fucking faggots.

Hugh. Mungus.

Emo girls
Whiny metal
Black floral patterns
Self inflicted scars
XD and Rawr
"Dark" things
The concept of eternal love
Pale skin
Vintage-esk fashion
The word bean
People looking for sympathy for their suffering or pain
Piercings and tattoos
Existential depression
Mental health disorders

Beech fuuucked me up m8s

NASA lost a rover, not a rocket. still wasted millions though

this postand posts like it.

All these people supporting Colin Kaepernick...crying about white privilege blah blah blah.

Sorry for being honest faggot

* when java people hide warning messages and complain their app crash

* People using deprecated librairies

* Sup Forums not using markdown formatting

honestly, you are a massive fucking faggot holy shit dude.

People who are mad at this nigger 4th grade teacher for "dressing too slutty". Bunch of flat ass/titted no curve having white women who are outraged

Look dude that shit just triggers me.

I control myself and let it go but seriously shit's like half a second of electricity hitting the nerves in my chest.

The fuck am I supposed to do about it?


Hnnnnng x2