Literally all men now to blame for the whole Ghostbusters mess.
Literally all men now to blame for the whole Ghostbusters mess
Other urls found in this thread:
>Women were a mistake
>make an all-female ghostbusters
>sjws will promote the film for us and defend it against any criticism, legitimate or otherwise
Someone got a raise at Sony's marketing team, that's for sure.
> Not allowed to dislike it because you're just a man and sexist
How sexist
>the washington post
nowadays it seems they became a buzzfeed tier clickbait site
>Sony Board Meeting
"Guys our film is getting a ton of dislikes on youtube. Even our stars look embarrassed to be part of this production. I think its going to bomb, what do we do?"
"We could reshoot elements, and make it into something better?"
"Nah that would cost too much, let's just blame the dislikes on the fact a few of the youtube comments mention women, and stir some SJW drama."
It's amazing.
All they had to do was release a trailer.
They were going to make another Ghostbusters remake with four guys and it fell apart after fans shit all over it. Who should I blame for that?
Predustice aside, just simply in terms of having an objective opinion, every single trailer looks terrible.
This has nothing to to with the fact that it's a remake, featuring women, just that it looks like the film is going to be awful. Every single scene looks awkward, or forced and the black woman seems to be really annoying and she over acts.
Remakes are generally terrible.
This is no different.
Gender plays no role.
SJW have made this movie into a political football from day one. But no. It is the men's fault that this movie have a heavy political shadow hanging over it.
Who are they trying to convince?
I literally haven't seen a comedy in theaters for over a decade.
fucking christ, it has nothing to do with the fact that its all female. Its the most disliked video in history because its a shameless reboot/remake of a classic movie. Some things are still sacred.
If this stared the original cast, before they started dying obviously, and nothing else was different, it'd actually be worse because I expect a shit movie from actors who are doing it for a pay check.
>it shouldn't have been a big deal
They really want it to be a big deal, don't they? It still isn't. It looks Sandler-tier, and I can't stand that hack either.
they had an agenda from the get go, so boo hoo for only realising that the agenda you had was force feeding political opinion
>washington post
I don't understand. Why are liberals making this movie their 'Last Alamo'? There are far more worthy causes to die on the hill for.
also "let's bait those alt-right internet activists"
I hate women as much as anyone, but not even women deserve to be represented by the Ghostbusters remake.
they can only blame themselves
You're not allowed to dislike it if you're a guy, sorry.
>all this free advertising
A deal is a deal, user.
You know, it would be brilliant if the marketing team deliberately put "4 scientists" in the first trailer just to instigate a response.
This social justice warrior nonsense is the greatest thing to ever happen to corporate and state power. Dislike or otherwise don't approve of something? You're a racist, sexist, homophobe, buzzwordbuzzwordbuzzword!
Four female Ghostbusters simply aren't realistic. Only men are uniquely equipped to wield proton packs and analyze ectoplasm, a substance emitted by ghosts, WHICH ARE REAL. Women's hands are much TOO SMALL to hold a proton pack. GHOSTBUSTERS is supposed to be a COMEDY and WOMEN AREN'T FUNNY. And good luck getting audiences to believe that FOUR WOMEN could possibly do SCIENCE, much less in the same room without GETTING THEIR PERIODS ALL AT ONCE or snatching each other's weaves in a fight over a man. I watch television AND READ THE INTERNET. I know how women are.
THIS IS A BETRAYAL. I can't believe Hollywood, a place that so often embraces novelty, would revisit a franchise THIS SOON after the first film was made and completely change the whole cast around and basically SHIT ON MY CHILDHOOD. GHOSTBUSTERS IS ONLY 31 YEARS OLD. HAVE YOU NO DECENCY? GET BACK TO MAKING MOVIES BASED ON COMIC BOOKS STARRING CHESTY WHITE GUYS! AND THE SKINNY THIRSTY BITCHES WHO ARE INEXPLICABLY ATTRACTED TO THEM! PLEASE!!!
FEMINISTS HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING AWAY FROM MEN—world government, the US Congress, Fortune 500 CEO positions, cable punditry, Ghostbusters—and they won't stop until they've taken EVERYTHING. I'm all for equal rights, BUT COME ON.
has anybody seen it yet? oh right.
This movie is going to turn out worse than Blues Brothers 2000
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So basically fail and blame men again?
But they're the ones who made not seeing it a "political act". Now they're aghast at the fact that it can be viewed both ways? How fucking dumb are they?
I'm saying. Winston wasn't even a scientist, niggas don't even know the basics of the source material they're bastardizing. Between that and making it ambiguous as to whether it was a reboot or a sequel, it's like that trailer was designed to piss people off.
>trailer was designed to piss people off
Nothing sells like controversy, innit?
Why not have a good cry, OP? You and the rest of these cockfaggots got what you wanted only to find you didn't want it.
That's feminism in a nutshell
Why are there no Asian women cast? I go to one of the better UC's getting a STEM degree and there are about 5% white females and literally 0% black females in every one of my classes. It's mostly white guys and more so Asian guys and girls.
Rare animated video footage of SJW's reacting to criticism against Ghostbusters reboot.
>virgin nerd shaming
Wow, how progressive!
>the movie ends up being as bad as Pixels or Grown Ups 2 or whatever
>everyone defends it regardless
isn't that sexist?
sorry your film is awful but we have to pretend to like it just because you're women. we're not gonna treat you equally like all the male comedies sorry.
Diversity means white and black people. Weird brown people are not relevant
That's right Sup Forums keep advertising it
You're the reason I fucking found out who Amy Schumer was and I watched trainwreck
Literally had no fucking idea who she was until Sup Forums spread that shit
But it is going to get no lower than a 90% on RottenTomatoes because the good little liberal critics will all fall in line to seem 'tolerant' and 'feminist'.
Meanwhile the audience score will probably be below 50%.
I don't know why we're making such a big deal over this.
Just don't fucking go see it, and if you really have to entertain sick curiosity: pirate it.
>all-female Ghostbusters should have been no big deal
>despite the fact that we've been making a big deal out of it for months now
You guys suck at this.
If you're a girl, you have internal mysoginy or something.
This is the difference between real feminists and internet feminists. Real ones do something to help women. Internet ones come up with arguments to be "right" on the internet.
Fuck this shit. Loudmouth retards should be the one representing an entire movement. My mom works at a fucking women's shelter, she doesn't have time to go on publicity stunts like this.
>should have been no big deal
>make a blockbuster
>advertise it in the worst way possible
>continue to blame men for everything when they're riding on the works of men in the first place
>every site is clickbait now
What did they think was going to happen?
Imagine if criticism against Adam Sandler movies were brushed as anti-semitic because Adam Sandler is jewish.
>internet neo-nazi manbabies refusing to see top comedy Pixels
>I don't know why we're making such a big deal over this.
Apparently you're not a proper Sup Forums neckbeard if you can't get hysterically touchy about absolutely nothing.
No one is going to see it. The fact that they're attacking men and blaming misogyny for a shitty movie should worry you about the direction our retarded society is heading.
Fuck, don't you even entertain the idea. I can already see the clickbait.
There's one now.
Go to bed, Judd
>they're attacking men
poor old user. you'd give anything to be one of the "men" instead of a bitchy out-of-step autist, wouldn't you?
>that one tumblr lard samefagging
Awww, are you upset user?
Your lucid brain rejects this idea but I bet for a moment you actually managed to make yourself believe Judd Apatow was posting in the thread because of how badly you needed it to be true.
>nerds are now supposedly misogynist for disliking all-female Ghostbusters reboot
>the same nerds who praise Alien, Terminator, Xena, Tomb Raider, NOLF, Metroid, Relic Hunter etc.
well I did say "autist"
>falling for corporate cuckolding
if they were true rebels they would pirate it
And? That guy is correct. Ill ask again, are you upset user?
>nerds are now supposedly misogynist for disliking all-female Ghostbusters reboot
Make your mind up, sparky. It was "literally all men" at first.
>Snorlax used Earthquake
>Ill ask again
Want 'em to work in an "edet psot" option for you as well, retard?
Your logic ends where their feelings begin.
>Sup Forums is one person
I find it funny that, were we to have a 2015 remake of Ghostbusters with a new male cast these same people would never complain that the new cast were different heights, different ethnic background (HEY WHY DID YOU RECAST A POLISH AMERICAN INSTEAD OF AN IRISH AMERICAN!), different hair/eye color, different pitched voice, differing amounts of tattoos or piercings, different shaped nose and heads, etc. etc. What a special type of mindset it takes to have a world-view that allows you to suspend your disbelief so NARROWLY. (I said pretty much the same to all the people who shuttered at the notion of a black Superman or Spiderman.)
Nah just a post that makes sense would be nice.
I would love if it leaked online and the box office was ruined. Similar to what happened to The Interview
the whole movie is a political act and the escalation of this shitstorm was entirely fueled (like always really) by the SJW side losing their shit at people disliking the Trailer.
Why are leftists always SO FUCKING WRONG?
>My limited perspective and exposure is representative of the population
>Look at me I'm a STEM major guys
>Let me use this as a chance to brag about my degree
An idea for a new all male Ghostbusters was already floating around, and it was getting shat all over just like this one is.
They're so fucking desperate, trying to fulfill their own prophecy.
This entire movie is a reflection on what movies are today. It's not about content or story, it's about bland movies with politics up the ass. On top of that the entire thing is a remake. Remaking every original film because Hollywood is too scared to actually create anything original. They say they're nerds and celebrate "nerd culture" but at the same time trying to keep up how things worked before. Blaming nerds for not wanting to see shitty political statements and propaganda. Saying they're virgins even if the original fans of Ghostbusters must be half-dead by now. Why would men want to see all-female movies? Everybody knows women aren't funny. SONY spent 154 million dollars when the original move only cost 30 million. This is going to be one of the biggest box office bombs in history.
Nobody would call me Pole-hater for disliking such remake though. People would be sceptical about it because it's an unnecessary remake, but it's Defence Force invasion that is pissing them off.
>Feminism used to be about having women judged by the same standards as men.
>Literally everything advertised about this movie was that they are stronk wymyn who dont need no man
>Any criticism is deflected on the grounds that they are women.
When did feminism start to have such a dark, infantilizing view on women?
Calm down sugar tits no one is bragging. I left my school and degree ambiguous to not sound boastful. Stay on tumblr if such minor things are going to trigger you.
This is true, just not in the way you think.
Isn't North Korea fan of Trump ? Let's make them hack SONY once again and leak this shit
well i hope you enjoyed jerking off
Not enough real problems. I'm sure the feminists in Syria are legit.
Why didn't they make it 2 men + 2 women
Shit, 2 blacks and 2 whites
There's no reason for "4 women" today, as equality has been achieved. Going "4 women" because of muh women is simply degenerating women into what men were with "4 men".
O, you sad, sad "progressives". It'll set your equality back if you don't realize it.
False. Hollywood reboots movies that absolutely do not need them all the time (and most of the time the trailers for those projects look like shit too). I can’t think of a single reboot that has attracted anywhere NEAR the level of vitriol as the Ghostbusters reboot. There’s almost nothing different from Ghostbusters (and please don’t try to say that Ghostbusters is somehow more beloved and fans feel more protective of it than other remakes because until people started trying to defend their negative response I can’t think of a single person who spoke of Ghostbusters as that kind of sacred, beloved classic) than any other remake except ONE THING, that the reboot replaced a cast of 4 male leads with 4 female leads.
The casting decision is why this has become such a lightning rod, and even if people can convince themselves that its for other reasons, I don’t buy it and any reasonable person should be able to understand that those reasons are just a cover for the misogynist ones.
If someone told me that something I made when they were already adults ruined their childhood, I’d probably have to stop myself from telling them that if that’s all it took to ruin their childhood, it wasn’t much of a childhood to begin with.
“it’s not because it’s starring women, it’s because the trailer is really bad!”
those same people on other movies:
“wow, the trailer was bad. i’ll still watch. it’s probably just a bad trailer.”
"It’s about ethics in trailer journalism!"
You sound young. You don't remembe rthe shitstorm when Blond Bond was announced?
And it's Spider-Man, not Spiderman. Fucker.
Is there such a thing?
Or if they really were going for equality and progressism, why no Latino ? Or Asian ? Why is the black woman the most cliché portrayal of a sassy black woman.
Why are those fucking SJW supporting that film ?
When this shit bombs, nobody's going to want to make another all female blockbuster, they are sending women backwards ffs
>Why are those fucking SJW supporting that film ?
Because warriors need to fight. If they only supported the good stuff, they would just be happy and less angry.
They are all buzzfeed level click bait, and it doesn't help that facebook promotes this shit with their one sided liberal news feed. We are at a point in our society where at least 80% of the working force (retail, food service, office) hate their job and stayed married to their computer and just look at shit articles all day. I am no better because I do it with Sup Forums but at least this place is fun. Combine this with the rampant I get it my way right now American mentality, you get a system of board people that will eat up bullshit articles and use that sense of entailment to justify the insanity behind the articles.
That is the worst attempt at pasta i have ever seen. Strong element of cringe based on how hard you think it's making a point.
Why the fuck is there only ONE black woman?
So fucking obvious she's the token.
Hollywood thinks it can be "diverse" if it only has white women. Because fuck minority women.
There was no some "moral obligation" to watch Total Recall remake, Robocop remake, Friday the 13th remake, Nightmare on Elmstreet remake, Godzilla remake, etc. and nobody called me a misogynist for disliking them from the start because they're mostly male starred. Except Nightmare and Friday.
It's the same thing with everything:
Somebody trolls man online: trolls
Somebody trolls woman online: misogynists
Male starred movie/game/show flops: bad production, bad writing
Female starred movie/game/show flops: misogyny
It's part of the SJW rhetoric. Women can only be victims and victims only, everything women do is perfect and you're a literal Hitler if you think otherwise.
>not actress
fucking lol.
m8 you don't need to say anything. Just realize someone actually got so fucking mad and wrote all of that just to get ignored.
I agree, originally I wanted to da it was just click bait sjw's just being themselves. But after that faggot Paul Figg said what he said, it was clear as day that this was Sony Damage Control.
Yeah you're right. People are so mad about everything these days man. What a time to be alive.
>you don't like the look of movie
>decide not to see it, just like with gazillion other movies you decided not to watch
>you're now a misogynist
I want out of this ride!
>remake a movie using clichés, tropes and stereotypes that the original subverted
Being mad about this is only natural.
I can't believe they turned the relatable, level-headed audience surrogate black dude into le sassy ghetto black woman.
So what? Who isn't a racist misogynist nowadays? Come on guys, it's 2016!