Thoughts /b?

Thoughts /b?

Other urls found in this thread:–Palestinian_conflict


Id take the kikes over the sand niggers anyday

you mean the "i conquer territories through a war i didnt start and then get blamed for using my superior forces after being attacked again"?

newsflash: thats how every country got its lands and if you would punch mike tyson in the face can you really expect him to punch you like a whiny little girl in return?

(Op here)
So you're trying to defend the slaughter of millions on innocents? I'd love for you to be in that position.

The middle east has been a shitty place as long as mankind has recorded written text am i wrong???

Your bullshit propaganda won't work here.
Sup Forums hates sandniggers.

i'd love for you to cite the source that claims "millions" of palestenians died in israeli attacks

besides who cares about sandniggers anyway

>time to get 2 additional shekels to my account for this comment

How is it in any way propaganda? Its all facts, Propaganda is all lies, This ia not a lie nor is it propaganda.

Whatever you say, Ahmed, just don't blow yourself up in my neighborhood.

Yeh i just realised i said millions, Bit of an exageration but does it really matter about the numbers? Im no die-hard activist or anything of the sort but I know wrong when I see it

I'm not a sandnigger, I'm an Irishman and I know from my countries past It's not something to be overlooked

look, israel suffers from shitty press, its what they fear the most, they dont attack unless they are threatened(and yes even a rock can do damage) and if there are innocents in the vicinity the blame should befall the aggressor

Yeah and the aggressor is Isreal, That "war" is like men with slingshots going up against men with rocket launchers, It seems to me the Israelis are just trying to make an example out of palestine.

i know some cool kikes but all the sandniggers i've met are just terrible.israel is not attacking them enough

You're so full of propaganda that you're not occupying the same reality as anyone else.

The shitskins constantly attack Israeli civilians and launch rocket attacks on Israeli cities.

Better focus on drinking and let the adults deal with heady topics.

I'm torn on the whole Israel Palestine thing.

I'd rather neither side existed

And why are they doing that? Because its happening in their own territory, Im not saying its right but what goes around comes around

being an aggressor doesnt mean being the strongest, being the aggressor means being the one that started it, just because israel is attacked by niggers with shit tier weapons doesnt mean israel should retaliate with shit tier weapons themselves(like the example i gave before about punching mike tyson)

besides as a nation with a huge nuclear arsenal and capabilities to launch small satalites to space you think israel cant flatten gaza and the west bank if they wanted to? they gain nothing from this prolonged attrition

I agree with you but sadly thats not the way it is, I dont agree with either side but if I had to choose it'd be palestine, I dont care if theyre sandniggers, chances are those ones will never bother you or me anyway

Then why still fight? Call off the war if thats the case, Theyre making an example to the rest of the middle east to say "dont fuck with us"

And how would they use their nuclear arsenal? Thatd be like England nuking Scotland or Wales, Theyd destroy their own country

So what do you want Israel to do? do you need a history lesson?

1948, UN resolution to form Israel, the Jews agreed and the Arab didnt. Arab nations declared war and Israel pushed them back. Arab agreed to a ceasefire only after heavy losses. Ever since that same Arab sentiment persistent and they want all Jews gone. Look at the Hamas charter they openly call to the complete and utter eradication of Israel. they send terrorist attacks, they launch rocket and mortar attacks - do you really expect Israel to just stand there and take it? No country in the world would agree to that.

what war, how can israel call off a war they didnt start when the other side doesnt want to stop untill they win

they dont gain any "national cred" for taking out these small pockets of terror. the other countries in the middle east that dont have good relations with israel have actual armies so when they see these small pockets taken down it doesnt make them afraid(again this is a whole different level of power even between pale's and other arab nations)

that was more to show the advancements of their weapons, ofcourse they wont nuke themselves but a country which managed to assimilate so much weapon's technology could easily do alot more damage than they currently do


Shut the fuck up arabs are monkeys

mfw ppl ITT baited so hard

Israel doesn't even use Ground-to-Ground missiles!


And jews are filthy rats

hey guys, can I be a terrorist supporter with you?

I approve of this meme

palestinians are dirty sandniggers

so are most jews in israel

fuck em both

given the choice though, i'd rather the jews exterminate the muslims since there are lots of funny jews like larry david but not so many funny muslims except the ones who think it's hilarious to blow you up on the tube to work

Israel is the true nazi state.

Wow Sup Forums, I'm genuinely impressed by the amount of facts and good arguments used to refute what sandnigger-lovin' OP said.
It has consistently been the Palestinians and their Arab handlers who have rejected peace, provoked conflict and initiated violence against Israel since the very beginning.

you do realize the two image in the upper right corner are from Syria?

Genius plan, photograph Arabs killing Arabs and blame it on the Jews

i like this, you have alot of pictures here depicting israeli soldiers and the damage they done despite the fact that some of these weapons and uniforms arent even used in israel but hey they are part of a nice collage

and then theres the lack of millions of dead in a few short years and the start of a world war but sure nazi's

Bring it, muslim.

I'm sure you can prove that, instead of just pulling things out of your ass.

most of those pics are muslims killing muslims you faggot

Babylon seemed like a pretty cool place to live tbh

Might makes right.
That's how it's been throughout history. don't like people taking "your" land? Get better weapons and training.

germans did it because hitler didn't like jews

jews do it because nobody likes pakis

Dont confuse power with politics.

Palestines are violent fanatics. Worshippers of a blood-cult. If they were your neighbours, you would fight them too. Although you would lose, because you're a faggot.

>My propoganda is not propoganda, it's just facts!
I'm sure your epic starter pack meme is just a fact too

Not entirely sure what to think, but something tells me that this is the fault of Palestine.

yes just go to google and type "syrian dead kids" and go through the tens of thousands of pictures there untill you find the right ones.

last time i checked the burden of proof lies on the one making the claims

You made the claim that it's fake and it's from Syria, mate.

and you made the claim its from Israel in the first place, you need more than a pic to back up that claim.

actually no im a different guy

but still you made the first claim that it is from israel

Dont be a faggot. You got caught in a lie. Admit it and move on with your life.

>literally a muslim hater israel shill blog

>my word is against your word so you're wrong
Typical jew argument.

>my claim is right because its mine

here is another thing, to compare them to the nazis you need to show that the israelis targeted those children in the first place and that they arent collateral damage and then show that it is a norm for them and not an exeption

fuck the palis

Gotta admit though, the entire nation of palestine is a death-camp on a larger scale.

Apparently every single house in this district was hiding a rocket launcher.

What the fuck is a Palestinian? Is that people from some land in the magical land of Narnia? Is that a heathen's name for God's chosen nation of Israel?

fuck you Mudslime faggot

Who gives a shit about a bunch of fucking sand niggers? There are plenty of them, I'd rather have at least one liberal western nation run by intelligent civilized people than another third world shithole. Yea, they took their land, and I hope they take more, the fewer Muslims in the world the better.

Probably, yeah.

We're not talking about normal people. Palestines live only to murder.

No, they were hiding Muslims. Now they aren't. I'd say the situation was vastly improved, wouldn't you?

a death camp which borders on egypt(gaza) which maintains the blockade from their side and jordan which partially borders with the west bank

oh and not a death camp as only 21000 deaths in 50 years of fighting rather than millions in 5–Palestinian_conflict

boy these israelies just suck at mass murder

Y U hate?

This...exactly this...We got a grown up here folks.

Yeah, I'm a 100% with you on this. Those damn Arabs fighting Israel after the latter forcefully took their land and kicked them out. It's like that girl I raped the other day. Would you believe that she was kicking and clawing since the first touch? What a bitch!

we hate kikes more faggot, go back to pol

No, no, no.

It goes nigger>muslim>jew

you mean the girl who jumped up on you, unzipped your pants and then started fucking you then decided she didnt want to have sex with you the moment before you ejaculated and started crying rape?

dont forget who started these fights where the land was lost

I'm genuinely curious. How many of the people here that support Israel are not americans/israelis/jews?

No we dont faggot...

kek agree

im half breed kike and even I know thats bullshit.


there a lot of murican that identify as jews.

Swefag here. No jewish heritage that i'm aware of.

I stand with Israel.

probably zero considering the fuckfest that europe invited into their homes from syria and libya

Israel was rightfully gifted to the Jews as a reward for their persecution. The native fauna around Israel are becoming a niusance, so they must be culled.

No one here likes you fucking Muslims!! You fucking sub-humans! Islam is cancer!



Thanks for proving that jews are the single most racist and murderous people on the face of Earth.

I think you don't know what happened in that region m8.

The area where Israel is today belonged to the Ottoman Empire. After they were defeated, the land went to the British. And then the British gave it to the Jews because fuck all.

Even though the land had many rulers, during all the occupations the population living there were the same, they were Arabs. And now these same Arabs were kicked out of their land.

Because that's a baby. Give that little bastard 15 years and it'll be so brainwashed by the death cult that is Islam that it'll be gang raping German girls and blowing itself up in the name of Allah. Best to kill it before it becomes a threat, even if it is cute for now.

Probably. Or used her as a human shield. Still, muslims can be cute too.

faggot been here since this shit stared back dont tell me about b.
b never condoned animal cruelty child porn and kikes

mudslimes have enough land as it is

No, not this one. The one you're talking about is the USA. They hit themselves with plane holograms and started to attack everyone.

Poor girl is probably being raped by her 50 year old husband right now.

Did they pay their rent on time?

Who would rather have those stinky rapist terrorists Muzzies in their land rather than a few greedy kikes?

Yeah thats what I thought?
Want to invite a few Syrians into your house?

They don't murder people that matter though. You don't get mad when an exterminator gets rid of rats, so don't get mad when Jewbros get rid of the Muslim problem. Also I'm German American, not Jewish.

started a war
lost land during war
whine abut losing land.

nuke the entirety of isreal

My neighbours are a family of syrians. They make a lot of noise at night and i'm pretty sure the father beats the mother and that the mother beats the kid.

But they are nice enough when i talk to them and they stop making noise when i ask them to so...

Fuck Israel. Zionist pigs

Surprisingly they did. The Arabs helped Britain and their allies to defeat the Ottomans because Britain promised that they would keep their land. But we all know what happened next. Google Balfour Declaration.

Congrats Mr.
Such pride you have in being such a retard.

So they basically niggers?

Conor mc Gregor will rek all dem sandniggers

God no. I'm Lebanese, i hate Syrians.... They're always stinking our world class wine...

the british divided it between the jews and pale's. pale's attacked and lost(48), then they tried again and lost some more on (67)

jews did what jews do best and just bought a shit ton of land in a land they once claimed and then bargained with the owners of the land(britain) and convinced them to create 2 states there

>Domestic violence
It checks out. Except they are nice about it.