Holy shit
the kino reviwer is in literal suicide watch, what a shame he is the only non meme youtube reviewer not like the chink of every frame a painting
look at this miyazaki video
Holy shit
the kino reviwer is in literal suicide watch, what a shame he is the only non meme youtube reviewer not like the chink of every frame a painting
look at this miyazaki video
Other urls found in this thread:
came here to look for this , i hate that all good things must end
at least the video over which he's getting sued is still up in his second channel
What is he being sued for and by whom?
Stanley Kubrick - The Cinematic Experience
(not op here)
Isn't this just fair use just like the reason that h3h3 got sued? Are lawyers so desperate to make a point and maybe one win that they are willing to start cases that they'll most likely lose and would only be able to win through bullying and having longer legal stamina?
>not like the chink of every frame a painting
did I miss something what's wrong with the every frame guy
the usual? (popularity?)
He focuses far too much on technical aspects and not enought on artistics aspects in my opinion
Refreshed and saw the video in question, so thanks to both you and the user who posted the vid.
Would still like to know who is behind the lawsuit with a mind to contacting them about this.
I think that's a fair assessment: he's definitely looking at everything he watches through the lense of a film editor as opposed to someone who's just watching a movie and consuming it in its entirety.