Ask a newly converted NEET anything

Ask a newly converted NEET anything

what is roasties?

fuck off

Calm down aspie it's just a question.

>Neets are so insecure they have to make this image

Get a Job. If you work at a government liquor store you'll get paid rather well and the work's easy.

What's NEET stand for? And what does it mean, just not working? How do you have a home tho. I'm curious

not (in) education, employment or Training

What is roasties

no liqour store or gas station in miles, I live in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Also, I can't stand people so fuck any job that forces me into social situations

What do you do all day?

What is roasties?

play games
sometimes I go outside and watch nature and stuff
I also go make stuff out of wood in my shed, nothing fancy, my attention span is so short I can't do something productive for more than 15 minutes at the time, kinda sucks

I'm not sure the message the picture conveys is accurate at all.

"Self-improvement" is particularly suspect since the nature of NEET-bux is that if you do improve you lose your free government dole-out for being incompetent, so it reinforces that behavior, does it not?

What is roasties tho?

what are roasties?

What's it like to be the biggest piece of shit you know? What are you doing to self improve? Where is mom with those tendies?


You're welcome

What is your primary source of tendies?

How does that logic go though? That seems kind of unrelated.

Have you been a good boy for mummy? How many GBP do you have saved now?

Where do your neetbux come from?

>if you do improve you lose your free government dole-out for being incompetent

Not a NEET, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

No tendies

yes, mummy loves her boy no matter what he chooses to do with his life
I have some moeny saved up but I'm not using any unless I really have to

>no tendies
>faker detected

taxpayer like you
also I'm autistic but I need to get papers from my doctor first, which mean even more neetbucks for me

oh, like how Arby's Roast Beef looks like a vagina

are you me?

How do you pay for all that

They have limits to income, for example. You can't make more than a certain amount of income and still be on government assistance, so it drives people from self-improvement is my point.

It's different if the person really needs it, but Talking about "converting" working people into neets for their benefit and self-improvement seems a little... bogus

all of what?

I asked about your Good Boy Points, not Money...


lol thanks m8. I would have never put that together without an outright declaration like that.

thankfully I have never physically interacted with a vagina that was anything like a roast beef sandwich. That shit with the big flappy beef curtains is weird and I would probably lose my boner if I ever saw a girl with it IRL.

Right, but you're assuming that income is proportional to competence. Bit of a just world fallacy if you ask me. Or is "increasing economic usefulness" equivalent to "self-improvement"?

Surviving without a job, is what he means. what's the secret.

Right, the general western cultural meme is that more money equals more success and competence.

I agree that that is not necessarily the case, and that making more money doesn't necessarily equate to being more "self-improved" but unless you are taking uni classes on your spare time or take up some creative and productive hobby.... I'm not sure that playing Pokemon all day is self-improvement.

benefits and mom

also I take some jobs sometimes
Most people know I don't have job so if they need some help with something I usually get a call. Doesn't have to be much work, everything from a day to weeks and that fits perfectly for me.

I really don't want a steady job that I have to work with forever, makes me feel tied down

>I'm not sure that playing Pokemon all day is self-improvement

I agree with this, but it's making a lot of negative assumptions about people. To begin with, basic psychology indicates that a chronic lack of material security causes stress and anxiety that makes self-actualization impossible - we would expect this class of people to be under-achievers just from the structure of the system and independently of individual decisions. Are we encouraging them to improve themselves or are we setting them up to fail so we can look down on them? I agree that the system has to change, but we cannot begin by assuming that these people are inherently worthless.

>living with mom
>tied down

So, being independent and having a steady income makes you feel tied down, but living with your mom doesn't make you feel that way?

What the fuck? Is it not the opposite that's true?

You're tied down at home. You're literally a waste of societal resources and you're slowly killing your mother. Enjoy watching her fade more quickly and knowing it's your fault

Kind of like how non-neets make jokes about neets living in their parents basement all the time.

>government liquor store
What is this?

That's not insecurity... that's just a fact

I don't think they are worthless, and I do think self-improvement is possible, but I just meant that in practical terms, if someone is bad enough to get the help, then they are probably going to continue in that rut for as long as they can.

Not saying they are worthless, but I was just questioning the "self-improvement" aspect of being a NEET when the NEETs I know live with parents or grandparents and spend their time and money playing video games and watching anime....

Actually, never-mind, playing video games and watching anime all the time sounds pretty fucking awesome, lol, but it would completely drive me fucking crazy to be so dependent on others without some recourse left to fall back on.

praise kek

Keep telling yourself that

to be fair, Usually it's a spare bedroom since trailers don't have basements

>it would completely drive me fucking crazy to be so dependent on others without some recourse left to fall back on

Yes, that is the most important point, I think. That is what we should be spending much more time thinking about. We laugh and say "oh, playing video games all day would be awesome", but what psychological damage is caused by the constant realization that your continued existence depends on someone else's charity? The aspects that we would call fun seem more like self-medication to escape the fundamental bleakness of that existence.

And I think any person put in that situation would evolve towards underachievement. The system needs to change at a more fundamental level so that everyone is engaged in society somehow, everyone has a community to give back to, and everyone shares in the material security provided by modern society.

How do I become less gay?

Well, I agree.

It would be nice if everyone was so thoughtful and clearheaded, but frankly, we are dealing with a lot of these kind of people who are as close to feral as you can get without being a wild animal, with developmental problems that place them below many animals in self-control.

Honestly, I'm not sure we can do it without some kind of reproductive rights controls and other overt structures that people would resist and political opposition would dismantle with populist incentives

But I agree that the system needs to change. I'm a bit pessimistic about the human condition, I guess.

You must live in a state that doesn't have shitty liquor laws.

Why would I be insecure for supporting myself and accomplishing my goals? Especially compared to someone that is leeching off of their parents, killing them slowly? I think I missed the logic

NEET since April. I quit my job and now I'm living from what I made back then. Didn't talk to anybody just lived in a room and fapped to questionable stuff and listening to obscure black metal and ambient

How's it feel?

he's living with his mom or something.

I remember when most of Sup Forums lived with their moms. This shithole sure has grown up.

What % piece of shit are you if you're educated, employed, but still live with your parents? Even if you pay rent.

Girls with loose dangly labia, presumably from being fucked too much, named for the resemblance to roast beef.

And I'm trying to convert from neet. no fap for 2 days so far.

crushing..I now do IT projects alone just to make myself a worthy portfolio that will help me get back into the industry (I was a software tester at my previous job and I now want to develop software). Oh and why since April? Well, I had to finish my studies and couldn't do both at the same time I had to choose and I hope I made the right choice as I graduated..but lost some time/money

yeah the good ole days

What state do you live in

take that shirt off

While you could have probably done both, between the two you chose the one that would improve your long term earnings potential so that was the logically correct choice.

I don't live in the states I'm from Europe

Are you going to apply for a job?

Im NEET to. Spending most days doing applications but its tough out there

Thats nice that you redefined the word, except youre incorrect.

Well we have to redefine it so that we can pretend that the system is working and everything is the fault of fundamentally bad people. We wouldn't want to put ourselves in the position of confronting our social problems head-on.

How can anyone be "unqualified"? Half of the jobs out there could be done by an unusually large trained gerbil.

Thanks, I stand corrected

It means Not in Education, Employment or Training. Fairly simple definition.

looking for job but only small and temporary jobs

tough out here too, I live out in the middle of fucking nowhere

I just looked it up and it means "Not in" Education Employment or Training, so by definition someone who is just between jobs or out of school for summer is a NEET.

I thought it was worse than that, but I guess NEET isn't so bad, since everyone has been a NEET at some point.

In the UK, its only really applied to 18-24 year olds (for the purpose of labour surveys and government statistics of whatever). Not sure about other countries though.

You seem to be assuming that if everyone was a go-getter that there would be 100% employment and everyone would be middle class. I don't think that this is true; in particular, the UK seems to be facing very large and increasing levels of structural unemployment. They simply CAN'T employ all of their youth without some massive government work program that the rich will refuse to pay for.

If we scrap the minimum wage and remove job seekers, those fuckers would be in work pretty quickly.

I'm a neet, but I was born into money so not sure if it's the same. I don't work, but I don't really have to. If you have to work you should.

>the UK seems to be facing very large and increasing levels of structural unemployment

Any evidence?

That's really lucky, dude. That, I guess is still technically NEET, but shit, son, that's the best kind of neet. Like, you don't do anything, but still have money, lol. Don't your parents give you a hard time about going out and being productive?

you should still find some word because sadly your parents will not be around forever..And you need to continue their legacy of success..Money are hard to make but easy to lose so get some practical/technical/business skills

work not word sry

If they were around I sure they would. Compared to their life I'd indeed be a disappointment. My parents died when I was 15. Inheritance was split and setup as a trust for me and my sister. My sister moved on with her life. I still stay in our house since it was free minus utilities.

I don't know how old you are, but don't take what you have for granted. You're very lucky, and I hope you can work towards a happy future for yourself mindful of the blessed gifts that your parents left you and their hopes for your future.

How's it feel being a worthless leech?

Temporary neet here. On medical leave from college due to fucking crohns disease.

Since when do you get money for nothing in the US? It used to be like that in england but not even anymore

>You dont get money for nothing in the UK

Corbyn please go

>Since when do you get money for nothing in the US

Since like WWII there's been a lot of socialist puzzle pieces coming together in the US. There's Social Security, and Welfare, and Medicaid, EIC, etc. etc.

There's tons of shit where you get money for nothing, but usually you have to be a nigger or be single with a bunch of kids. Seems idiotic to me to encourage that behavior by subsidizing it, but on paper, I'm sure it looks like their helping the needy or some shit and not just keeping them submissive and dependent.

Unless you make at least 15 an hour you are just spinning your wheels to make a landlord rich. Stay at home with your mom and help around the house, help pay when you can and enjoy your family while you can. NEETs have it more right than we know.

Not if he helps mom around the house and gives money when he can. Ur just jelly

>There's Social Security, and Welfare, and Medicaid

That's not socialist. That's what you give the people to prevent the socialists from rising up. The New Deal was created in response to an ultimatum given during the Great Depression by a very large, unionized socialist movement in America. You need those programs because capitalism fundamentally won't work in the long run. Go ahead and get rid of them all - we'll have a revolution in a month.

We're all slaves in some form or fashion, to be quite honest with you familia.

Okay social security is for ages 65+ or so, food stamps requires employment and medicaid is for 65+ or disabled. As a 20 something there is literally 0 aid unless you are labeled "disabled" by way of depression or something else

That's about right. Sounds more like the definition of terrorism though, to engage in that kind of threat of widespread violence and disorder to pursue political change.

pretty much everyone on here lol

Earned income credit is unavailable until age 25 at tax time and only gives a few hundred bucks unless you have children. Welfare is temporary and not a lot.

>definition of terrorism

Capitalists define terrorism to justify violence against people who are trying to rid themselves of the shackles of exploitation. Drone strikes on children: not terrorism. Demanding economic change and not backing down: definitely terrorism.

I said Medicaid, not Medicare. Medicare is for old people, medicaid is for disabled and incompetent people.

If you have no money and kids, and happen to be a woman, there's a bunch of shit like medicaid and income tax credits in the thousands of dollars.

I was reading about a woman in Florida that was making like $12k a month off the government because of all the illegitimate kids and no documented income.

well, EIC is about kids, and that's my point. It subsidized the nigger hordes primarily.

Nope unless you are pregnant you dont get any of that buddy and even then its not free money it just pays your medical bills. Try again though.

So what does that have to do with NEETs, the point of this thread?