Why do you guys believe in a 9/11 conspiracy?

Why do you guys believe in a 9/11 conspiracy?
>jihadists hijack planes and crash the
>huge conspiracy involving tons of people, not one of whom squeals, involving the planting of demolition charges in buildings containing tens of thousands of employees who somehow do not notice

Use Occam's Razor. Why are you defending Mudslimes?

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It was those Israeli Juice


Dead men don't talk.

All you have to do is fund/arm an extremist group and relax security at the airports, zero squealing risk. What is more logical a randomass attack out of the blue or one that was artificially created to mobilize the American people against Sadam (enemy of the Bush family and their petroleum backers)?


Some have squeaked. But it go very little media coverage and what came up quickly went away.
Also this. Very little risk, few involved, cheap.

Start war against allahu akbar. Please the weapon and oil companies that many politicians recieve money from or own parts of.







It's called "compartmentalization".

Many people have small jobs and aren't privy to the whole picture.


The fact that the jew owner got billions out this makes it questionable


larry silverstine made billion dollars




I rest my case...

This is what I've never gotten about the 9/11 conspiracies: Why would the government need to plant explosives inside the building AND fly a plane into the building? Is it not enough to just blow up the fucking building or just fly a plane into it?


You know that covered the mortgage he owed on the buildings, right?
And it only made sense to take out a Terrorist Clause on the policy because there was a previous attempt in 1993 in the parking garage.

>I don't buy the "Official" story tho...

AirForce.Jpg not found



The real question is why do you think jet fuel can melt steel beams but paper passports can survive to confirm it was Middle eastern terrorist who did it?


Trolls away.

Because if you only fly a plane into it then it wont fall, so you can't claim the insurance.
But if you only blow it up then people will ask why it blew up.
Do both, and when people ask "why did it fall" you can answer "because a plane flew into it".

And, even better, you not only get the money from the insurance but the money from the government contract to build the weapons to kill the people who didn't do the killing.

Occams razor is taking the simplest solution. Greed is ALWAYS the simplest solution, so follow that.

Nigga please

Because there was bomb sniffing dogs and shit in the WTC complex all the time. (But were removed a few weeks before the "incident")

The bombs were there to make it look like the planes brought it down.

It goes deeper than that. The Hebrews commissioned the WTC in 1966 with the purpose of destroying it later and blaming it on the muzzies.

And guess what? Those "steel beams" weren't even steel.

Trips confirm this


Conspiracies easily exist because there is only one in a 100,000 people who have the technical information to conclusively disprove it. How many people here have a civil engineering degree and 10+ years of experience to design these buildings? Professionals rarely talk because they don't want the indoctrinated angry mob stirred up by vulture media to destroy their life.



High blinking anthologies beauty imagery shifting jibing lighting and making length of groundhog best deal tonight. Fuckface

But if it just blows up you can say that it was terrorists just like if you flew a plane into it.


disprove the official story I mean*

But what about the bomb sniffing dogs faggot?

Yes, and if a babies father dies, leaving it a live insurance policy, does that prove that it MUST have been a conspiracy where the babies future self traveled back in time, dressed up like his neighbor Bob, and fucked a woman who looked like the wife of a Mexican drug cartel leader. All so that the cartel leader would send a dyslexic hitman to poison his neighbor, knowing that the hitman would poison the wrong house and kill his dad?

That's about as logical as secretly planting tons of thermite throughout locked open floor offices , hiring people to fly planes into the buildings, and enlisting hundreds of government and media people just so that you can be sure to kill as many people as possible while collecting insurance money.

My Man!

Questionable means you ASK questions, not pull answers out of your ass.

And when did the policy take effect? Months after the 1993 attack? Years after? He got it months before 9/11

Yes but saying it blew up cuz terrorists isn't the same as broadcasting it blowing up live to the whole world.

"Is everyone watching?"
"Not yet, couple of countries haven't caught up"
"Okay let me know as soon as we're live across the globe, then we'll detonate"

Still, WTC 7 is ALL the proof that you need that the official story stinks. Even if terrorists really flew two planes into WTC and even if jet fuel melted steel beams but not paper and even if the no dogs/fake NORAD invasion stuff is explained away as a coincidence, WTC7 cannot be explained by anything beyond a demolition.
Thus pre-existing knowledge.
Thus conspiracy.

nice try

Wrong. He RENEWED it months before because that's when the policy was up.

I can tell you've never bought property.

It took effect when the mortgage did.

How has this picture spread so much? It happened only a few miles from where I live; I figured it would blow over and be forgotten in a week or two



But people would still film a giant building blowing up.

The Soviet Union fell; all of their client states in the Middle East were now unprotected. The United States wanted to go after them, but they couldn't just invade without justification. Fortunately, Bush's Saudi buddies gave them a reason by funding and orchestrating the 9/11 attacks, all with the consent of the most powerful elements of the US government.

Not live though, fucknugget. Bombs are unexpected terrorist events and you'll only get shaky cam/2001-eta cell footage and little proof of who did it.

With giant planes leaving plane sized holes, and two of them making sure that by the time we're live on tv after the first you have HD proof of the second, then it's obvious it's a tragedy before it even falls down. People want revenge for the holes, by the time it "falls" they're willing to have their privacy eroded and bankroll an invasion of ANYWHERE to get justice.

Random bomb is infinitely less effective than live, wall-to-wall news coverage of people jumping to their deaths followed by collapses.

And, again, WTC7.

Physics. It can be and has been explained by physics. You can literally see a part of one of the twin towers striking 7as it fell. Firemen described the big gash it cut in the front of 7. The collapse also killed the water pressure, leaving 7 to burn with no spinklers for hours. Videos at the scene capture firemen saying "this thing is coming down." You think that's proof they were in on it. The rest of us know that's proof that anyone with a brain knows that a modern building - whose structural support fire insulation literally has a rating number system that represents how long it can be exposed to fire before failure point - is going to collapse after burning longer than it's insulation is rated for. Nothing about it leads an intelligent person to conclude conspiracy. This has been well documented. I'm sure you've heard it all before and flushed it from your mind because you want to believe it was a conspiracy. Enjoy your ignorant bliss.

And the fact that a plane got all the way to the Pentagon.

You seriously suggesting the FUCKING PENTAGON, the hub of all security in the US can't defend itself from ONE "plane"???

tbh, my main problem with the the conspracy theorist bullshit is that people make up shit without evidence like bomb sniffing dogs and then require that their claims (which have no evidence) be disproven. Also, to the person who said that only one in hundred thousand people could disprove 9/11, that actual figure is closer to one in 5 thousand to one in ten thousand. Based on evidence, though thats still enough. Otherwise, you'd need everyone except you to be secretly intimated by a massive government force preventing them from talking (yet curiously enough, truthers can talk without consequence. It seems the government can get to every person in the world except noted conspriacy theorists who believe that lizard people run the world... how odd...

Yeah dude, I totally have terrorist insurance on my fuvking house. Also nice try deflecting it. It's the Jews who did it.

Youre an idiot. It fell demolition style.

So it was a conspiracy to frame Afghans because we needed to frame Afghans in order to invade Iraq? Why not frame Iraq? Ever heard of a Rube Goldberg machine?

Ever heard of Pearl Harbor?

How about that steel structure building in Madrid that burned all the way trough for more than 24 hours, but STILL the building stood up?

Nice try faggot

No the Afghans was just a bonus to clear up the funding problems. Why endure another contra scandal if you can kill two birds with one stone.

Who got the contracts? Who got rich off 9/11? Who is affiliated to those companies?

Your government murdered their president. You think they're gonna cry themselves to sleep over a few civilians?

People are so easily manipulated, most Americans believed Iraq was responsible for the attacks. They just needed an event to scare the shit out of everyone so people would stand by as their civil liberties were taken away and the government was allowed to invade countries with impunity.

Not even close. The penthouse collapsed into the roof seconds before the outer facade began to fall. That proves it was a progressive collapse of the interior.

And you should look up the building across the street that 7 fell up against causing it to have to be demolished. Not even close to falling into its own footprint. The entire conspiracy movement is based on making claims that are demonstrably false and trusting theorists not to question them because they want to believe.

Was you fucking house bombed by terrorists before, fuckhead?

Do you know a bank can actually impose that insurance stipulation before they lend you the $$$?

Come back when you actually buy a house and have to have the insurance in place when you sign the loan papers.

Ever hear of the USS Maine?

many shapes were destroyed that day...
>one pentagon
>two rectangles
>one square(building 7)
>and one circle(flight 93 buried into hole)



No, not at all falling intog its own footprint...


And for every sensible question poser you get dickbags like this. You always need an extremist so that the whole "but is that what happened" group can be pigeon-holed as tinfoil loonies and ignored by the media.

"Conspiracy theorists. hahahaha. Losers".



I'm not going to get too dragged into this but you're aware there are literally 100's of architects, physicists, structural engineers and metallurgists coming out and claiming it was a controlled demolition based off of the physics alone right? There are real provable facts HIGHLY suggesting they were intentionally brought down including the fact that those planes would've never made them collapse on their own. plz tell me you aren't this ignorant in 2016 still.

Yea the building that would require millions upon millions in upgrades to change to fix the asbestos problem. Now he has a shiny new one.

So how does the official story explain WT7 coming down despite it not being hit by a plane? A small fire did that? Debris?

How about magically finding the passports of those responsible?

Fire damage, obvi :^)

And that some of the "responsible" actually were still alive just living their lives in the middle east.

They found them along with the black box. Oh wait......black box didn't make it but a passport did.

Bravo user

Yes, obviously...

Falling from the bottom, from fire damage on higher floors.

>there are literally 100's of architects, physicists, structural engineers and metallurgists
and 100s of thousands that say otherwise

its a big country and millions of people are retarded, you aren't saying anything worth noting statistically

WT7, you mean the building that had a massive emergency supply of gas in the basement so that it could serve as the command center in case of a natural disaster?

god, I wonder what happened

Is NYC a hotbed of natural disasters then? Is natural gas the most in-demand resource during one?

I was being sarcastic you ass burger.

So you're saying you know more than over a few hundred people who's job it is to know about structural physics and engineering? Are you really this stupid? Statistically speaking you are more likely to be wrong in this argument.

>hundreds of thousands say otherwise

user....You really think you can come in here completely making things up and no one will call you on your bs?

Black boxes that are designed to withstand all kinds of damage and abuse got destroyed beyond recognition so not even a single piece of information could be collected from them, ALL of them BTW.

Black boxes have been recovered after months at the bottom of the sea.

But like fucking magic, a piece of fucking paper survived the (appearently) steel-melting jet fuel.

C'mon man...

do you know what happened to the kid?

>not one of whom squeals
trail of bodies to people connected
> involving the planting of demolition charges in buildings containing tens of thousands of employees who somehow do not notice
The twin towers were evacuated multiple times out of no where leading up to 9-11, during these evacuations security, including cameras were turned off because "reasons".

This isn't even hidden information.

>Uneducated muslims are able to take over multiple planes with box cutters, fly them to their desired locations without instrument help outside of a compass and hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy.

A giant plane is able to get even remotely close to the pentagon when even the shittiest military bases respond to a remote control airplane in under a minute if it goes over the property line. Most secure building in the country, no security footage besides an outdated even for the time 3 frame snapshot.

Yeah sure is as simple as MUSLIMS DID IT

It's because they do marihuanas and their brains are fuckered up.

So they have paranoia and believe stories from youtube. Oh yeah, they think they're smarter than you.

diesel fuel, not natural gas

NYC gets major blizzards on the reg and hurricanes occasionally and getting power up and running is a big help when people can die of the cold


Me too nigger

Those building were actually designed to take hits from bigger building and if you have ever watched a controlled demolition that is exactly what happened there

>Diesel fuel caused this
Seriously man.....just stop. You're embarrassing yourself. Jesus chrirst. Fucking diesel fuel, he says....

Well ok then, faggot.

Do this a few more times and we'll wipe them all out