Be me

>be me
>married with kids
>beat off furiously most nights
Wife doesn't really try to initiate sex anymore
>meet wife's qt friend before they go hang out
>wife's friend texts me while they are out because wife's phone died
Score! I have her number now
>text the friend one day at work
>friend is oddly nice and chatty
>continue to text the rest of the day until I leave work
>next day same thing but more playful
>eventually ask if she'd like to come over and chill with us sometime
>friend asks if it has to be "us"
commence mega boner
>friend arranges time to come over when wife is out
>watch some tv then things get hot
>she gives me amazing head then we fuck in my bed
>she leaves shortly after

She seemed like she felt guilty and we haven't talked since. I've been wondering if I should leave my wife for her. What do you think, Sup Forumsros?

Pic related. Wife is on right and her friend on the left.

Also have stories about encounter with another girl while we have been married, if anyone is interested...


your wife is fuckin qt, wifes friend, not so much

Leave your wife, maybe. But not fit the friend. For all you know, she only did it for the thrill.

>convert to mormon
>marry them both

You signed up for a shitty life when you knocked up a 22 year old, just man up and accept it.

bullshit, those are children

>mfw married and kids since 22

Just cuck my shit up pham

You are stupid. Chicks are often stupid bitches. Her friend concord you to feel superior to her friend and that is it. She only wanted you because you were hers and now your just a dick she fucked. Neither relationship will work out in the long run unless you can convince the friend that it was a mistake and she can't ever tell your wife. Which, will make her want you more and probably cause her to tell your wife and end your marriage. At which point she will no longer want you because you will no longer be desirable. You're fucked.

OP, you already fucked up. Quit while your're still ahead my man. There are more futures than your own involved here. You know what I mean.

hahah god damn random greetext stories are the only thing keeping b alive i swear hah nah bra like
said the friend only did it for the lulz dont settle for that just divorce now that u dont have kids and can remake ur life way easier that if u had any

First cheat
>sitting at work on day
>phone goes off and old high school gf's name pops up
Let's call her amy
>says I have beautiful kids
Fuck yea I do
>keeps talking about how her bf doesn't ever want kids
>joke that's he's nuts because she would make amazing babies
>asks how everything is going with my wife
>tell her that I haven't really been that happy but I'm staying for the kids
>she says she wouldn't blame me for leaving
Wife and her never got along in high school
>ask her if she thinks I should leave wife
>she doesn't say it but kind of hints towards it
>tell her I'd have nowhere to live if I left
>she jokes that I could crash on her couch
>tell her I'm past sleeping on couches and that she'd have to share the bed
>she jokingly says that wouldn't be too much of an issue with her


you should kill yourself. clearly you fucked up in life and it's time to hit the reset button.

oh shiet didnt read u had kids oh well u can still remake ur life but ots gunna be harde doe still dont be somewhere where ur not happy

Dubs of truth OP

yes, continue

>Married with kids

I hope you die.

That was supposed to say convinced you.

I really don't think she would tell. It's been a month already.

you did the right thing and should continue to do so


You're straight up white trash, stop making kids

they look like they are 16. holy shit.

how old are you? don't be a dumbshit. stop fucking around with her friend.

or maybe coerced?

Keep fucking random girls never leave your wife for any of them that's how it works

its 20 fucking16 assuming your not full of shit why would you even leave evidence like a text on some dumb sluts phone. it takes one comment from your wife to piss her off and you know what her friend says next
>tdlr its 2016 dont text about cheating, dont trust any female

>how to get trapped by a cunt wife and her cunt friend
enjoy your alimoney payments.
girls have this scam down to a T. and you beta fucks who keep getting married to them keep paying out the ass. usually for kids that aren't even yours.

All three of us are 25

Op is a dumb fuck
You got baited.
Brb 18 years of half paychecks

Damn cold hard truth right there

Moar pics of both? Mainly wife?

Not pretyped so don't be faggots about it being slow

>tell amy that maybe I should just have a trial run and hang out at her place
>she agrees and I go over there that Friday night
Told wife I had to go on site and stay overnight for work and her boyfriend was away at school
>get to her house and she's wearing boots shorts and a tshirt
I love that shit
>shes 5'3" 130lbs and probably a 8/10
>she tells me there isn't much to do but we could watch Netflix
>start watching some dumbass horror film
I hate them but know they reel in the pussy
>she goes to the kitchen and gets a bottle of Evan Williams
Fuck yea I really am white trash and love that stuff
>we start taking shots every time something corny happens in the movie
>shit faced in no time and she was nuzzled up to my shoulder

Will continue

Here's another of my wife

You have kids asshole don't fuck up their life just cause you can't get some head talk to your fucking wife about it you pussy piece if shit

You're pathetic. Your wife won't initiate sex, then you initiate it. Fucking sad excuse for a man.

Tell you what I'll fuck your wife and you'll be even OP you faggot piece of shit.

Don't listen to these haters OP, keep posting pics, she's pretty hot

You obviously dont have much experience with relationships. If she doesnt initiate, its not happening

>put my arm around her and start to rub her should
>she puts her hand up on my chest and starts moving her fingers in circles slowly up to my nipples
I knew it was game on now
>put my hand on her leg and slowly work up to her crotch
>I can tell she's sweaty and it might stink but fuck it
>start rubbing her clip and ask if she wants to go lay down
>she stands up and leads me to her room
>we walk in and she closes the door then pushes me on the bed
>she just stands there and kind of strips for me
Fucking right now
>she's completely naked and says she needs to grab something from the closet

This is where shit gets weird

gonna have to see her butthole to tell ya if it was worth it or not


You obviously don't know how to please a woman if she doesn't even want to fuck you. If my girl isn't in the mood at the moment is easy to get her started because she knows if we go at it she's gonna cum.

>She's finally back
>She brings out a gigantic dildo
>My eyes widen
>"Wha-what are you doing with that"
>She tells me to bend over
>I bend over and whimper
>"If you can take it up the ass about 7 inches, I'll let you cum inside"
> I do as she says
>I bend over once again
>Aunt opens the door
>We get on the floor
>Everyone walk the dinosaur

Fuck em haha I will probably just keep screwing girls on the side. It's kind of a thrill for me now

I initiate all the fucking time and it gets old

Goddamn is this bait or do you just have no standards???? Both those chicks are like 2/10 level nasties

rape your wife, how fucking hard is that

you're going to leave your wife for a one-time thing? Holy shit. I ... have ... no words for your level of deep stupidity.

yeah also if the friend did that either shes a cunt or her and ur wife fuck with dudes when they go out and she felt bad for u and gave u a pity fuck

What this guy says. Send your wife to us, we will take turns filling her pussy up.

Breh if she doesn't have a desire for you then you need to make one. Like you think it's done sort of achievement to have fucked your wife's friend who's fucking eyes aren't even on straight?

Been with my woman 10 Years. It's called communication you Pathetic piece of shit. Say it with me now if you can't fucking be open with her about your sexual needs, why the fuck did you marry her and have kids? God damnit. This isn't rocket science. You really are a fucking joke of a man, aren't you? Who in their right minds marry someone that they can't be open with about their needs in the relationship? Do your kids a favor and write them a letter explaining what a worthless piece of shit you are before they learn to look up to you, then kys.

Yeah, I agree. We would have to see wife's butthole


OP continuing but that faggot wasn't far off from the truth
>she turns around and has a gag ball, strap on, and paddle
>she asks if I'm willing to let her be the dominant
>tell her fuck no that I won't take the strap on but she can try whipping me
>I put on the gag and she tells me to turn around
>she smacks my ass with the paddle with what feels like the fury of 1000 suns
>I jokingly say oklahoma and tell her to just get on the bed
Pretty standard from here on out
>I hate fucked her for smacking my ass so hard then blew a load on her chest
>she cleaned up and I passed out

I texted her a few times after but haven't went over again. I don't want any dildos going up my ass when I'm asleep.

Why hes not doing anything 1 in4 others aren't For all you know your mother had another man busting nuts inside her while your daddy was at work. It freaks me out when passive agressive control freaks act like cheating is some heinous act.

stay with the right bitch

Are you so pathetic that you can't get your own wide to be interested in you?

you my dear sir are the real mvp here

>being this much of a virgin

Welcome to the real world. There is no "he cheated he has to pay" rule. In most states, you can come i to court with your dick in another woman, and that will not change the marital assets. It's not the 1950s anymore.

Idk man we used to be nuts. We even fucked over the railing on the front porch one night when we were drunk.

Wives really cute. I'll take her off your hands if you don't want her anymore.

>I've been wondering if I should leave my wife for her.
if you want to lose half your shit, sure

Yeah. You fucked as a young couple. So fucking what? You have a kid now. You aren't 19 anymore. Time to man up and work with your wife on your sex life. Did you not have a conversation about fidelity, sexual needs, and what to do when the relationship gets stale before the wedding? Are kids these days this retarded?

>Are kids these days this retarded?

Yea until you see her on an off day. This is what she usually looks like. Found it on my phone from last year.

these replies are scary truth

No this type of shit has been going on since the beginning of time. Its not new. One thing about the old days, when a marrige was stale the guys took a trip to the local red light light district every so often emptied their balls and called it a night. The wives knew but they didnt ask. They think getting rid of brothels was a good thing. Nah, the shit op is in happens now.

Alright kids, listen up. Before you get married, talk to your partner about your sexual needs and expectations, and how you will communicate if they change or get old. If you don't like your partners needs and expectations, don't get married, and for God's sakes, choose abortion over having kids until you are on the same page and have a plan for the future that respects both your needs.

I thought this was common sense. Your kids are going to be adults with responsibilities some day. I don't want to spend my elder years in a society run by people raised in broken homes because you fuckers can't figure out how to talk to your god damn wives.

I don't wanna be that guy but do you love her? If so do what other anons said and have a fucking conversation with her about your sexual needs and try to fix it.
If not have another conversation and try your best to have a friendly divorce so you can see your kids as much as possible.
You have kids so stop thinking with your dick faggot

disgusting cheating bastard.
kill yourself and your spawn.

This. Stop acting like a 16 year old. It's unbecoming of a man. Start acting like a father. You made your bed. Lie in it.

shes cute, you fucked up

Op is probably gone. Couldn't handle being exposed as the piece of trash he is.

wife is hotter, stay with her
keep fucking friend on side

for reals, if I had kids i'd stay with the wife. I'd fuq people she didn't know too. You're giving your side hoe waaaaay too much power.

Piece of trash? Many many great men had a piece on the side. Presidents, generals, sucessful business men. Thats the way life is. Deal with it.

just wait till their next big argument; shit will come out

>great men
Key word being great. These kinds of men had the wealth and power to make up for their inability to be a good father and husband. Norms who do this just fuck up their families and have nothing to make up for it. It's pathetic.

Seriously bro, you chose to get married and have kids. You pussy out by 25, just put a gun in your worthless mouth. You could be fucking random 5's on tinder every week like the rest of us, but you put a ring on her pumped her full of babies. Say it with me now, "My shitty life is my own fucking fault." Come to terms with it man, take some responsibility and maybe you can turn it around.

>Her friend concord you to feel superior
Uh... I think you mean 'conquered'.
You're not necessarily wrong, but that does not make you not an idiot.

No some were fine fathers some may not have been. Having a piece on the side doesnt make you a bad father. Most kids never knew. Most wives looked the other way.

Stop being a lil bitch and post tits faggot

>Did yo side hoe tell dem J's were fake?

Serious question

It's like user said up there, she just did it to prove to herself that she's better than her friend. All hoes do that shit behind each others backs. I wouldn't be surprised if Tyrone hasn't rocked your baby to sleep after dumping his hot load in your wife's pussy. Then you come home and eat that shit out, she smiles deviously.

Your wife is better you mug!
Why would you play with the turd when you have the dog?

Yeah, you're right. Who needs to communicate with their wife about their needs? It's far easier to act like a cat in heat behind her back. The path of the weak willed and dishonest relations is the best path by far.

Yeah you should probably abandon your children in order to fuck this less attractive woman.

It worked for thousands of years.

What are you, a nigger. We aren't monkeys anymore. We also shat in the streets for thousands of years, whats your point? That you to can be a worthless nigger because you never learned how to talk to the woman you took an oath to honor? Why even marry?

"Cunt wife and cunt friend"
Faggot cheated on his wife the only cunt here is him

OP, don't listen to these cucks. Girl on the left is fucking hot. Just keep going back to her to have her suck your cock

Is she the hottie on the left or the narwahl on the right?

faggot to the end, uh?

Would laugh if you turned out to be a cuck unknowingly

OP abandoned thread out of embarrassment.

>rubbing her clip
God damn dude.
Was it a chip clip?
Hair clip?
Paper clip?

wife is hotter than friend
you're an idiot