Dont speak to me or my wife's son ever again!
Vorenus and Pullo had such a shit life everything just went wrong and ended with misery, finished the finale and the feels are overwhelming.
Dont speak to me or my wife's son ever again!
Vorenus and Pullo had such a shit life everything just went wrong and ended with misery, finished the finale and the feels are overwhelming.
They were both assholes.
Pullo had an absolute ball of a life. #ladsontour
His waifu died in child birth, and his best friend died in his arms.
>Implying being in constant wars wouldn't make you an asshole too
Being stuck in the shit would not be fun. Imagine having to fight Battle of Illyria, which even though show did not show it, I am assuming both Pullo and Vorenus were there.
He fucked cleopatra lad
Them gyppos had greasy cunnies
It is mentioned that they were out numbered, having 60,000 Romans to 120,000 Gauls
Right when Pompeii and Vorenus are talking, I remember now.
And yet Pullo was a really jolly fellow
I had a friend like Pullo, I hated him and made fun of him, he eventually killed himself.
>120,000 Gauls
>Gauls in Illyria
Illyrians, not Gauls
this guy should be the next James Bond
Why are Senate such pricks? All they did from the very start was conspire and back stab.
>it's a Vorenus and Pullo randomly stumble upon another historic event episode
Was this supposed to be a comedy? a running gag? Or just lazy shit writing?
>those dead eyes
it truly is what a feminist looks like, soulless
welp, guess we know the disease now.
such a shame
Germanic detected
He had half the whores in Narbo, and their mothers.
Was there anyone in this show who WASNT cucked?
Mark Anthony wasn't cucked I don't think.
Or was he cucked by cleo? I don't remember
It's all folly. I'm glad one day even the universe will cease to exist.
I just realized Mark Anthony was like Bronn that wanted the bad pussay.
You know who I wanted to fuck senseless, the dreadlock bitch. Wooooweeeee