Why didn't the people trapped in the towers during 9/11 just grab a table or a desk...

Why didn't the people trapped in the towers during 9/11 just grab a table or a desk, jump out while on top of it and jump off of it before it hits the ground?

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Physics doesn't work like that Sup Forumsro

That's not how physics works

Not OP but I always think of that, can someone enlighten me on it.

Imagine your traveling at 100 mph in a car and then you jump out before you hit something. when you jump out of the car you are still going 100 mph and hit the ground at that speed

phyiscs that work not like

I'm guessing the upward force you generate by jumping will be nowhere near as close as the force of you falling towards the ground.

Thanks OP, I didn't know I could lose more faith in humanity than I already have until I saw how fucking retarded you are

Because the impulse from jumping is too weak to cancel out those speeds.
It's possible at lower speeds.

so in general you are providing false security that it would be better to jump with something to lessen the impact but intact you are only increasing your weight therefore increasing your speed to hit the ground at.

So they should have jumped off of three desks?

There were no desks in the towers when the plane hit. That's why I think it was an inside job. Too many people would have survived had there been furniture inside.

world doesnt work like mario bros man

Now we're getting somewhere. Anyone got bill nyes phone number?

Technically.. if you throw down a 'ladder' of tables beforehand and are an extremely skills jumper you could slow the fall significantly.

What's a humans terminal velocity?
I'm not googling it till you answer.

try that off your rooftop.

No.. That is plain retarded... You are saying that by jumping, you are creating an upward motion... There are 2 reasons why that is impossible:

1. In order to jump, you NEED a stable area. It's like trying to off a flag, on a flag pole. It is moving to fast for it to be stable enough to push off.

2. When you push down, to jump, you are actually just pressing down the desk, which if we want to be technical, makes the desk move faster.

Simple explanation: if you and the desk are falling at the same speed, how are you supposed to push down on it and slow yourself down? the desk can't offer you a stable platform from which to slow yourself down from. if you push yourself off the desk you won't even be slowing yourself down, you might make the desk fall a little bit faster but that's it

So get a desk that's heavier than you

We don't live on a world with Bugs Bunny physics. Read a fucking book.

OP is right cuz if u jump off the desc right before it hits the ground it cancels the vertical speed


Holy fucking shit this is autistic

That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the desk is 1KG, or 9999999KG, it is still moving too fast to be a stable platform.

In order for it to work, you'd have to jump hard enough to negate you velocity, which being a human would be 195 km/h. That's not factoring in that jumping off a table in free fall would require even more energy to your jump as it's not braced against anything solid like a floor or the ground. So you'd have to negate both yours and the table's terminal velocity.

If I'm wrong or something, someone let me know.

mV_term is more than the impulse generated from jumping even if you could somehow jump off a table falling at 122mph

because they foolishly believe state propoganda that the buildings were safe

Oh and generating enough force to jump upwards at 195 km/h isn't going to fare too well for your fragile innards.

it's way too negligible of a change. but if you were on an elevator and it was only two or three stories up and went into a free fall? try it

It would be impossible to get a desk that heavy out the window dumbass


>you'd have to negate both yours and the table's terminal velocity.

Let's say SuperMan was to do this... According to physics, if he pressed down enough to oppose the desk falling at 195 KM/H, he would still not be able to jump, because the desk is moving to fast be be stable.

you would be floating in the elevator faglord

You are missing the point. The desk's weight doesn't matter, because the platform is moving too fast.

I can assure you that if you threw me and a desk out of a plane, I could hit the ground first. So if i'm faster than the desk, how can it "move too fast"

Stop being an asshole.

Because Physics. He is correct, if the elevator was large enough, when the elevator, and the human reach terminal velocity, the human would free fall.

Yeah I just thought it over a bit more an all you'd really do is push the desk down rather then gain any significant upward motion yourself.


The speed at which if falls doesn't matter either! The fact that the desk is free falling, already suggests it's moving too fast to be a stable platform. Even if you fell faster than the desk, you would still not be able to jump.

You need to angle the table so that you slide on it before hitting the ground.

You're all asking the wrong questions. Why couldnt they just throw a couch out the window and have a nice safe landing pad?

>something to push against
the ground, duh

NOOOOO!!! This guy is just a troll!

I have looked at all the possible outcomes of the scenario and this is the most likely one

The 9/11 tower (100) is about 100 tall. If you were to jump put you would generate (500) about 500 speed.

Descs has a high surface and will not penetrate air as good as humans do and will only recieve maximun 250 speed on earth.

Humans has a jump speed of 250 speed

250 - 250 = 0 speed

By jumping off the desc right before it hits the ground you get to live another day (24 hours)

Sources: wikipedia

Get this man an award...

Dubs and i'll personally make one for him.

Double doubles of comedic gold.

Ive always wondered this. I mean, when I was younger I did something similar where I was in an elevator and the cable snapped.

I watched the lights as I went down and timed it right before the bottom. I jumped like two seconds before.

Still alive today.

>considers dubs "funny"


I saw the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

I'll just put rocks in my pockets

Another comedic post. Some of you guys are killing me with your funny responses.

That's a lie... First off, if an elevator snaps. Unless you are in a poor area like africa, or cuba, the elevator has a lock. So if a cord snapped, the worst thing that would happen, is you would have to wait for the fire department, in a small dark room.

what if jump from the car on a table and you jump before hitting sth

NO! IT DOESN'T MATTER! You could weigh 80lbs, or 1756175615718lbs, and you could still not be able to jump! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!

weight has no influence on the speed of the fall
go to school or kill yourself

Hey op I think somebody laced your weed with some autistic nigger cum. You gotta cancel that out and get your brain back on track by watching poultrygeist.

Hooooo. My sides are like the twin towers and some of these comments are the planes.

That guy who keeps saying the table isnt stable is a fucking idiot, or is bait.
If you're crouched on a table in free fall and extend your legs, yes the table would be pushed down but you would also be pushed up. Jumping would slow you down, but by a negligible amount and you'd still die to death.

I once went parasailing, and while up there I could jump and bounce just fine -.- just face it, it's possible

It would have been better to grab the curtains and make a parachute. Gliding to the bottom, but I guess they weren't thinking clearly to do so.

But what if a large crane is holding up a mattress on bungee cables, in free fall you jump from said desk to mattress, and as your getting lower to the ground jump off while mattress goes back flying?

Also if it was "falling" it would most likely be going up rather than down. Also at the bottom of elevators are usually springs iirc.

I've always wondered why people didn't just stand ontop of the towers, yeah sure it's gonna hurt when the tower stops from free fall ,but surely you stand a better chance?


Jets fuel can't melt wooden desks.

No! I am the guy who keeps saying the table isn't stable! If you crouch before jumping out the window, and then push, the couch would only go down, because there isn't anything to push back, because the couch is already going the same direction.

Here, don't take my word, listen to the Myth Busters:





Yeah he would need to jump and also spray powerful fire extinguishers to give him enough thrust to blast up.

I've literally seen no desks at ground zero. Shits spooky

OH GOD. It just keeps getting better and better.

That's because the whole building got hit BY A GOD DAMN PLANE!

simple you cant jump up faster that terminal velocity , so you cant negate the downward momentum .

What is going on? Is this thread a comedy skit? Is this comedy land?

You are still traveling the same speed, you will still impact the ground at said speed. it would be like being trapped in a free falling elevator, you cannot just jump right before it hits the ground because you are still traveling the same speed.your fucking dead or very badly hurt lol

your jump would have to be powerful enough to negate the terminal velocity you're travelling in. It's impossible to jump that hard.

However, if you jumped out the window on a mini trampoline you should bounce into the air again as you hit the ground, to fall a second time, not at terminal velocity. You will break bones most likely, but survival is more likely.

I'd invest in a mini trampoline if i worked in a tall office building or skyscraper.


That mythbusters clip has nothing to do with anything.
>Confirmed bait

There was no whole UNTIL THE PLANE HIT IT! IDIOT!

But what if his fart provided him with enough upward thrust? Would lighting the fart with a lighter provide more thrust than a regular fart?

It's the exact same science.

Seriously though, a little bit of rope, curtain, and ingenuity and they'd be living to tell the story.

Whole = complete
Hole = Incomplete

Check your privilege, and my dubs.

It's literally not, there's no two forms of propulsion being investigated here, there's no conveyor belt analogue, you can fuck right off mmbuddy

Wouldn't it be better to hold in his fart, if he had that much gas, he could just float away.

OP; kill yourself!
Of you had at least half a brain you spud know that the desks were bolted to the floor and the tables were too heavy.
You are such a mong

In this video, you are the car, and the belt is the couch. It is the exact same science.

Why didn't the people on the plane buckle their seatbelts? They probably would have survived had they done so.

No seat belts on planes, they're kinda like buses

No way that would work OP. The only thing that might have worked for them would have been a pogo stick and a helmet. But there were probably none of them around in the towers because nobody could have imagined a plane would hit and they'd have to jump.

Oh god, he said a mini trampoline. I'm rolling over here. Oh, I'm asphyxiating like the victims inside the building were. I can't breath.

We should make T-Shirts, with seat belts on them. THEN WE WILL LIVE FOREVER!


Every plane I've been on has had seatbelts.


I heard a story about a kid that begged his dad to take his pogo stick to work that day, dad wasn't having any of it... fuckin' sad

He has the Trips. What he says is true!

mathfag here, human terminal velocity is about ~27m/s, jumping at the perfect time will save you 3m/s.

you'll still die

Try it on skateboard when u are in the air try to jump off from it.and u will u getting no where. right..