I was cleaning out the fryers as usual when some idiot decided it was a great idea to goof off behind me...

I was cleaning out the fryers as usual when some idiot decided it was a great idea to goof off behind me. He bumped into me causing me to fall towards the fryer, I managed to put my hand against the wall to keep my face from falling into the well but ended up pouring some of the oil on my arm (which we do to get the gunk to go down the drain).

are you gonna kill him

sorry you had to deal with such pain

fuck that sucks dude, I feel your pain

god damn. sorry to hear that. at least you'll have a cool battle scar to tell a story about

Sue the cunt

do this

Get your payday. Workplace injury, company didn't do enough to promote a safe work environment (guy goofing off) or setting uo proper procedures for emptying oil (unless you weren't following those)
Hospital bills + lost wages + pain and suffering. Lawyer up kiddo

You about to get a fat check dude

What he said. I hate to be a dick about things like this, but you got badly injured on the job because some jerkoff was fucking around. Sue his ass.

Honestly, sue the fuck out if him and the restaurant.
Unsafe work environment. Even if you lose and lose your job, who fucking cares? You probably don't want to be a burger flipper forever anyway, right?
If you win, you can easily make tons of cash,

Hell yeah nigger now you got a cool battle scar you can tattoo over and a good reason to milk your work place and the dude that fucked you over the fryer

>sue company
>get huge settlement
>Profit (from aforementioned huge settlement)


chicks dig scars

Yeah, any chick would be impressed if you tell her that you survived the fryer war of 68'.

It's reasons like this that people think you're autistic

Sue both company and idiot behind you.
Lawyer up ASAP.
More than likely you'll end up with a big check, even after the liar(oops lawyer) has taken his cut. ;)

I've done this before, as bad as yours. If it's fresh put silverzine on it, may need to get a prescription to buy that. After that put solosite in it everyday. You won't get scars.

So you think you're superior because you're stonefaced douche without any humor?

Or dont. And keep the scars because thats extra money for the settlement. Permanent deformation=$$$

You can't check it as permanent damage if they can prove you refused treatment that would have avoided it.

Seriously lawyer up. Youll get workers comp. Lost wages. All your medical bills payed. And a fat check afterwards. It may be different in your state but lawyers take 33% here. 40ish% if it goes to court. But a restaurant will likely settle out of court. If its a fast food chain better start lookin for a new car ;)

I always worry about this shit after hearing that at a restaurant in my area this guy was cleaning the vents above the fryers and was basically standing on the fryers with the vats of oil open and still hot, and he slipped and both his legs ended up in the fryers, and people said the screams could be heard throughout the entire restaurant.

No doctor prescribes shit to treat scars unless specifically asked. I was in an accident not long ago and they didnt prescribe me shit except pain meds and muscle relaxers. I have scars and busted teeth ima get paid out the ass

Maybe it's different here because we have mandatory medicare.
So you would have guaranteed access to proper treatment. And actively choosing not to take it would be on you.

Sue him and retire

You sue the company, not the employee, he was representing the company at the time of the incident and the plaintiff was at work when the accident happened.

A lawyer will take that shit because they will know the company will just cave.

Im talking about the US. Neither the emergency room or the follow up doctor gave me anything for scaring and it was pretty brutal.

Or sue both and get paid even more


Pretty though.
Are you guys gonna come to your senses with this whole medicare business at some point?

Judge Judy bro.

This. 100 percent this. Lawfag agrees.

This is alot bigger of a payday than small claims court where the max is 5 or 10grand cant remember which

Damn so many responses, this isn't a recent burn but my worst I already took all necessary legal action and treatment

Good! hope to see you several grand richer!

If you work at any reputable place whatsoever, they have it very clear in an employee handbook that you signed: "You must wait until the fryer temperature reaches 100 degreesF until you start cleaning it." If you're going to take your employer to court, I recommend finding proof your employer is negligent.

Congrats, dood. You're gonna be rich.

they have security cameras and they keep they keep the for 3 months I used it to prove that the individual in question was reckless and should have been fired for putting other workers in danger.

the film

"You know what'll soothe that nasty burn? Put some sweet cream on it." -blades of glory

All these fucking pussies telling him to sue them. Fucking hell, that's barely anything and would have barely hurt! If you all think that's pain then you're all such big pussy bitches. Hate this generation, can't withstand any or even minimal pain, fucking pussies.

Sorry your generation allowed the cost of college grow so much. Anything and everything in the pursuit of money, so we don't have to work in that shit hole for the rest of our lives.

Shove your entire arm into a vat of boiling grease, then say "Yeah, it's nothing."

show us some scars then

Fucking bitch, tell me what it feels like getting shot 5 times within like 30 seconds.

It actually doesn't hurt that much, your running off a lot of Adrenalin right after it happens. After several minutes a low tingle starts to develop until it turns into a near crippling pain. I had to drive myself to the hospital following the incident.

Better call saul

Rx: I would put Aloe Vera on the burn a couple times per day for one month.

kek are you really getting heated up over who got hurt the worst? ego is such a funny thing.

Ignore every other post in this thread OP, do this right now. The sooner you lawyer up the better your outcome.

Raw honey will minimize scaring

It had nothing to do with the pain and everything to do with some dick weed fucking around at a shitty job. Fuck what you say, this world is going to hell and I'll get my cut anyway I can, even if it means fucking over a company over a burn.

It didn't help. I put raw honey in all my meals for two months and nothing happened.

yep. you gotta sue in this day and age. you can bet if you were injured beyond the capacity to do any work, the store wouldn't support you.

besides, where was the manager while this douchebag was fucking around? the guy obviously felt comfortable to fuck around like that to the point it was dangerous. a lot of managers who go away and do their own thing leaving the crew to clean on their own promotes bad behaviour. he should have been their supervising the clean up.

I found this stuff called Bio Oil that has made the scar almost unnoticeable, like only if someone focuses on it will they start to make it out.

This, any half decent cheap ass lawyer could make you some serious money off this shit.

Honestly, I'm generally against suing people, but in your case, I would definitely say lawyer up mate. I've worked in and out of several kitchens, gotten some burns of my own, but nothing that bad. When it happened to me - an idiot decided it would be a good idea to throw a burrito with sour cream and salsa in it into the fryer.... low and behold it blew up and spewed oil everywhere, got a bunch of little spot burns over my arms and face, and a big one on my thigh, but at least the pants absorbed a bit of it. Dude was fired that day and i got a rather nice workmans comp check for it. At the very least, make sure you get that, and some time off, shit looks bad.

Yup do this 100%. Also sue the dude involved. It's no immoral, both parties failed their duty of care and you can easy sue them for negligence. You're lucky you only burnt your arm and it wasn't any worse.

Well that sounds like he was a dumbass

Not necessarily anyone's fault other than his. He shouldn't have been standing on the fryer. Unless the supervisor told him that's how it was to be done, then he could've made a pretty penny.

To all the people saying sue, 100% chance the kid was not wearing his PPE. At chain stores its always a heavy apron and gloves to the shoulders, and goggles.

Also, generally only management deals with fryers, but that verys from chain to chain.


A nice case of MRSA coming your way OP

especially not with the vats on and open, like a the triad of dumb ass things to do. Generally speaking if I think something is to dangerous I refuse to do it and explain to my managers why I believe it to be dangerous (it was just that one manager who was negligent and for some reason they let him be the only person who ran night shift.

Use use silicone patch.

Been there bro. They put you on silvadine?

I was wearing a oven mitt in place of fryer gloves because they didn't have fryer gloves, it only protected my hand. I was wearing the rest of the protective gear.

You're retarded. I worked at taco hell for awhile and it was always the newest kid that got stuck on the fryers. Standard PPE there only consisted of a cloth apron, gloves and non slip shoes. That still leaves your face, forearms and upper arms exposed. PPE or not, if he wasn't wearing it then his supervisor should have corrected it.

You should sue and make a big fuss about it. Free money

Don't settle for shit money and don't hire some lawyer off a busstop bench.

>I was wearing a oven mitt in place of fryer gloves because they didn't have fryer gloves

Who is they? You could not find it or its missing?

Like i said, it verys. Wendys and Whataburger is manager only.

>but if he chooses not to wear his PPE its still the managers fault

Not so fast, if there is a record of training (anything from a checklist to a online video) thats all the company needs to protect himself. They trained the employee, he knew what to do, he choose not to. End of case.

Sue the company sure, but don't sue the individual. Guy probably has little to no money and it'll ruin him for the rest of his life.

Unless you hate the guy, then why not. But if he was just messing around and it's something you do often, why bother?

The company can take the hit, the guy probably can't.

It burns.

Workers compensation?

Nah uh! My pain hurts more than your pain.

They referring to the corporation, it was destroyed by the same idiot using it to clean the broiler... He managed to get it caught on one of the sharp edges and ripped off one of the fingers... then the manager tossed it out because it was "junk" even though we had no replacement for it. Notice that I said it, we had only one when I started working there.

You're talking like industrial PPE though. And industrial sized fryers. I don't THINK I've ever seen anyone wear full length gloves, rubber apron and face shield anywhere other than an industrial setting. And I assume OP worked at some fast food joint. Granted the training is true, but if it was common place for those regulations to be over looked, supervisors could still be at fault for not promoting a culture of safety. I'm not saying you're wrong by any means, just going off of my experience.

The gear we had was Full Length glove (destroyed and trashed) then we still have the face shield (which is difficult to see through) and the apron (the only think kept in shape).

Exactly. I used to work at Mcdonalds, and i slipped on grease, and shoved my hand into the friar for the chicken. But, due to it being indirectly my own fault, I had to pay out of pocket. needless to say, i quit.

I haven't been shot five times in 30 seconds, but i have been shot twice in 5.

Where at? Just out of curiosity. And I have heard of many employers ditching the face shield for that exact reason, I've even heard things such as "the face shield lowers visibility so much that it's more hazardous to wear one than it is to not."

But have you been shot 5 times in two seconds?

Sounds like you should have gotten a lawyer, if they aren't having you clean up grease in the kitchen right after it spills then they're not promoting a safe work place environment. Especially if they are discouraging cleaning it up to keep service time low.

Then the store is liable. It needs two gloves, straight up, and failed to have it.

Nah, im talking about whats in whataburger right now. The gloves go above the elbow, heavy apron, goggles.

They use the same gloves to clean the grill. I personally do the fryers and dont wear shit.

But yeah, training is not for training, its for liability purposes. The culture of non safety would have merit if the store has multiple incidents.

It's Burger King, though since that manager has been fired its gotten a lot better. The guy that bumped me got fired for putting people in danger and all the other managers make sure everything is staying clean. Fryer gloves were finally replaced within this last month (now we have two). I don't want to dice the company because they have really improved since then it really seems more like a case of a bad manager rather than an overall corporate issue. Besides they didn't argue over workman's comp and pay me a decent wage (8.50) for the work I'm doing.

In highschool several seniors held me down an forcibly gave me papercuts between the webbing of my fingers and then stapled them together.
You don't know what true pain is like.

Then I guess it's a case by case variable based pretty much solely on the employers ability to cover their own ass, regardless I think he should get a lawyer. At least one to just take a look at it to see if he's got a chance.

To add, whataburger pays for all workplace injurys, right off the bat, you just have to go to the whataburger's medical care providers, and follow all of their instructions. If its suspect, they will investigate and you could get fired. Its also an instant drug test.

As far as the medical care people are concerned, they are treating whataburger, not the patient, so zero cash for the employee out of pocket

My mom use to punish me by forcing a mechanical pencil into my dick, tell me about real pain!

Oh,the store is liable. No PPE means that 100%. The store is not following its own standards. Instant lost case.

A fucking oven mitt. Jesus.

Bitch, that ain't nothing. I was at work when some fucker dropped 20 sheets of thin plate glass off a fork lift. I was impaled in several places including the bladder. I pissed blood and glass chips for weeks.

The oven mitt was all I could do to protect my arm, and it failed me D: well it saved my hand, so not a complete waste.

Agreed sue the company but only if they didnt provide you with fryer glove ure supposed to have a pair or thick rubber gloves to wear while cleaning out the fryers if your work place does not have them sue them you will 100% win the suit

Getting tackled a few times and then not feeling anything until later.

Meanwhile oil burns are hurt instantly and feel like your skin is melting off because it is.

Just be lucky you had a free dick, mines still fucking locked in a chastity lock. Bitch died and swallowed the key.

If only she had swallowed sooner, then I wouldn't be here.

Also Oil likes to stick to your skin so depending on where the sink is it could take you a few seconds to get it off meanwhile you got piping hot fryer oil on your arm.

One of the many reasons to get out of food service as quickly as possible.

A free dick? The damn thing damaged the nerves it doesn't even work! I wish I was in that belt.

shit dude that sucks

he should get the fryer hook for that

you think that's bad I was bludgeoned with a shotgun during an attempted robbery while delivering a pizza

where do you work?