Say goodbye to Madame George

Say goodbye to Madame George
Dry your eye for Madame George
Wonder why for Madame George

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Goodbye Madame

Say goodbye in the wind and the rain on the backstreet
In the backstreet, in the backstreet
Say goodbye to Madame George

cuddle me harder TIgger!

When I really think about it, he's definitely one of my absolute favorites.

what about him do you like?

it got to -8°C some time during the night a few years back.
Cuddle you like this?

How profoundly sad he is. He sings about love and innocence and desire and loss in a way that just hits you right in the guts. His music breaks your heart, but he tries to piece it back together at the same time.

I both love and hate my life right now

That's pretty impressive for Australia. Off topic, y u no cuddle me too :T

liek this

ive never really listened to him before. i rally should though


You'll be alright.

How have you not listened to Van Morrison before? Even his songs about hope are tragic.

why's that?

i mean i have, but i never payed attention

I could relate mate. What's up?

I have a great job I've got great opportunities I'm even working really hard to make shit happen and be productive and at the end of the day I just can't seem to find a reason why I should bother

That is upsetting. He's at the very least a better lyricist than Bob Dylan.

dicks out you fags


For the children, Snuggles. Toil on and fight for the sake of the children. And for future children.

i never really listened to him much
i think mommy likes him
ima go bed

do you have any hobbies?

not really, not anymore

I don't have time, I'm too busy building my life

He's fantastic.

Collect art.

I think I'm going to frame the children and give them away to people I deem most caring and appreciative

I'm no expert, buuut I'd say that's where the problem lies. When the opportunity strikes to do something fun, take it

i like Wu-Tang Clan

make some time, then. that's all I can say. make time for some hobbies, maybe hang out with friends or something.

They must needs be cared for. Keep track of who you give them to, in case I need to gather them all again to me. Makes sure they are all given to those sympathetic to their plight. Become a dealer in these kinds of children.

Who doesn't?

I would never tell you who I gave them too. That wouldn't be fair to them.

deaf people

If I have need to gather them all again I must be able to, Snuggles.

Deaf "people".

That's not a cuddle!
It is actually, still no snow though.

You gave up that right. They are as lost to the wind as if you had burned them and scattered the ashes. Others will cherish them, your name will be credited but they are mine to manipulate and I can't give gifts with strings attached.

Be glad for that. Walking on literal ice roads is the worst. (I somehow get the impression you don't want to cuddle with me... :P)

That is not how it works, Snuggles. IF ever there is a need for a reunion of all the children, past, present, and future, for the world to gaze in wonderment, these first children must be represented. It would not be fair to them to exclude them.

uh oh

>why I should bother

Solomon said "There is nothing new under the Sun". And "All things are vanity".

Perhaps for you wisdom approaches?

Oh uh.

Nice dubs.

That is all.

What would his hobbies have to do with his realization that what is supposed to be isn't.

He could be the greatest Artisan glassblower selling 2 pieces a month.

Where will that glass be in 2000 years?

uh oh!

Possibly in a museum. It is estimated that glass will a million years to decompose under natural circumstances.

It's not good.

it's awful

Perhaps even really bad.

Glass is a supercooled liquid, it flows but infinitesmially slowly. Look at glass in the windows of old houses In 2 million years the glass would flown out of shape

Glass is an amorphous solid, not a "supercooled liquid." So in one thousand years the glass in a really old house would look exactly the same structurally as it does today. In 2 million years the glass will have decomposed 1 million years prior. Furthermore, there are glass pieces in museums dating back to the second millenium BCE, that is to say some 4,000 years ago and they are in virtually the same state today as they were when they were created. There are meteor impact sites that date back some 15,000,000 years that have glass shards there that were formed from the heat generated by the impact.
