Ask two poor fags who are eating spaghetti with cheese stolen from the supermarket anything

Ask two poor fags who are eating spaghetti with cheese stolen from the supermarket anything

You couldn't steal sauce?

hard to stash in your jacket without being noticed

Did you steal those bracelets too?

worked hard for them actually

why didn't you just buy ramen noodles?

Put some fucking ketchup on that shit at least snow nigger

are you poor or something? which store did you steal from? also, what did you steal?

we had 8 euros in copper coins i stashed in an old sugo glass. spend 4,90 on cigarettes, 1,45 on butter and the rest on bread. the cheese we just stole. the noodles i had stashed at home. fuck ketchup

Survival. Not so bad OP. Could be hooked on Auralac.

MY boyfriend made them for me for being a good cock sucker

yeah, poor it is. local supermarket 5 minute bus drive away. we stole it because lacking money

timestamp with the cheese

You get high? Or is this just the way things are for you?

SURELY you could have stolen something that's actually tasty, you fucked up OP.

should have not wasted the water the pasta was boiled in, should have saved atleast 1 cup and added the butter and cheese to it for sauce

Y u faggots so poor?


we stole cheddar you fucker

Were did you live op?

why not steal real cheese?


This guy is poorer then OP

hard to get a job when u r ugly as shit and too dumb for everything...

had to be something flat to fit in jacket pocket

and my roommate is simply an imigrant

Holy shit Op. I live in Italy i am the one Who should be poor..

You said you stole those things yet the hand in the picture is clearly white.

Not only did you pay for that i'm sure you told the cashier to put the change into the charity bucket.

There's where your issue is.

u suck at stealing then. i once stole a piece of three year old parmesan for almost 20€

what, white? bullshit. he's a filthy immigrant and almost a muslim as well. fuck you

seems to be white in that yellow light

how are you able to get on the internet?

italy is a exceptionally lovely place though

through a prepaid internet router

u should stir fry that sauerkraut

in austria, almost everything is cheaper than food. internet included...
not cigarettes though


confirmed, why are you poor OP?

eating stir fired sauerkraut almost evry fckin day...
the only cheap food over here

look in the fridge

one does only need four things in life. Sport, Philosophy, an internet connection and Sauerkraut

Yeah. But i have criminal record soo.. you know. Is not that great

Multiple festival braclets?

so you're just a normal italian then?

It's not stealing if you pay them, you fucking faggot

poor doesnt have to mean that u never have money idiot

That's pretty decent what you stole the thing is I used to steal shit in my school have £29 worth of shit from p1-p7

you gotta have your priorities set straight in life

Yeah ahahahah

Is funny cause Is true.


>moms speghetti

Pretty sure op doesn't even goes work, keep saying your boyfriend did shit, pretty sure you are alone you fuck, get a job faggot

Why are you so poor?

you're so pathetic

ketchup? are you fucking 5 years old?

Broke = no money at the moment

Poor = no money ever

I stole a bottle of lube as a bet. i just slipped it into my hoodie sleeve and walked right out.

daaayuumm, your gang is so hard. how do i join?

come to my place. bring beer and weed and you're in

People who haven't done much in terms of survival is what I sense OP. Be well.

Nice mate nova rock 2016

thanks user.

You're a fucking weakling. You aren't stealing to eat, you're stealing to smoke. Thieving addict trash.

Why are you wearing those ugly as bracelets op?


Good luck op. I i am sure you are gona be fine.

can't you read you retard?

>we had 8 euros in copper coins i stashed in an old sugo glass

it's a general condition that comes when studying