How long would this tattoo take on a normal sized shoulder?

How long would this tattoo take on a normal sized shoulder?

3 or 4

If it's larger than a half acre it could take decades.

with shading, and all the line work I would say 4-8 hours depending on how much you pay and how good your artist is, if they say anything less than $350-600 I would leave and find a new shop
you get what you pay for.

Pic related, 8 hours total, $500 (not counting artist cost)

Not as long as it would take to find a job afterwards.

If it's in an area that is hidden with clothes then he's fine, at no point has a boss/ person interviewing me required me to strip so he could search me for tattoos

Get a refund mate

Why, it's good work and it looks good?

Should have taken two at the most, you got fucked.

as if someone cares nowadays. Or you´re living in a pretty shitty, not so great country, where people judge other people by their looks not their abilities.

2 hours. $200 fucking clarify

4 hours is a fair estimate, at my shop it's $150 an hour .

You're not applying to the right jobs.

Name me one job

Two hours, sorry

I guess youre entitled to your opinion.

>Applying for a job that doesnt require wearing a suit

Youre not an educated man are you

And how's life down in mummys basement?

Dude, what fucking jobs that pay more than minimum wage do you apply to in shorts and a wife beater

>that tattoo
>8 hours

Literally what. Did your tattooist have fucking parkinsons or something and have to stop every 5 seconds? Jesus christ.

How would it have taken less than 8 hours, he had to draw it all up, then actually do the tattoo, and it's not like I had shit better to do with my life.

That 8 hours included drawing the design, and all the nice shit like shading

Sorry girl but I if any artist takes longer than two hours to accomplish that shite they are not worth their needles.

this is what a solid 8 hours of tattooing looks like