It been 5 days should I give up?

It been 5 days should I give up?

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>North Ireland
hi nigger

also, kill yourself. Asap. Please.
Oxygen Thief.

Should have been more assertive. Just get the IRA lads on her case m8

>you can't let me know when you are free
this is your fault OP

Bout ye mucker? Ye headin up to the shaft for a doggin sesh?

Femanon here. This is girl-speak for "I don't really want to meet up, and I'll just continuously find excuses to avoid it."

Set a date. We should meet at at

You either get a response of "yes" or "can't do then but how about this place at this time"

Any other response, or lack of one, delete contact and move on.

Hmmmm is this the first time this has happened?
If yes, follow up. The 'I'm sure I could work something' seems to have potential but you're not her priority

If this is the 3rd or more time that shes done this then give up

Fuck no, if she really wanted you she would have been in contact after the second day. Your fucked OP, she is hoping you get the message

Tits or gtfo

Offer a specific date and place, don't leave it so open ended. You went with "let me know when you want to go maybe do something" and surprisingly she didn't make an offer. You have one chance to throw out an offer to meet up somewhere this weekend (day, time, place) and if you've got some chance she'll respond with an answer.

Prepare to be ignored, though.

Also you let 5 fucking days go by without texting her again, what's wrong with you

>advice from someone that doesn't know the difference between your and you're.

I know the difference between the two, I just dont give a shit, its fucking Sup Forums

Shes avoiding you bro
Save yourself some time

KneeCap the wee whorebeg

>hurrrrrrrrrr I was only pretending to be retarded


>I am retarded