Aesthetic edition
old somewhere in the depths of time
Other urls found in this thread:
wake up you lazy niggers
Hello my friends
bout tree fiddy
>«Με έλεγε συνέχεια ζητιάνο kαι με έβριζε. Τον φιλοξενούσα σε ένα εγkαταλελειμμένο εργοστάσιο επίπλων. Μετά από 5 ημέρες τσαkωθήkαμε άσχημα. Τον χτύπησα, τον έσπρωξα kαι έπεσε πάνω σε μια λεkάνη τουαλέτας με το kεφάλι kαι τη μύτη. Ύστερα τον έπνιξα με τα χέρια μου kαι τον άφησα μέσα σε ένα φρεάτιο ασανσέρ του kτηρίου. Έπιτα από ένα μήνα kάποιοι άλλοι αστεγοι διαμαρτύρονταν για τη δυσοσμία. Έτσι αποφάσισα να τον μεταkινήσω»
>έπεσε πάνω σε μια λεkάνη τουαλέτας
>τον έπνιξα
i want to believe he suffered the ultimate nerd death
meanwhile in the happy place of the planet :3
y do you obsess about some random whore?
it's a guys thing, you wouldn't understand.
chaonon punct ro tiganii mei
its a beta faggot thing
What do you rather be, billionaire, can get any women in the world, but be laz.
Deaf, blind, with amputed legs and homeless, but not laz
Why are you so autistic lately?
my boi Rocco here
>salty xpozed again having a bad day
Kill myself
>obsessed flagfag again, picking the wrong person
just to let you know so you can relax, i rarely post in here anymore
az sam balgarski voivoda
I will fuck all your mothers
Come to Gazi Baba
Send ancient makkedon qties
what a great way to start your day
last night two albanian drug dealers started fighting each other in down town thessaloniki and pulled out a gun and shot him 5 times
I am waiting at kisela woda
Too far
Gazi Baba bitch boy
I am in front of fersped
a bunch of gypsies attacked a doctor because he asked them to step outside to examine their injured friend
this happened a few years ago in some northern outskirt of skopje, albanians and bosniaks got in a fight and then pulled guns out and started killing eachother
Hello redit
you should start a greek dailystormer website
already ahead of you
>Dead criminal albanians
bongiorno redditissimo
In old church slavonic "I" was "az"
how come all slav languages except Bulgarian and Macedonian say "ya" instead?
This is a tatar meme invented by bozidar dimitrov
This has been happening in Bulgaria for years... up to the point that the medical staff requested guards to ride with them if they have to go in the "special" areas... I feel sorry for you. The sad truth is the Balkans are on the decline and just gypos are thriving.
gypos i na6te sysedi na zapada, moito mom4e
4estno kazano te sa polo6i ot gypsos, db4
никoгa пoвeчe нe пиши нa диaлeктa ми.
>dat kelly popup
Nqma koi da krivis za tova naprezenie
Prosto sickite sa poludqli
Your neighbours are beeding to conquer lands. Gypos breed to survive on benefits or just for the sake of it. Gypsies don't really conquer villages or specific neighbourhoods. They just move. I've seen a whole bunch of blocks devastated by them and then they would just ask? "Where will you put me now? I need a shelter." I don't really think they have any feelings for the land or house they live in. Maybe that's why thez turn everything in shacks and mud, wherever they go.
gypsies are basically low functioning jews
is he the macedon boogy man ? Just because he BTFO you all the time.
I bet you post on /his/
/his/ is a mess, that place desperately needs IDs and Flags
Bulgarians I found your king while I was taking out the garbage.
What can you tell me about Lyulin?
you bet wrong again. I barely post on /balk/ only and lurk around /diy/
you should drop the paranoia already, because you seriously start looking like autist
I see smokers in the face
They always have a greasy puffy face
It's the nicotine toxic bloating
more like the exact opposite
it's the aerodrom of sofia
Discord it is
>Discord it is
i'm not in the /balk/ discord either.
Never understood the point of the discord. Why don't those fagglets just post here instead.
>Why don't those fagglets just post here instead.
due to the shit that /balk/ is since mid 2016 i guess is part of the problem.
Not to mention the ridiculous rules that Sup Forums adopted from reddit.
Nu se poate ce pula mea
Ma cac pe natia lor de mongoli
Help me bait pol with this
Bump the thread with golden keks
Székely Land wants autonomy
How the fuck is a beaner so white?
What the sekels need is independence and a corridor to hungary
I dont want a piece of mongol trash right in the middle of the country
Fuck your autisitic idea
Xpozed you cringe subhuman
Why do you always do this
they already have their own country.
its called Hungary
What else is new
eat shit, btw
They are cringe
I dont think that hungary needs these mongrels either
Fuck your mother impotent grandfather
I hope your wife dies and your kids get cancer
thanks, m8
eat shit, btw
hello :) its a nice day today
I hate you so much
I would kill you so many times you fucking gypsy
alright, lad
eat shit, btw
Daily redit post.
these are sekels? wow the blood of attila is strong in these ones
Samo smrt za tebe
The girl seems kinda cute in a Bulgarian way.
well said, friend
eat shit, btw
xpozed why are you so salty recently, did you see a lynx during vitosha walk?
I'm making a sociological research, sir.
Can you describe, on the scale from 1 to 10, how mad are you right now?
Thanks in advance, and eat shit, btw
I hate him so much
He probably did good in school the fucking nerd
Most of them look more european but you can still notice the asian features
You're so socially off I laugh imagining your life
Everything you write is so "thought out" and your excuse for humor controlled that you're the only one finding your memes funny.
I'm sure you wear a cardigan and glasses and you're a "well informed" upstanding citizen who never had fun.
xpozed should btfo already
you guess them all!
eat shit, btw
Anyone knows the discord link? Our ISPs are banned from Sup Forums
say please
You must die
it must be done, m8
eat shit, btw
Nah, he is a good contributor, if not salty. Maybe personal problems recently, it can happen to everyone.
i'm not salty, tho
In matter of fact i'm kind of happy with my current life. On the other hand, the fyromian is starting to form NaCl crystals as we speak.
Look at this faggot
NaCi crystals
That would make you the shit at parties
indeed my friend
eat shit, btw
Why is there an angry Make and a Bulgar replying to him?