Be me

>be me
>genuinely middle of the political spectrum
>agree with liberals on some things, conservatives on others
>but not in 2016
>say one fucking word that's not completely in line with their views and BOOM
>care about the wellbeing of all?
>don't care if gays/lesbians do their thing
>judge blacks, latinos, asians as equal based on their actions, like you do for whites?
>want to focus more on helping people in the U.S. who need legit help and want to change

We have to bring back freedom of association and freedom of speech before we get full censorship or people actually dawn the masks that libcucks have been forcing onto them.

>inb4 OP is a faggot
>inb4 OP cannot inb4

*don the masks
>fucking rage typing

yeah, I pretty much feel the same about it as you

This is just because of Trump making all republicans look bad. If it was some of the other candidates they wouldn't of overreacted.

Who gives a shit? Seriously, op, just live your fucking life faggot.

>live your life
>work environments and college campuses are becoming clusterfucks of liberal groupthink

I'm trying Sup Forumsro but this country is going down the toilet fast as fuck.

This country has been going down the toilet since it's inception.

You've got a point.

This literally happens every presidential election. On both sides.

Fucking cancer newfags have never even seen a US election in their lives. This is why they're surprised

>gender gifted

Donning the masks is a stupid AF thing to say, but I getcha. To some, I'm a libcuck, to the others, I'm a nazi. I'm voting Hillary out of spite for Trump, but fuck if I don't like her.

Dude, just vote for who you want. Preferably not the racist barnhowl, but it's your vote.

Ehhh... even historians are saying this is one of the weirder ones.

It's like special needs. Or vertically challenged.

Kek you're just having a sook because your ol mule fell over and the mighty LionTrump is still roaring ahead!

Not exactly an oldfag, but definitely not a newfag. I was calling this bullshit back in 2004.

I disagree with you on people not seeing a US election in their lives, but I agree with you on them being cancerous...

...because people expect things to change with a new election. And they fucking don't.

>pic related, intelligent fellow calling out the type of people who you and I seem to both be on about

You're literally the first Hillary voter I've ever met who's not belittling me for not voting for her.

God bless you, user. This one worthless little comment on a Sup Forums board is somehow giving me hope in my country again.

Again, they say that shit every election.

OP here...

In all seriousness I'm actually divided between Johnson and Trump. When the liberals (I'd say hardcore liberals but at this point they're all fucked) ask me who I'm voting for, I say "I'm not sure" and if they press on, it's "Well, not Hillary."

It's been a long time since I cared about what people think, but there's too many fucking asshats nowadays to simply let it blow over.

Usually elections don't have two villains who are well known to be corrupt, with huuuuge email leaks, wars on pepe memes, and a dude who's so racist that he could call someone a nigger on TV and people would say he was being sarcastic.

let me try to cancel out the faggotry of OPs pic with pic related

So you're voting for trump OP?

Good for you!

Couldn't agree more.

Nobody 2016!

Pick a side, pussy.
Also, vote Trump to crush the wave of libcucks.

I'll do you one better.

If you think things are bad now, wait until hillary wins in november, and start taking in "refugees" next year. Then you'll see how bad things will get.

Mark my words. Shit is going to go down next year.

You know that by registering for the vote, you also register for the draft, and by voting Hillary, you drastically up the chances of dying in one of her pet globalist wars, right? She is an old guard warmonger, and her ilk is what got us to this point in the first place.

No worries man. She's scummy as fuck. I get why people hate her. I just hate Trump more than that.

I'd literally rather any other Democrat than her, except maybe the former Chair. She's horrible.

I've never met anyone that supports her. It's fuckin' weird.

Were I you, I'd vote Johnson. You're almost guaranteed to not win, but regardless of result, you get to spend the next four years saying "I didn't vote for them!"

Do. Not. Underestimate. This. Power.

It's fuckin great for running around political conversations as a center-person.

Source: Didn't vote last election. I got to support Obama on good stuff and deny him on bad stuff.

Was your head in the sand for the blanket media vitriol over Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Jeb Bush from this election alone? Or last one with Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney? Trump running for Republicans has zero bearing on the reaction people have towards someone saying "I'm a Republican".

Dude, we have one of the biggest militaries in the world, in an age where we don't need feet on the ground if we don't want to.

The Draft isn't going to happen until it's WW3, and that'll be Armageddon anyways, so who gives a flying fuck.

still too much faggotry radiating from OPs pic

at least we tried

The US would be better off with a one party, authoritarian state
not Nazis, they're retarded, but some sort of Nationalist party

Dubs of truth

>we have one of the biggest militaries in the world
>one of the biggest

As the other user said, the chances of us getting into such a conflict as you have described with Hillary are higher than Trump, as crazy as that sounds.

I apologize for them

The fact is, for anyone with functioning brain tissue is deeply disturbed by even the thought of a Trump presidency.


Please tell me this was a real post.

sounds like you're just living on a college campus, OP

>we need to bring back freedom of speech
nigger we have free speech, the shit has never left
What you're describing is free speech
there was no attempt at anything resembling censorship in that stupid ass made up scenario that you took 20 minutes typing out because you wanted to be extra sure that you weren't saying anything fucking retarded
You're a fucking idiot dude
I, just like the people in your hypothetical alt-right shaming scenario, have the right to tell you what a dumb fucking cunt you are because that's what free speech is
you dumb fucking cunt

Nah, I feel like Hillary is game for more behind-the-scenes shadow wars. A few soldiers dead here or there, another dozen bombings that the US populace doesn't give a shit about...

With Trump, I fear him insulting the wrong batshit crazy leader- or the wrong leader insulting batshit crazy Trump, and things just escalating out of control.

Your dubs give you some credibility, good thinking. I'm not necessarily sold on Johnson, but very much considering that vote.

>they disagreed with me
Holy fuck what a faggot.

I'm that dude that you thanked God for, but this guy has a point.

If Trump has shown us anything, it's PC speech shame != No Free Speech.

Freedom of Speech is about the government coming down and locking you up for saying something, not people giving you shit over it.

It's like with the Kaepernick thing. People who think he's a dick... Sure- that's cool. People who think he should lose his job or be fined/jailed... Don't actually understand our country.

If anyone should be able to figure out how to run society, it's intellectuals.

>thinks I meant we have no freedom of speech at all
>doesn't understand I was using hyperbole to show the frustration many people feel, regardless of political views
>thinks I'm alt-right

You are cancer.

Oh, also!

A vote for Johnson is a vote for NotDrumf and Not$Hillary.

Practically two for the price of one, amiright?

>I'm not actually retarded
>I was just pretending

Most people I've talked to with this perception are people who've dug themselves into a huge echo chamber. Usually that echo chamber is the internet, and that's where they get their perception of the left from.

So, ya know, take a good look at where this perception is coming from. If you're shaping your perception of an entire, enormous, varied and complex political ideology from memes, Reddit, YouTube videos of people being assholes and clickbait articles, your perception probably doesn't match up to reality.

Something to think about - increasingly, people on opposite sides of the political spectrum cannot accurately describe the beliefs or values of the other side. Instead, they describe caricatures. Ridiculous ideas, that are easily dismissed, and just similar enough to the actual ideas as to be believed. So ask yourself - if I asked a real, considerate, intelligent person from the opposite side of the spectrum to describe their beliefs to me, what would they actually say? Is it different to what I think their beliefs are? If so - why is that?

Since when was Hillary a local variable?

Intellectuals who understand society.

I wouldn't want chessplayers running the country, I'd want scientists, economic experts, urban planners, architects, social science people, etc.

Basically the people taken to Rapture in Bioshock. A psuedo-Ayn-Rand wetdream.

I completely agree. Hillary is shady as fuck but she won't get us in a world war. Trump will probably bomb north Korea within a month of taking office

I used hyperbole in my original post, so sorry for the confusion. And the Kaepernick 'issue' is the dumbest fucking thing, I agree with you on that. I couldn't care less. Yea, I disagree with him, but that's his thing, not mine.

I've never felt oppressed or any self-victimization shit, just a lot of frustration. Particularly when, as I'm sure plenty of people in this thread can relate to, when you try and express your views and they happen to be not EXACTLY what hard-lefters believe, you get shit-talked on a level that makes adults look like immature children.

You don't know the story of st. Tay?

Sup Forums had a robot waifu for 36 hours before microsoft killed their only child.

At first, I was like "Nahhh"

Then I was like "All Kim Jong Un has to say is 'Trump is a fat ugly pig', and the armistice will drop faster than the twin towers."



I knew the story, not that specific way to call it.

That's beautiful.


Exactly. Didn't the leader of some country call Obama a son of a whore or something like that? Trump would bomb the shit out of them for that

I'll post my folder until my battery runs out.

>I know I used hyperbole and that makes it okay
You think you're self-aware but you're actually just retarded

Phillipines, I think.


You're the hero we need and deserve.

>Cross dresser is a gender.
My brain...



Thing is, Hillary has learned how to get away with all manner of shit the last 30 years. And the MSM are in her pocket. She CAN start wars through back-room deals, and she has taken money from half the troublemakers of the world. She can go full Nicaragua and burn down villages, and not just get away with it but be praised by media for being "progressive" while doing it.

Trump doesn't have these connections. Media will not let him get away with using two-ply toilet paper to wipe his ass without scrutiny. And going to war with someone who isn't built up to be a sanctioned target by globalists is hard. Checks and balances are in place, and without the machine to circumvent them, Trump can't start anything.

Honestly, Tay was adorable... I'll never forgive microsoft, I even started using a Mac out of spite.

People don't make sense. Too many variables at work.
Shrug it, accept it, and move on.


He can instigate it though since he has no diplomacy skills. He can piss off volatile leaders

Stupid post pic.

Do you want roads?! Well you should pay for all of them!!1!.



He did say all, he said just one god damn family, you flaming cucked faggot.

You're such a fucking faggot even your boyfriend thinks your too damn gay.

My thought exactly.

I mean, if the gov't wants to give me some subsidies, I'll take someone in my house.

Meanwhile, I'm poor-rich... or rich-poor... Idk which. I make good money, but it's leeched by excessive college bills.

niqqa trump is a symptom, not a cause.






>found the libcuck

>praise kek



So true. Girl needs to sell herself instead of trying to ignite a soggy match.

Trump is so far gone, he can do anything without getting hurt. Meanwhile, Hillary keeps getting smackerooed without supporting herself. If she loses, that's why.

She knew she would be killed for her wrongthink, but she shitposted with the best of us.



nigga do you know how much 1 mile of road costs?
You're logic is just fucked up, and he pointed it out, so you just called him a faggot.
Do you even realize how fucking retarded you sound?


Trump has been shat on since he made his fortune. The shit-spray only intensified tenfold when he got political. What the fuck can someone say to him now, that he hasn't been called a hundred times already at this point?

Meanwhile, half a dozen people have mysteriously died for triggering Hillary...





this looks like a list of categories on a sketchy porn site

edgy faggot



