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Why must I be so attracted to children? How do I fix this sickness?

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kill urself

You could kill yourself

kill yourself

I feel you. I have found a solution though. Simply bite the tip of a shotgun and then slam the butt into the ground really hard. Problem solved. You're cured. Be more original when begging for random cp posts.

Kill yourself

Kill Yourself

Its apparent that the death of yourself could possibly be the only way. Or castration.


Suicide is the only option for you


kill yourself user
I'll send you $500 via paypal if you do it livestream

Just do what I do and embrace your sickness.

You should kill yourself

Use only regular porn and ween your sick mind off that shit.

Ignore it.

kys. simple

Silly OP, just eat a bullet. Or sterilize yourself.

you act like you're a trap. Just keep it to yourself.
Date short girls and use your imagination. You'll be fine.

>If you're gay have sex with female prostitutes until your sick mind stops craving cock

Become an hero OP its the only way
recaptcha: OP FaGgoT

This is not funny.
I hope you get what you deserve,this is not normal trolling.

I understand you, my pedophile friend.

>be me 6 years old
>see woody the cowboy
>douse myself in chocolate milk
>scream for woody
>he stares at the screen as if hes heard me
>Woody gently caressed the glass barrier
>I whisper "theres a snake in my boots".
>A Single tear rolls down my cheek
>Woody is love, Woody is life.
Idk man, dress your gfs as children.

Track down ur IP and cut your fucking dick off

Welcome to Sup Forums, here's a complimentary soda and an 11 year old girl


just jack off dude maybe in the future you can fingure your newborn and shit


what.the.fuck.did i just read

fuck Sup Forums really is shit now. you retards can't even carry on an intelligent conversation. Just a bunch of hurr derp kill yourself bullshit.

Kill yourself

you must be new here.
or very old
ether way it doesn't matter.

A bit of lead on the head would definetely help



We're all Stars now, in the shit show !

It's easy, so load a shotgun with a buckshot, pull the trigger into the back of your head, so that it disconnects your brainstem. Also take a cyanide capsule, and start a fire around you, slit your wrists with a razor blade down the river, and release some sarin gas around you. Finally, set a ticking c4 bomb around you, with a 5 minute time clock.



but cp is wrong!!!!1! my parents say so!!@

A neighbor took advantage of me when I was six and he was in his teens. Not graphic enough for you? Want to hear about the surgery they had to do to keep me from bleeding to death after? Turns out when an adult penis attacks a child's vagina it punches a hole in the cervix and approximately all the blood spurts out.

>with a 5 minute time clock
>time clock
I didn't start laughing until this point.

sounds hot af


Mmm green text?

Describe your trauma that you experience now. What sentence did he get? Also, tits or gtfo

that why you have to stick to blowjobs till they're about 10

Its very simple user.
>Buy 10 30Mg oxys
>Lock yourself in room
>Break out syringe (50mL+ preferable)
>Band arm of non-dominant hand
>Find vein that looks good
>Full syringe with bleach
>Look at bag of pills as you kill yourself
>The pain will cleanse you
>Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Its quite simple really^

Professional therapy. I can't even begin to understand that shit, honestly.


>Why must I be so attracted to children? How do I fix this sickness?

Work in Toys section at Wal-Mart over the Holiday season.
My wife wanted kids when we got married. One Xmas season later, she was completely done.


Such a newfangled that you do not even have the picture. Dont bother downloading it.

Hey there, I'm Chris Hanson.
Take a seat

have sex with one, realize its not so great, fuck real women

im sure that there will be user, in prison

mods are asleep

Sure do user

somebody just posted cp

mods are awake

Post kik

dude, they literally removed it in under a minute, rather impressive for mods here.

damn that was fast lol


Man posting that shit just ruins the way people look at Sup Forums. We want ppl on here making pals and sharing a kek. U gotta think about the familys on /b. Pls don't post illegal stuff like that


right before they saved it
thats why they were lurking here

How many times are you going to post this copypasta?

kill urself

it's not wise to have that on your computer, especially here in the US, where humiliation lasts a lifetime


No one get vanned for storing it. Only people the police waste their time on is producers and distributors. You can save all the files you want just to share them.


>approximately all the blood


Some dude throws out obvious bait and every newfag and cancerfag on Sup Forums runs in with a "kys"

topkek drawer

i mean women are the lesser species so i think pedophilia is ok as long as its with girls since its natural for the superior species to dominate the weaker one


>different species
>being this stupid


What's with all the fags going to kil ur selv? Can't even talk about something "random"? What is this, Reddit tier shit?

But in all honesty, do what I do; fap to loli, realize your attractions are bad, either as a fear of consequence or consideration for the kid, be attracted to legal adult aged small girls, have her wax. Don't do it, user, when you get a boner you rationalize it, but after you pull out of the neighbor girl, you'll enter the "oh fuck, what did I just do" phase and have anxiety 24/7, wondering if she'll report it. Don't do it.

>Date short girls
Not OP, but...
It's hard to date short girls as a 6'4" 350lb Sup Forumstard

>actually a good analogy
>making a good point on Sup Forums

speaking from your own experience?

Op plz kill yourself or commit suicide

You could kill yourself.

Loli are embers that keep these sorts of behaviours alive. Chemical castration or meds to inhibit test. Or kys

as long as you're not personally abusing, kidnapping or murdering kids I don't really have a problem with you. Unfortunately people would rather produce people that have to kidnap and murder to get off rather than just fap at home. I don't condone it but I can accept it.

How the fuck can people post CP here an NOT get caught or in trouble? Where the fuck are these people?


>all the newfags forgot about anne hiro

not everyone lives in murrica

Just like all addictions its only a matter of time before fantasy and reality collide, seek therapy or meds.

Legit question; if people wouldn't string up someone for even thinking openly about fucking a kid, and you could find legit help without your life being ruined for something you don't choose, would the number of abductions, rapes, and rape-murder to silence the kid go down? I would think therapy would save a lot of lives, not everyone can bottle it up and not have it burst open.


at that point you kill yourself or lose some weight fatass

>How do I fix this sickness?

an hero in blaze of glory, but only target other pedos, redeem yourself in a final act.

End it


>Date short girls and use your imagination

That's why you have to watch out for guys that actively seek out short girls. They view it as legal CP.

Don't leave them alone with any kids...

Yeah. Luckily, I find females as old a 40 attractive, so I have it a bit better than some unlucky people.