>Part 1
>Part 2
>Part 3
>Part 4
>Part 5
>Part 6
This is a fucking amazing.
>Part 1
>Part 2
>Part 3
>Part 4
>Part 5
>Part 6
This is a fucking amazing.
Other urls found in this thread:
why are there so many american dad threads lately?
Because it's a good show and the only good thing to come from Seth Macfarlane?
Steve's voice actor is a damn good singer.
I come to to Sup Forums for the AD and faintly hidden porn threads
i haven't watched american dad in a while.
i just turned 31...feeling old.
30 here, I understand.
>American Dad started in 2005
>11 fucking years ago
Jesus Christ I was 14 when this show debuted
are you me? only reason I still come to this shit hole
You guys heard the original with the nig trapped in the closet?
>this time I'm going to rape him
>mfw there are people on this board that are too young to remember the famous rapper that pissed on a teen
Oh god I bet they are some people here who don't even know what a VHS tape is
I manage to watch all 22 parts. Was R Kelly intentionally making a comedy or was he trying to make a serious soap opera?
>girl, you're gonna feel a little prick
What did he mean by that?
>the principal says he thinks it's a rat yet shoots at human-level instead of at the ground
Hamlet reference?
It started off a serious soap opera and then R. Kelly smoked some crack and it became a fucking comedy. Once he bought in the fucking midget I knew this shit was going downhill
why the fuck didn't you just link any of the clips that have the entire fucking song instead of doing it in 6 parts
Because if there was one don't you think I would have fucking done that
Honestly I thought comedy wise it peaked once the midget show up then it went to shit after he became self-aware and started throwing crazy shit to storyline.
It got little better toward the ends with everybody getting aids and shit from cucking each other. It was also nice seeing Omar from the wire there.
well someone posted it on /co yesterday
took a whole 10seconds to find
my favourite AD moment honestly
Didn't R Kelly recently say he wanted to make more chapters?
Yes he said his making 40 more chapters.
>I'm like hold up (bleep) you need lower your voice do I make myself clear
>She like whoa who you calling a (bleep)
>I said you
>She say who
>I'm like you (bleep) wait let me explain all the shit I been going through
Laughing too fucking hard at that. That's genius
40? Jesus christ