Underrated filmmakers

Underrated filmmakers.

I'll start with Rob Zombie. He's one of the best horror kinographers but his films are dismissed by low iq plebs.

I'd slam him in the back of my dracula

He's supposed to be a pretty friendly guy too

And he seems like a nice guy.

He is.

I like him btfoing those idiots. I like some metal but metal fans are the most obnoxious faggots.

I don't like his films.
They're unnecessarily long and overly campy.
I guess I'm low iq pleb.

baby metal is shit though.

This faggot ruined any mystery the Halloween franchise had left

>shit talk your rock idol.
>he publicly blows your ass out of the water.

I've officially forgivin him for those awful Halloween movies.

Halloween 2 was great

They roll harder than you.

His Halloween movies were good

Most people do, doesn't make what they do good.

he's honestly one the most underrated auteurs of our time, has a big understanding of horror and is not afraid to do new things in the genre.

>listening to metal or being a "metalhead"

>Halloween 2
>First 20 minutes are a dream



can't stand Zombie or his music

Still admire him orginally driving TCM Underground in the early 2000s

>Rob Zombie isn't a zombie


Rob Zombie isn't a Robber!

House of 1000 corpses was soo great. I was soo hype for that movie coming out.
Whish i coulda seen it in theatres but it never got that kind of release in my town.

Devils rejects was an interesting direction for a horror movie sequel
The lords of salem was okay, the set design was well done.
Havent seen his new one yet. I am planning on it though.
El superbeasto was mindless and forgettable.
Im not a fan of any of the halloween movies but i think he generally did a better job than carpenter.

I know he loves two things from watching his movies
The 70's
And his wife

I've never seen any of his movies but I respect him because of his substantial horror knowledge and love for the genre. And the fact that he's doing something different than other modern horror filmmakers.

Shari Moon is the worst part of all his movies.

Will he ever get to do his Marx Brothers biopic?

She was a good casting choice for michael meyers mom
Baby in house
I might have recast her in devils rejects but i think she did well.
She was also cast well in lords of salem but i dont know if he really just wrote that movie for her.

Who would you have casted?

The Devils Rejects was a good movie, if not for the edgy shit of House of 1k Corpses it would of been a classic.

>rob zombie movie
>"it's about psychopaths"
>"every scene has to have some form of body horror in it"
>"and blood, swimming pools amounts of blood"

he has objectively never made a good movie. and if he wasnt a rock n roll god nobody would like his trash flicks.

The Halloween franchise was ruined from 4 onwards. Easily the worst run of sequels of the three big slasher franchises. Rob didn't have any effect on it, good or bad.

I would still really like the two I really like now, Rejects and Salem.

1000 corpses and Salem had great atmosphere. devils rejects is his most accessible, and it's good but lacks the seriously disturbing atmosphere of the other 2

holloween movies were shit. glad he's back to pulp horror

>Disturbing imagery
It was boring dude, the real reason Devils was good was because they were portrayed as actual fully written characters, not boring 2d cookie cutters.

Rob Zombie is the fucking man.

He's not some artistic genius but he has always made cool, enjoyable movies and music.

Fedoras just wouldn't understand I guess.

someone who could act. she generally underperforms around the great actors rob puts in his movies. she always sticks out and it drags the movies down. Salam would have been better with a better actress, and even better if it hadnt been written specifically so rob had an excuse to linger 5 million dollar cameras on his wife for a couple months

ending was good tho

that's one of the reasons it's a more accessible movie. it's not a bad thing. it takes the monsters from 1000 corpses and puts them in a situation where they develop and reveal themselves over time. it also has a more standard movie structure with quippier dialogue/fun music/less shock horror. it's a sunny psycho road trip movie

Most of his music and movies are pretty solid, nothing amazing but good stuff to sit through and enjoy it.

A washed up playboy bunny is perfect for both those roles though.

Baby was supposed to be immature hyper sexual and a girl cattiness mixed with homicidal psychopathy. She became more dynamic in devils rejects, which i think did need a bit more subtle method in her portrayal than what she offered. But its a sequel so keeping her on was understandable, and she didn't fuck up the role that much.

Her character in lords is an ex junkie, radio dj. I really couldntt get past her dreadlocks in that movie though.

The ignorant loving and hot mother from halloween.