Why were the mongols so powerful and feared?

Why were the mongols so powerful and feared?

Did europeans stand any chace against Genghis Khan and the mongol hordes in the early 1200s?

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Because of gunpowder and mobility of mongolian armies.
Litterally, knights and heavy cavalry was nothing compared to mobile ranged cavalry.

I didn't know gunpowder already existed like 800 years ago. It's much older than i expected, apparently.

Well yes since they were pushed back
I mean you may argue "yeah well they just didn't want to push into Germany and beyond" but even then there is a reason why they didn't want to. Probably that it was very populated and very inconvenient to conquer a land full of castles and honestly much more trouble than it was worth for them.

They would have gotten blown the fuck out had they tried advancing into the heartland of Europe. Their tactics only worked well against Europeans living in the plains and steppe of Eastern Europe

They didnt advance into europe any further because Ogedai had just died and the mongol leaders had to convene in Karakorum to choose a new Khan

>very populated
Very? They passed though more populated areas.
Considering the fact turks BTFO Byzantium you can easily consider Mongols would've done the same with us. Even if it was earlier, Hungarians and Bulgarians BTFO us as well.

I think we got saved because we were too far, they penetrated Poland once or twice but didn't wanted to go that far.

The belt saved you once again

The Huns, Magyars, Bulgarians, Mongols and various other Eurasian nomads never managed to take anything past Eastern Europe, though

Yes and Jesus Christ himself killed the mongol king as to save Europe, i know the story that doesn't mean there weren't other reasons

Fair enough

Was it their purpose? They were just doing raids from outer bases.

Based Jesus saved the day.

Their small penises.

>Did europeans stand any chace against Genghis Khan and the mongol hordes in the early 1200s?

Germany is home to thousands of castles, which makes it difficult to display here. Thus, a full list will not be provided here. Instead this list will be comprised thus:

Maybe they could have taken italy and germany, but i think france and england were too powerful for the mongols.

Maybe you could've eaten a butthole but you'd have gotten poop on yourself. Not like you could tell the difference between your flesh and poop anyway.

The Bulgarians and Magyars did settle permanently in Europe, so I think in many cases it was their purpose.

They settled in central Europe first to raid the west after (or at least the Hungarians did this).

>Huns in charge of killing Mongols

Why does every idiot on this site always bring up castles when this topic comes up? The Mongols had successfully sacked plenty of fortresses during their rampage. Don't believe me? Go fucking do some reading. You have the greatest collection of knowledge ever assembled in the history of mankind at your fingertips, yet you'd rather display total ignorance than to use it.

Yes I'm having a bad day and you're the dog in my path to kick.

Settle down mate

Germany could not be touched without immidiate German coalitions.

large empires on the steppes was nothing new, mongols was just exceptionally large
European warfare was designed for Europe and steppe warefare for the steppes, neither would succeed in the wrong geography

>steppe warfare was designed for the steppes
>Iran is a steppe country

literally this
there was no way any european country could have beaten back a full mongol invasion. poland and north of germany are all flat and no european army would have stood a chance against the mongols there
sure, they wouldn't have been running around taking castles in the forests and the alps, but if they went in determined to massacre 50% of euro population, they would have done it
they had longer range bows and each horseman had 4 horses he switched. they'd just put arrows into your army and keep their distance until the enemies have died to arrows or frustration.
that's why i hate those fucking mongol pussies
i wish i was living in ivan the terrible's time, around when he was taking kazan and astrakhan. i would have really, really enjoyed the mongol removals of that era.

>Anatolia is a steppe region
>Balkans are a steppe region
>Caucasus is a steppe region
>There is nothing but steppes in central Asia

dumb fuck they did many times.

well the mongols wouldn't have given you a battle anywhere other than the flatland
the battle against the turks in anatolia was actually pretty hard for the mongols
as for balkans, the mongols that tried to chase the hungarian king into croatian mounatins got btfo'd in ambushes and mountain skirmishes. also, the mongols also lost to a serbian king when they tried to cross over danube and into the balkans. they did need an open plain to fight well

>There is no steppes or flat lands in Europe


i know they did but they didn't go further after beating the poles and hungarians only because ogedei died. and they didn't really massacre half of europe by the time they got halfway through poland

they got beat by poland and hungary.


Bullshit. Even in their later days mongols gave little to no fuck how big the enemy was or how tough their fortresses were, Hulagu practically sacked whole persia in his lifetime and later Temur Lame did the same.

I'd say the problem was administration and the nomadic lifestyle of mongols themselves making settled rule hard. That's why their main power shifted to ruling china with Yuan dynasty.

>tfw no hulagu khan

>Be Australia
>Be a steppe country

like hell they did
at the time it was the mongol empire, and not splintered khanates doing the invasions, the mongol army massacred both the polish and hungarian army in two battles like 5 days apart

Great China ended in the era of the Song Dynasty.
China after the Mongol invading is no great.

tfw no alfonso III

I agree with you. I can't stand how the mongols are loved nowadays, and like you I've had the exact same fantasy of being a Russian during that era and massacring Mongols to the point of their destruction. They would deserve it.

Why you love vikings but hate mongols?

It was used in very crude canons and guns that shot rocks

I don't like Vikings either. However, I don't hate them anywhere near as much as I hate the Mongols because they are responsible for much less destruction and suffering.

Maygars raided France

less impactful.

"Raided" is the key word, they never managed to properly take hold of anything past Eastern Europe.

>native american genocide
>hiroshima and nagasaki
>ww2 death camps
>gommunism gulags and repressions
>I hate dem mongols they were le barbaric warmongers

Who the hell is loving the Mongols? It's just a simple fact that there wasn't a nation on earth at the time that could have withstood a full on mongol invasion. They were the equivalent of the USA for their era, and Europe was the middle east; just a collection of pissant nations full of religious freaks. Stating the obvious doesn't change the fact that had Genghis and then Ogedai not died, each and every one of us would have some amount of mongol blood in our veins.

Vikings didn't even exist when those things occurred, what are you talking about?

Also with all those things considered, the still Mongols had a greater (and more negative) impact on the world.

>They were the equivalent of the USA for their era, the usa is barely a military power.

I wasn't referring to anyone in this thread.

>The Mongols that conquered more land than any other nation in history wasn't a major military power.

Go back to twatter Trump.

Fantasizing about massacring Russians as a Mongol is way more satisfying tbqhwyf


Vikings actually were a lot less worse than mongols.

Don't know if they were trying to. Western Europe was still poorer than eastern Europe at the time

Vietnam does it again!

Ottoman nomads ( Akıncılar ) did raid Baltics , Central Europe , Italy ( mostly North but couldn't get past Lombardy ).

I would prefer to be a mongol over being a moor desu

At least mongols have based music and shamanic rites while moorish music is basically ear-rape cacophonic

Both are savages. Rome and Egypt were the pinnacle of civilization.


Those were raids, though. They never managed to settle or hold anything past the Balkans and Ukraine.

>Rome and Egypt were the pinnacle of ancient civilization.

Huns got to Germany but never established any sort of permanent settlement anywhere (except the wombs of Swedish women)

Nah, 1700-1900 europe was.

Modern Western civilisation is objectively the best civilisation that has ever existed

there is no ultimate weapon
could do nice job against ranged cavalry simply using archers that will shoot at longer range
but even without it there examples when heavy rus cavalry was lucky to cut through horde straight to their leadres and won battles by killing enemy leaders
so european cavalry also had chance

the might of Genghis was in the fact that he had empire that is able to bring army by numbers and by persantege to whole population much greater then some kingdoms and duches
empire vs kingdom, that's where might is

Huns did , not Magyars. Huns were an altaic tribe that raided Europe , got pope down on his knees while Magyars ( modern day Hungary's descendants ) were an Uralic tribe that settled in of Carpathia. Huns on the other hand just vanished due to death of their Khan. ( Many nomadic Khanates died this way because of the stupid succession laws , in those laws after the death of the Khan , lands would be seperated to East and West and the more powerful heir would rule the East [ because for Central Asian nomads , East were always the better to West ] , so the Khanate splitted and they became an easy target for other Khanates )

Yes however it didn't seem to survive very long.
If you count the first voyage we were really only on top for about 400 years.


Yeah you're right, but I still believe that the last few centuries of civilisation in the Western world have been the greatest of all time, albeit shortlived.

How would Asia look like today if Genghis Khan was never born?

They would easily be assimilated if they were to settle down , that's why nomads never settled the lands they conquered.
For example one of the legendary Turkic Khans , Mete Khan ( Modu Chanyu in chinese archives ) did conquer China but forbid anyone to settle there as they would %100 be assimilated if they were to settle in China since China had a SHITTON of people.

Try to hold a hill with your beloved horse archers and see how that goes.

It would be Indias fuckboy and probably a lot more muslims. Also Middle east would probably be a lot more stronger today.

Hail the mighty Vietnam!

That's the fault of the English languege. Magyars and Huns are entirely different.

I specifically said maygars though

Otherway around. India was dominated by turks for a thousand years

We'd all be Muslim.

Fuck off lindybeige

No such thing.

There are many different religions in the Horde, user. There are Muslim, Nestorian, shamanistic, etc.

Jesus christ...

Thank god for BASED Genghis Khan laying the smackdown on those muslims.

I'm converting to Islam.

Mongols rarely used gunpowder in field battles. That said it would be very difficult for the mongols to conquer past Hungary since they suck in terrain that didn't favor horse archers. i.e. Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam

The Industrial Revolution might have started somewhere in China. Of course, China as we know it probably wouldn't exist and it would be a bunch of smaller nations instead. Or they might have just stayed feudal even without the mongols wrecking their shit up, and the world would look pretty much the same. Who knows.

I am telling you ameribro , Magyars didn't raid shit. They just settled in Carpathia and became Europeanised. But for some retarded reason English called them Hungarians or Huns , which is even more retarded if you consider even Hungarians call theirselves Magyars
That guy is a special retard , in his opinion only way to beat horse archers is to own foot archers because he thinks horse archers have less range than the foot archers ( which is terribly wrong since Turkic short bow is holding the record for the most powerful punch ).

Ghengis Khan was a genius. He used that genius for slaughter and rape.

Did mongols really rape a lot?

Probably no more than any other conquering nation at the time. But they did wipe out entire civilizations when they got mad.

Combined Roman and Frankish armies pushed them back for good though

No dude re read the article. The Maygars raids end in 955 in western Europe. The Huns were hundreds of years before

After 90 years the hre beat them. Which convinced them to settle down. They still attacked the east for another 25 years

>But they did wipe out entire civilizations when they got mad.

Literally age of empires 2 tier

Ur dumb man

It ain't me start playing

hungarians did raid western europe, too