ITT: characters whose demeanors you try to emulate irl

ITT: characters whose demeanors you try to emulate irl

Other urls found in this thread:

you sound autistic

can you fucking not


Fuck off normies. Go post on Facebook.

i have the accent and a poor hairline

just wish i had those slick ass duds

What did this poster mean by this?


swing and a miss


>There are actually people like this who would rather try and emulate others rather than act naturally and be themselves

I'm being serious tho. Most people just act like themselves and don't try to act like a character. I used to do that when I was ten.

That's boring

Though I come off more as Rick Sanchez as opposed to this man.

you are somebody elses bitch

>I'm a cuck I'm a cuck I'm a cuck

THATS how you sound!

NEVER post in my presence again unless you agree with me, and NEVER think you are a true memer like us.

Sarcastic and jovial, like most people anyways

Living a lie, alcoholic, broken inside, like most people

Physically broken, fucking his sister, like most people.

We're all these men.

Sam Hyde

>image title

I was wondering where it was when I was looking for it the othe rday.

literally me

>le cuck
>le memer xD
fuck off nerd you are the reason Sup Forums is turning to shit

Although I agree being yourself is best, sometimes acting is fun.

EPIC cuckpost bro. Reported for underage redditor.


>literally me
Pseudo Intellectual
White trash
No friends

>oh yea, don't eat anything between now and tomorrow

Literally me.

Literally me

Is this a thinly disguised times you acted like driver thread?

you are trying way too hard

I try to be emotionless
I try to do my job the best I can
I have no real life, no friends, no lovers
I live vicariously through movies

He's James Spader from Secretary? I'm half expecting to see him tell her to eat 4 peas.

Found the cuck

Then the topic is "What character is most like you?", normal.

Use Akabur if you need a machine to think for you, which is likely

200% this

I too am intelligent nihilist with a wicked sense of humor.




I'm a five star man

Literally me.



the strong, silent, gabagool type

Unironically this. I even got the same haircut.

I don't need to pretend

Started doing it subconsciously because he's my favorite character.

Do you drink milkshakes?

actually me

All the time