Star Trek

I'm new to Star Trek, and there's like 7 series.
Which one's the best for newfags?

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Start from the beginning. You'll appreciate it more when you make up your own mind about the respective quality of each series.

Watch The Next Generation first.

Do I need to watch the TV series or can I watch the movies first? I'm talking about the oldschool movies not the new reboots.

You should watch TOS first before watching the movies

Just TOS?

that depends, do you like classic TV shows from the 60's/70's? If so, start with TOS, if not start with TNG

Classic TV shows make me bored inside.


The original series is great. You could also watch the Blu-Ray versions of TOS with the updated effects I guess, they're not horribly done.

TNG is more friendly to viewers who haven't seen a lot of Trek though.

If you're a shit-eating millenial without half an attention span, you're going to hate Star Trek anyone. It's a very high-minded show.

Enterprise is the only series aside from TOS that takes place before the movie Generations, however it is the last series made, so if you're going to watch up until Generations, you don't need any of the other series to get anything like the inter-crew relations, character histories, etc.

If you're going to watch Generations or the movies after it, you could watch TNG and Voyager/Deep Space 9 My personal favourite is Voyager, but don't admit that or you're going to be called a faggot despite pic related but the way those movies are made, you don't really need to watch the series to get them.

This is partially because the movies establish what they need to, and partially because the amount of things they contradict from TNG in particular is about equal to the stuff that enhances the viewing experience with knowledge of those 3 series.

Star Trek is and has always been about humans punching aliens in their fucking faces, sometimes using diplomacy.

He'll probably love the Abrams movies.

>Enterprise is the only series aside from TOS that takes place before the movie Generations
The television series TNG takes place before the movie Generations.

Ignore this post, it is inaccurate in parts, and the parts which aren't inaccurate are still misleading or unhelpful (because it's better for you if you aren't even aware that Enterprise exists at this point in your relationship with Star Trek).

Just do it.

Other than Kathryn "I'm just jealous of Ransom, I wish I didn't lie to the crew or else I would use these sub-space bats to get us home quicker but that would be mutiny" Janeway..

Voyager is great, has some really good stand-alone episodes and actually feels more like Trek than Enterprise even though I love Enterprise as well.

Hm, apparently I missphrased it.

What I meant to say, was that Enterprise along with TOS is the only series that takes place before the start of Generations, which is to say, it is the only series aside from TOS that takes place before every movie released before Generations.

Also yeah. Enterprise you could/should skip, hence me pointing out it's the last one made and has as such no bearing on the movies.

Do it.


I get what you mean, but I like Janeway exactly because she's not right.

Hell, a lot of episodes are about characters or the crew at large not being right, good examples being Tuvix and Nothing Human, where it's largely about there being no good option and the crew/parts of the crew act not because it is the "right thing to do" but because it is what they can live with/think they could live with.

>Motion Picture
>Importance: Minor
Not saying it's wrong, even though it's my favourite. But I really wish that bit about V'Ger creating the Borg halfway by accident that was established by a few books and the game "Legacy" was canon.

I agree about Janeway being strong, it's just her overall arc and evolution seems antithetical to that of a Starfleet captain.

Other than that, I've learned to come to terms with episodes not favourited by others like Threshold simply because the good ones make up for it.

Also, wish we could've kept the Equinox for a few episodes more or have them stranded then return because Ransom was an excellent character.

Strong = Wrong

watch the new movies

Voyager was the first Trek I watched all the way through and I still enjoyed it enough to watch the other series.

It had the misfortune of coming out during/after DS9, which got much more compelling as it went on because of the broader story arc. Voyager acted like it was promising the same thing, but it wound up using the whole stranded shtick as a weak frame as it quickly devolved into aliens of the week episodes.

It also lacked the intrigue of DS9's politics. The biggest threat facing Voyager was the Borg, who are just a force of nature without much in the way of surprising twists and new tactics. The other factions Voyager encountered more than once just popped up in "Hey remember these guys!" episodes.


I'd say TNG, TOS, DS9, and Voyager and Enterprise if you dig it.

Most the movies are shit but a few are great and most worth watching at least.

I'd add a footnote that they might want to just hit the highlights of TOS or even skip it altogether if they're not digging it. The 60s camp and cheese doesn't gel with a lot of people, especially if they fell in love with TNG first.

Daily reminder that Voyagerms are pedophiliac SCUM.

>2D map of space



Spacetime is a flat circle.

3D imaging is possible if they utilized CBS' online grids.

The mapping on the STO universe is exhilaratingly accurate.

Works fine if you're only including settled and other significant planets. The galaxy is roughly discus-shaped. Cut out the noise and you can at least get things relatively close when you ignore the smallest axis.

Anyone else like the reboot movies? Sure they're silly and full of plot holes but they were sure as hell entertaining the whole way through.

There are a handful of TOS episodes even worth watching. The rest are just disco retro bullshit. You can get by with watching the the first 3 or 4 TOS Episodes and then the top 5 tos episodes and be done with it, then go straight into the TOS movies. The first 2 seasons of Generations are pretty rocky. If it weren't for the Doctor and 7 of 9 I wouldn't even bother with Voyager. DS9 has the absolute best character progression of any star trek show bar none and a beautiful diversity of character types and personalities. Enterprise is a prequel. That's about the best I can say about it.

Your opinions are tantamount to mine.
Therefore, I respect them.
DS9 proves that the characters are what drives the show, no matter how much highfalutin theoretical physics you inject into the storyline, you need characters that are representative of something real, even if they are very alien in both looks and personality.
Hell, if you think about it, Quark, Dukat, Garak, Damar.. other than Miles, I'd say they are more human than the rest of the senior staff on the show and even more interesting all around.
Prove me wrong Voyagerms.

What's funny is that you probably don't consider yourself a millennial despite being in your 20s.

I'm 30 and technically a millenial, though I missed the boat on the 0 attention span, nose always in your phone thing that so many people do these days by a little bit. It probably helps that I live in a backwoods place where shit moves a little slower.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Start with TNG or TOS depending which you think you'll find easier to get into. Then watch the other one.
Then watch DS9.
Then Voyager if you need more.
Then ENT if you really need more.
Watch the movies after their counter part tv series if you want to. At the very least watch Wrath of Khan at some point.


Babylon 5 ^:)

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come to quark's this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about him? Ideas?

Okay, here goes..
So basically I have a penis and a scrotum holding two ovular balls called testes.
Now these testes connect to what's known as the prostate gland through a duct called the vas deferens.
Stay with me, okay? Now here, in the prostate, a fluid is secreted and expelled with a fertilizer, so to speak, called sperm.
They combine to form a mixture excretion called semen.
When in a state of sexual arousal, the penis, that long but limp shaft you see here, hardens via a balloon effect that increases the flow of blood within it.
As the intercourse of my species reaches it's "critical state", the prostate expels the semen through a duct that leads to the urethral opening, or the end of my penis, and expels it out into our female's vagina.
I could show you how this actualized if you are interested.

Is Shatner actually a huge douche like I've heard?

Proper viewing order:

TOS > Star Trek 1-6 > TNG > Generations > DS9 > First Contact > Voyager > Enterprise > Abrams Trek

Skip Insurrection and Nemesis

Start with voyager. It's the best and most consistent series with the deepest characters.

I started with Voyager but after finishing it I can't watch the older ones, they just feel too.. stiff and boring.

>My personal favourite is Voyager, but don't admit that or you're going to be called a faggot despite pic related
>I have a persecution complex

What version of the ship is that? It's not from TOS or the original movies and it's not Nu-Trek, is it a fan made thing?

He has a face like a bloated asshole.

He did it the madman.

Janeway shredded the timeline so completely she even had the time police pay her a visit.

*read on okcupid

Quark in Vortex: Paranoia must run in your species, Odo. Maybe that's why no one has seen another shapeshifter; they're all hiding!

My mind exploded

So if all the shapeshifters live in a planet-sized pool then if one of them wanted a wank it's be pretty obvious.
A physical cock forming on the surface of the liquid while a hand emerges to tug it off.

>Not just watching in production order
Why even bother with other series if you can't appreciate TOS?

Because unlike the other shows, TOS has no value or relevance today beyond pleasant/cheesy nostalgia.

Watch movies II, III, IV and VI, watch Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, preferably in broadcast order.

Watch First Contact after you finish Next Generation.

TOS is fucking great, I'm nearly done with season 2 right now. It's my first time watching Star Trek too. The Bluray version looks nice.


Start with TOS and if you don't like it jump to TNG season 3 and if you still aren't impressed skip to DS9 and if you still don't like it then go watch Star Wars



Stop with the stupid bumps. If the thread is going to die, let it die, we don't need to have Le Ebin Permanent General

Don't like it? Just close the thread.