/got/ general

Sansa Stark, the Goddess of Beauty


Azor Jon!

Some people are so shit at drawing


7th for Valyrian Steel Armor


What a fucking art

Fuck off

Friendly reminder that based Aerys wasn't paranoid or mad, he just had a lot of enemies conspiring against him and his dynasty, not to mention Bran commanding him to burn the white walkers. Everything else is the lies of usurper dogs.




Nth for CIA's wife

>using the jpg


they look so happy together

Meera will never be the big spoon

>this phoneposter that can only save one "meme" /got/ image at a time is still posting

fuck off would ya?

R+L= scvgerhbcssdgg

That is cool and all guys but lets be real...
After everyone kills eachother Tyrion will sit on the Iron Throne with a dragon he always wanted since he was a young boy. This will happen and its going to be a wild ride.

First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.

1st for maisie

D+D = T confirmed

Dude ended up drawing Adam Driver instead. Post more shitty fan art.

nth for frogfu

>They actually signed it


Anyone here seen the episode 10 final scene leak, I can't find the full webm anywhere.

>who is the mystery character?

Nothing tops this one, EVER

Jon of the Black, Jon Black, Jack Black's evil twin brother.

Nope lel

I only have the ones that have been posted here


yo, can you die in a fire? thx

>draws littlefinger
>thinks he actually has little fingers

Adult Bran who is time-traveling.

The thing with this one is that I like how the perspective is fucked up. Westerosi art can't into perspective so I like the idea of the fan-art reflecting that. It's still a shit image though.

Someone post the Runescape version.

Aegon confirmed


this one isn't awful, I can't understand how he would completely botch Bobby B's weapon though.

And, again, can someone post the art where Jaime is throwing Bran out the window and beating off. Its not bad though, its the best.

this one?

Why is bobby b so skinny?

>do a flip

>there will never be an adaptation with prime Ahnuld as Jaime
suffering lads

Thank you so much. Its as beautiful as I remembered.

daddy bolton

Holy shit! The actor was in other shows/movies???

This show is absolute trash; absolute pedalled garbage. It panders to the lowest common denominator and dregs of society, sacrificing substance for base appeal, not risking anything but rather applying cliche tropes overriding the show’s uniqueness. Which is honestly an articulate way of saying it is generic bland crap wasting its potential as the seasons drudge on.

These two hack Jew producers haven’t the slightest clue in the direction they’re taking things after deviating heavily from George R.R. Martin’s literature. Each scene is painful to watch as the actors are forced to ramble on in 21st century vernacular.

Someone [GRRM] who's fundamentally anti-religious, anti-feudalistic wouldn't have his magnum opus be some pedalled story of religion, Azor Ahai and prophecy full of tropes and simply a chosen one defeating the Others and bringing harmonious balance; it's going to be so much more than that and even throw all that out the window when the Others and Children make their return and ultimately the epilogue for ASOIAF should break the Kingdoms and core of feudalism entirely, as it breaks the mould of genre fiction. The show has no indication of remaining faithful to the source material but continues to be absolute pandered bullshit catering to faggots.

>more dick jokes
>let’s play a drinking game!
>ebin stronk female caricatures
>Cut all the history and intricate politics (e.g. Riverland sieges and negotiations from AFfC, notion of the history of Blackfyres and their impact on the world – Bittersteel (Golden Company), Brynden Rivers role, Daemon)
>Cut or completely butcher all real player’s plots (e.g. Wyman Manderly, Doran)
>Neglect the true puppet masters who manipulate everything from behind the scenes throughout history (e.g. Bloodraven/Children, Quaithe)

And you fags enjoy this mind numbing horseshit. This show turned into a fucking sitcom years ago and you should all kill yourselves for watching it.

Howland Reed obviously.

roose bowlton


>dat Christina Applegate Cersei

kek Fat Man's fanboi having a meltdown

Posting elite Mace

Is this a new "le GRRM sucks meme"? Cuz if so, I disagree, valyrian steel armor is based as fuck.

But I can see Euron being burned by dragons from a mile away.

He's right

So, the hound will the be in the next episode ?

How can one man be so fabulous?

Fucking Kael

nigga look like a donkey lmao

Huh? No. At least I don't think. Our boy Euron has fucking Valyrian steel armor. #rare #based

Reduces interest rates
>through song

absolute madman

Did we ever see anyone reacting to the death of Merryn Trant?

>implying ASOIAF is actually good.

It's fucking Twilight of the fantasy genre


Nice job retard

Retards always bring up *farts*
As if back in that era murder, rape and men being men didnt exist. Besides its a fucking fantasy series. Complaining about "stronk woman" is the same as complaining about magic and dragons. Ya its not like the woman in the show dont get raped or turned into whores or anything.
If you dont like it dont watch it and stop bitching. Your wall of text isnt going to change anything about the show. Try being more optimistic cry baby.

Gurm is not anti-religious.

>work as a cleaner at the Red Keep
>get a call one night for an urgent job
>seems like the King made a mess in his bedroom
>you're ask to tidy it up without anyone knowing
>go in there and see this
wat do?

But does he have a lava arm?

I think that would be anti-climactic as fuck. I know some people like to follow the whole, no good or bad guys, or subverting fantasy tropes, narrative. But I want to see Euron outlast the others by profiting off of them, taking their magic, using it against them, becoming a hero, and then trying to make his hell world out of westeros.

And names his new country after himself.


>its actually a history book.


In order to defeat the Waif, Arya must submit to her. She must feel the rod against her back, leaving swollen red marks, she must crawl on the stone to kiss the Waif's feet, she must allow the Waif to spit on her and demean her, to beat her and abuse her.

Only through submission can Arya claim victory and pass her test. She must be disciplined and brutalized, told how worthless she is, spat on, stepped on, beaten senseless.

The Waif will look down on her, smugly, and know that the job is done. When Arya knows her place, she will truly become a Faceless Man.

holy shit he's not anti-religious like SJWs are, he's saying that religion and politics shouldn't mix, and things like prophecies are bogus perpetuated by charlatans

>implying the Middle Ages didn't have strong women
Shit tier education bruh.

>>ebin stronk female caricatures
They've literally confirmed dragon slut is turning into fantasy hitler

>these people exist

Nah, my pasta does a pretty good job at exposing the leddit tards on Sup Forums that thinks episode 6 was a 10/10

Don't cut yourself on that edge, son.

The show is average and was never going to live up to the clusterfuck that is the book series.

A reminder that the /Highgarden/ master plan is in motion

Woah dude

There's still time.

and on number one...

>Valyrian steel armor

Another contrived and convenient plot gift.

>The show is average

How generous of you

How old is the waif supposed to be? In the show and the books?

why is tommen so fucking retarded?

What are you even saying?

>If you dont like it dont watch it

This is a piss-poor retort, can we collectively stop doing this? Please!


In the books she's 40 but looks like a 15 year old girl. Not sure about the show.


Not sure how old she is in the show, but

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels Arya dubs this woman as "the waif" for her appearance. She appears to be a pale little girl with a gaunt bony face and dark eyes that look as big as saucers.

The waif was the only child of an ancient noble house, her father's heir. Her mother died when she was little. When she was six years old her father remarried. Her stepmother treated her well until she gave birth to a daughter of her own. Her stepmother then wanted the waif to die, so her own daughter would inherit the waif's father's wealth. The stepmother approached the House of Black and White, but could not bear the sacrifice asked of her. She then tried to poison the waif. She did not succeed. When the healer in the House of the Red Hands told the waif's father what the stepmother had done, her father offered a sacrifice of two thirds of his wealth and the waif to the Many-Faced God for his wife to receive "the gift" of the god - death. His prayer was answered and the waif came to the House of Black and White to serve.

The poison, however, stunted her growth, causing her small and boney appearance - she only looks like a young child, but is actually 36 years old.

no. allegedly some braavosi speaks of it while arya is in the streets, i never could hear it

In the books she is supposes to look like a little girl.

ah good point. i forgot about that

who /teamhighsparrow/ here?

Yes, watch the episode 5 + 6 making of, at the end, the director compares her to Hitler outright.

She actually describes her plan as destroying their history, structures, and killing the people. And we've seen what the dothraki do to the people they've conquered. Also we've seen what knights in armor do to Horselords.

For the others,
Also Brienne is supposed to be half unlikeable and a real bitch. He is an asshole on a high horse, but he is a moral character. I for one, really like the big bitch.

Cersei is an asshole who is only being set up to die.

Sansa is still under little fingers thumb.

No its a fucking perfect retort. If i dislike a tv series i stop watching. Why watch it and then fucking complain on an anime forum board? Wheres the logic? Do you think D&D is reading your post?

where is that pic from

png will automatically save as jpg on mobile, fgt

Based Euron will purge the world of religion


ITT - whining little babies.

>waaah waaah waaah Euron doesn't have an eye-patch!

>waaah waaah waaah they call her Yara not Asha!

>waaah waaah waaah Dany scares me because I'm a virgin!

>waaah waaah waaah Arya is half an inch taller than she should be!

>waaah waaah waaah The Mad King's fingernails were not long enough in that one second flashback!


Maegor a shit who couldn't even have any children